blob: 888e5d1d977ba5403d16f17905ac14d97bf56880 [file] [log] [blame]
* Home action displays the Home page. Home could be status or publish view
* depending on the state of the P2B service.
* @fileoverview
import { Logger } from 'libs/logs/logger'
import { register, trigger } from 'libs/mvc/actions'
import { publish, stopPublishing, state as publishState } from 'services/pipe-to-browser-server'
import { displayError } from 'actions/display-error'
import { addPipeViewer } from 'actions/add-pipe-viewer'
import { PublishView } from 'views/publish/view'
import { StatusView } from 'views/status/view'
import { page } from 'runtime/context'
var log = new Logger('actions/navigate-home-page');
var ACTION_NAME = 'home';
* Registers the home action
export function registerNavigateHomePageAction() {
register(ACTION_NAME, actionHandler);
* Triggers the home action
export function navigateHomePage() {
return trigger(ACTION_NAME);
* Handles the home action.
* @private
function actionHandler() {
log.debug('home action triggered');
var mainView;
// Show status view if already published, otherwise show publish view
if (publishState.published) {
} else {
* Displays the Status view
* @private
function showStatusView() {
// Create a status view and bind (dynamic) publish state with the view
var statusView = new StatusView(publishState);
// Stop when user tells us to stop the service
statusView.onStopAction(() => {
stopPublishing().then(function() {
}).catch((e) => { displayError(e); });
// Display the status view in main content area and select the sidebar item
page.title = 'Status';
page.setSubPageView('home', statusView);
* Displays the Publish view
* @private
function showPublishView() {
// Create a publish view
var publishView = new PublishView();
// Publish p2b when user tells us to do so and then show status page.
publishView.onPublishAction((publishName) => {
publish(publishName, pipeRequestHandler).then(function() {
}).catch((e) => { displayError(e); });
// Display the publish view in main content area and select the sidebar item
page.title = 'Publish';
page.setSubPageView('home', publishView);
* pipeRequestHandler is called by the p2b service whenever a new request comes in.
* We simply delegate to the addPipeViewer action.
* @param {string} name Name of the Pipe Viewer that is requested to play the stream.
* @param {Veyron.Stream} stream Stream of bytes from the p2b client.
* @private
function pipeRequestHandler(name, stream) {
return addPipeViewer(name, stream);