blob: fc8c979d2c46637b09db5c47eaa5ff0bd6913093 [file] [log] [blame]
* Navigates to neighborhood page displaying list of P2B names that are online
* @fileoverview
import { Logger } from 'libs/logs/logger'
import { register, trigger } from 'libs/mvc/actions'
import { displayError } from 'actions/display-error'
import { page } from 'runtime/context'
import { NeighborhoodView } from 'views/neighborhood/view'
import { getAll as getAllPublishedP2BNames } from 'services/pipe-to-browser-namespace'
var log = new Logger('actions/navigate-neighborhood');
var ACTION_NAME = 'neighborhood';
* Registers the action
export function registerNavigateNeigbourhoodAction() {
register(ACTION_NAME, actionHandler);
* Triggers the action
export function navigateNeigbourhood() {
return trigger(ACTION_NAME);
* Handles the action.
* @private
function actionHandler() {
log.debug('navigate neighborhood triggered');
// create an neighborhood view
var neighborhoodView = new NeighborhoodView();
// get all the online names and set it on the view
getAllPublishedP2BNames().then((allNames) => {
neighborhoodView.existingNames = allNames;
}).catch((e) => { displayError(e); });
page.setSubPageView('neighborhood', neighborhoodView);