blob: b9a9c7bb7bbd43406c5a0ccc4bcd347889fd438b [file] [log] [blame]
// Implements an identity manager that maps origins to veyron identities. Each instance
// of wspr is expected to have only one user at a time that will be signed in. In this case,
// the user means the person using the app. Each user may use many different names, which in
// practice will be done by having multiple accounts across many identity providers (i.e google,
// facebook,etc). This is similar to having a master identity that is linked to multiple identities
// in today's technology. For each app/origin, the user may choose which name to provide that app,
// which results in a blessed identity for that app. Each blessed identity will have a different
// private key and ideally, all accounts will share the same private key, but for now they are also
// separate. The identity manager only serializes the mapping of app to account and the account
// information, but not the private keys for each app.
// TODO(bjornick,ataly,ashankar): Have all the accounts share the same private key which will be stored
// in a TPM, so no private key gets serialized to disk.
package identity
import (
// permissions is a set of a permissions given to an app, containing the account
// the app has access to and the caveats associated with it.
type permissions struct {
// The account name that is given to an app.
Account string
Caveats []security.ServiceCaveat
// persistentState is the state of the manager that will be persisted to disk.
type persistentState struct {
// A mapping of origins to the permissions provide for the origin (such as
// caveats and the account given to the origin)
Origins map[string]permissions
// A set of accounts that maps from a name to the account.
Accounts map[string]security.PrivateID
// Serializer is a factory for managing the readers and writers used by the
// IDManager for serialization and deserialization
type Serializer interface {
// Readers returns io.Readers for reading the IDManager's serialized
// data and its signature.
Readers() (data io.Reader, signature io.Reader, err error)
// Writers returns io.WriteClosers for writing the IDManager's
// serialized data and integrity its signature.
Writers() (data io.WriteCloser, signature io.WriteCloser, err error)
var OriginDoesNotExist = verror.NotFoundf("origin not found")
// IDManager manages app identities. We only serialize the accounts associated with
// this id manager and the mapping of apps to permissions that they were given.
type IDManager struct {
mu sync.Mutex
state persistentState
// The runtime that will be used to create new identities
rt veyron2.Runtime
serializer Serializer
// NewIDManager creates a new IDManager by reading it from the serializer passed in.
// serializer can't be nil
func NewIDManager(rt veyron2.Runtime, serializer Serializer) (*IDManager, error) {
result := &IDManager{
rt: rt,
state: persistentState{
Origins: map[string]permissions{},
Accounts: map[string]security.PrivateID{},
serializer: serializer,
data, signature, err := serializer.Readers()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vr, err := serialization.NewVerifyingReader(data, signature, rt.Identity().PublicKey())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if vr == nil {
// No serialized data exists, returning aan empty IDManager.
return result, nil
if err := vom.NewDecoder(vr).Decode(&result.state); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
func (i *IDManager) save() error {
data, signature, err := i.serializer.Writers()
if err != nil {
return err
swc, err := serialization.NewSigningWriteCloser(data, signature, i.rt.Identity(), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := vom.NewEncoder(swc).Encode(i.state); err != nil {
return err
return swc.Close()
// Identity returns the identity for an origin. Returns OriginDoesNotExist if
// there is no identity for the origin.
func (i *IDManager) Identity(origin string) (security.PrivateID, error) {
perm, found := i.state.Origins[origin]
if !found {
return nil, OriginDoesNotExist
blessedID, err := i.generateBlessedID(origin, perm.Account, perm.Caveats)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return blessedID, nil
// AccountsMatching returns a list of accounts that match the given pattern.
func (i *IDManager) AccountsMatching(trustedRoot security.BlessingPattern) []string {
result := []string{}
for name, id := range i.state.Accounts {
if trustedRoot.MatchedBy(id.PublicID().Names()...) {
result = append(result, name)
return result
// AddAccount associates a PrivateID with an account name.
func (i *IDManager) AddAccount(name string, id security.PrivateID) error {
old, existed := i.state.Accounts[name]
i.state.Accounts[name] = id
if err :=; err != nil {
delete(i.state.Accounts, name)
if existed {
i.state.Accounts[name] = old
return err
return nil
// AddOrigin adds an origin to the manager linked to a the given account.
func (i *IDManager) AddOrigin(origin string, account string, caveats []security.ServiceCaveat) error {
if _, found := i.state.Accounts[account]; !found {
return verror.NotFoundf("unknown account %s", account)
old, existed := i.state.Origins[origin]
i.state.Origins[origin] = permissions{account, caveats}
if err :=; err != nil {
delete(i.state.Origins, origin)
if existed {
i.state.Origins[origin] = old
return err
return nil
func (i *IDManager) generateBlessedID(origin string, account string, caveats []security.ServiceCaveat) (security.PrivateID, error) {
blessor := i.state.Accounts[account]
if blessor == nil {
return nil, verror.NotFoundf("unknown account %s", account)
// Origins have the form protocol://hostname:port, which is not a valid
// blessing name. Hence we must url-encode.
name := url.QueryEscape(origin)
blessee, err := i.rt.NewIdentity(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blessed, err := blessor.Bless(blessee.PublicID(), name, 24*time.Hour, caveats)
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.NotAuthorizedf("failed to bless id: %v", err)
if blessee, err = blessee.Derive(blessed); err != nil {
return nil, verror.Internalf("failed to derive private id: %v", err)
return blessee, nil
func init() {