blob: c4d10e2ffa327d551c0ec369f090e3c80d7af064 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build android
package security
import (
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -ljniwrapper
// #include "jni_wrapper.h"
import "C"
// NewPrivateID creates an instance of security.PrivateID that uses the provided
// Java PrivateID as its underlying implementation.
// NOTE: Because CGO creates package-local types and because this method may be
// invoked from a different package, Java types are passed in an empty interface
// and then cast into their package local types.
func NewPrivateID(jEnv, jPrivID interface{}) security.PrivateID {
env := (*C.JNIEnv)(unsafe.Pointer(util.PtrValue(jEnv)))
jPrivateID := C.jobject(unsafe.Pointer(util.PtrValue(jPrivID)))
// We cannot cache Java environments as they are only valid in the current
// thread. We can, however, cache the Java VM and obtain an environment
// from it in whatever thread happens to be running at the time.
var jVM *C.JavaVM
if status := C.GetJavaVM(env, &jVM); status != 0 {
panic("couldn't get Java VM from the (Java) environment")
// Create Go Signer.
signer := newSigner(env, jPrivateID)
// Reference Java PrivateID; it will be de-referenced when the Go PrivateID
// created below is garbage-collected (through the finalizer callback we
// setup just below).
jPrivateID = C.NewGlobalRef(env, jPrivateID)
// Create Go PrivateID.
id := &privateID{
Signer: signer,
jVM: jVM,
jPrivateID: jPrivateID,
runtime.SetFinalizer(id, func(id *privateID) {
envPtr, freeFunc := util.GetEnv(id.jVM)
env := (*C.JNIEnv)(envPtr)
defer freeFunc()
C.DeleteGlobalRef(env, id.jPrivateID)
return id
type privateID struct {
jVM *C.JavaVM
jPrivateID C.jobject
func (id *privateID) PublicID() security.PublicID {
envPtr, freeFunc := util.GetEnv(id.jVM)
env := (*C.JNIEnv)(envPtr)
defer freeFunc()
jPublicID := C.jobject(util.CallObjectMethodOrCatch(env, id.jPrivateID, "publicID", nil, publicIDSign))
publicIDPtr := util.CallLongMethodOrCatch(env, jPublicID, "getNativePtr", nil)
return (*(*security.PublicID)(util.Ptr(publicIDPtr)))
func (id *privateID) Bless(blessee security.PublicID, blessingName string, duration time.Duration, caveats []security.ServiceCaveat) (security.PublicID, error) {
envPtr, freeFunc := util.GetEnv(id.jVM)
env := (*C.JNIEnv)(envPtr)
defer freeFunc()
util.GoRef(&blessee) // Un-refed when the Java blessee object created below is finalized.
jBlessee := C.jobject(util.NewObjectOrCatch(env, jPublicIDImplClass, []util.Sign{util.LongSign}, &blessee))
jDuration := C.jobject(util.NewObjectOrCatch(env, jDurationClass, []util.Sign{util.LongSign}, int64(duration.Seconds()*1000)))
jServiceCaveats := newJavaServiceCaveatArray(env, caveats)
sCaveatSign := util.ClassSign("")
durationSign := util.ClassSign("org.joda.time.Duration")
jPublicID, err := util.CallObjectMethod(env, id.jPrivateID, "bless", []util.Sign{publicIDSign, util.StringSign, durationSign, util.ArraySign(sCaveatSign)}, publicIDSign, jBlessee, blessingName, jDuration, jServiceCaveats)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
publicIDPtr := util.CallLongMethodOrCatch(env, jPublicID, "getNativePtr", nil)
return (*(*security.PublicID)(util.Ptr(publicIDPtr))), nil
func (id *privateID) Derive(publicID security.PublicID) (security.PrivateID, error) {
envPtr, freeFunc := util.GetEnv(id.jVM)
env := (*C.JNIEnv)(envPtr)
defer freeFunc()
util.GoRef(&publicID) // Un-refed when the Java PublicID object created below is finalized.
jPublicID := C.jobject(util.NewObjectOrCatch(env, jPublicIDImplClass, []util.Sign{util.LongSign}, &publicID))
privateIDSign := util.ClassSign("")
jPrivateID, err := util.CallObjectMethod(env, id.jPrivateID, "derive", []util.Sign{publicIDSign}, privateIDSign, jPublicID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewPrivateID(env, C.jobject(jPrivateID)), nil
func (id *privateID) MintDischarge(caveat security.ThirdPartyCaveat, context security.Context, duration time.Duration, caveats []security.ServiceCaveat) (security.ThirdPartyDischarge, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("MintDischarge currently not implemented.")