blob: bad1750864bc838523ee3a6ce5b23c2b37a475b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build linux darwin
// Package net provides a network-aware Profile that provides appropriate
// options and configuration for a variety of network configurations, including
// being behind 1-1 NATs, using dhcp and auto-configuration for being on
// Google Compute Engine.
// The config.Publisher mechanism is used for communicating networking
// settings to other components of the application. The Settings stream
// is called "net" (net.StreamName) and the Settings sent over it are
// those defined by the ipc package.
// TODO(cnicolaou): define the settings in the ipc package, not here.
package net
import (
// TODO(cnicolaou): move this to profiles/internal
const (
StreamName = "net"
// TODO(cnicolaou): these will eventually be defined in the veyron2/ipc
// package.
ProtocolSetting = "Protocol"
ListenSpecSetting = "ListenSpec"
AddPublishAddressSetting = "AddPublishAddr"
RmPublishAddressSetting = "RmPublishAddr"
var (
listen_protocol string
listen_addr config.IPFlag
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&listen_protocol, "veyron.protocol", "tcp4", "protocol to listen with")
flag.Var(&listen_addr, "veyron.address", "address to listen on")
type profile struct{}
func (p *profile) Platform() *veyron2.Platform {
platform, _ := profiles.Platform()
return platform
func (p *profile) Name() string {
return "net"
func (p *profile) Runtime() string {
return ""
func (p *profile) String() string {
return "net " + p.Platform().String()
func (p *profile) Init(rt veyron2.Runtime, publisher *config.Publisher) {
log := rt.Logger()
// TODO(cnicolaou): figure out the correct heuristics for using IPv6.
_, _, first := firstUsableIPv4()
if first == nil {
log.Infof("failed to find any usable IP addresses at startup")
public := publicIP(first)
// We now know that there is an IP address to listen on, and whether
// it's public or private.
// Our address is private, so we test for running on GCE
// and for its 1:1 NAT configuration. handleGCE returns true
// if we are indeed running on GCE.
if !public && handleGCE(rt, publisher) {
// Create stream in Init function to avoid a race between any
// goroutines started here and consumers started after Init returns.
ch := make(chan config.Setting)
stop, err := publisher.CreateStream(StreamName, "network configuration", ch)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create publisher: %s", err)
go monitorAndPublishNetworkSettings(rt, stop, ch, listen_protocol, listen_addr.IP.String())
func publishInitialSettings(ch chan<- config.Setting, protocol, listenSpec string, addr net.IP) {
for _, setting := range []config.Setting{
config.NewString(ProtocolSetting, "protocol to listen with", protocol),
config.NewString(ListenSpecSetting, "address spec to listen on", listenSpec),
config.NewIP(AddPublishAddressSetting, "address to publish", addr),
} {
ch <- setting
// monitorNetworkSettings will publish initial Settings and then
// monitor network configuration changes and publish subsequent
// Settings to reflect any changes detected. It will never publish an
// RmPublishAddressSetting without first sending an AddPublishAddressSetting.
func monitorAndPublishNetworkSettings(rt veyron2.Runtime, stop <-chan struct{},
ch chan<- config.Setting,
listenProtocol string, listenSpec string) {
defer close(ch)
log := rt.Logger()
prev4, _, prevAddr := firstUsableIPv4()
// prevAddr may be nil if we are currently offline.
publishInitialSettings(ch, listenProtocol, listenSpec, prevAddr)
// Start the dhcp watcher.
watcher, err := netconfig.NewNetConfigWatcher()
if err != nil {
log.VI(1).Infof("Failed to get new config watcher: %s", err)
for {
select {
case <-watcher.Channel():
cur4, _, _ := ipState()
added := findAdded(prev4, cur4)
ifc, newAddr := added.first()
log.VI(1).Infof("new address found: %s:%s", ifc, newAddr)
removed := findRemoved(prev4, cur4)
if prevAddr == nil || (removed.has(prevAddr) && newAddr != nil) {
log.VI(1).Infof("address change from %s to %s:%s",
prevAddr, ifc, newAddr)
ch <- config.NewIP(AddPublishAddressSetting, "new dhcp address to publish", newAddr)
ch <- config.NewIP(RmPublishAddressSetting, "remove address", prevAddr)
prevAddr = newAddr
case <-stop:
func firstUsableIPv4() (ipAndIf, string, net.IP) {
v4, _, _ := publicIPState()
if v4.empty() {
v4, _, _ = ipState()
ifc, first := v4.first()
return v4, ifc, first