blob: a6e599c9c6da975ae9ffdd24e61806afe19f5226 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build android
package security
import (
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -ljniwrapper
// #include "jni_wrapper.h"
import "C"
// newServiceCaveatArray converts a Java ServiceCaveat array into a Go ServiceCaveat array.
func newServiceCaveatArray(env *C.JNIEnv, jServiceCaveats C.jobjectArray) []security.ServiceCaveat {
length := int(C.GetArrayLength(env, C.jarray(jServiceCaveats)))
sCaveats := make([]security.ServiceCaveat, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
jServiceCaveat := C.GetObjectArrayElement(env, jServiceCaveats, C.jsize(i))
jBlessingPattern := C.jobject(util.CallObjectMethodOrCatch(env, jServiceCaveat, "getServices", nil, util.ClassSign("")))
services := util.CallStringMethodOrCatch(env, jBlessingPattern, "getValue", nil)
jCaveat := C.jobject(util.CallObjectMethodOrCatch(env, jServiceCaveat, "getCaveat", nil, util.ClassSign("")))
// TODO(spetrovic): we get native pointer for PublicID and it works because the plan is for
// PublicID to be an interface with only a few implementations in veyron2: folks aren't
// supposed to create their own PublicID implementations. Caveat is different in that
// people are supposed to create their own Caveat implementation and the servers are
// supposed to be able to understand these custom Caveats. So we really won't have
// access to native caveats here, which means we have to provide a way to Vom-Encode/Decode
// them from Java and then un-serialize them into a Java object.
caveatPtr := util.CallLongMethodOrCatch(env, jCaveat, "getNativePtr", nil)
caveat := (*(*security.Caveat)(util.Ptr(caveatPtr)))
sCaveats[i] = security.ServiceCaveat{
Service: security.BlessingPattern(services),
Caveat: caveat,
return sCaveats
// newJavaServiceCaveatArray converts a Go ServiceCaveat array into a Java ServiceCaveat array.
func newJavaServiceCaveatArray(env *C.JNIEnv, sCaveats []security.ServiceCaveat) C.jobjectArray {
jServiceCaveats := C.NewObjectArray(env, C.jsize(len(sCaveats)), jServiceCaveatClass, nil)
for i, sCaveat := range sCaveats {
caveat := sCaveat.Caveat
util.GoRef(&caveat) // Un-refed when the Java Caveat object is finalized.
jCaveat := C.jobject(util.NewObjectOrCatch(env, jCaveatImplClass, []util.Sign{util.LongSign}, &caveat))
services := string(sCaveat.Service)
jPattern := C.jobject(util.NewObjectOrCatch(env, jBlessingPatternClass, []util.Sign{util.StringSign}, services))
patternSign := util.ClassSign("")
caveatSign := util.ClassSign("")
jServiceCaveat := C.jobject(util.NewObjectOrCatch(env, jServiceCaveatClass, []util.Sign{patternSign, caveatSign}, jPattern, jCaveat))
C.SetObjectArrayElement(env, jServiceCaveats, C.jsize(i), jServiceCaveat)
return jServiceCaveats