blob: ac1a342b890072ec08054e56eaf15e19d7149c72 [file] [log] [blame]
package vsync
// Veyron Sync DAG (directed acyclic graph) utility functions.
// The DAG is used to track the version history of objects in order to
// detect and resolve conflicts (concurrent changes on different devices).
// Terminology:
// * An object is a unique value in the Veyron Store represented by its UID.
// * As an object mutates, its version number is updated by the Store.
// * Each (object, version) tuple is represented by a node in the Sync DAG.
// * The previous version of an object is its parent in the DAG, i.e. the
// new version is derived from that parent.
// * When there are no conflicts, the node has a single reference back to
// a parent node.
// * When a conflict between two concurrent object versions is resolved,
// the new version has references back to each of the two parents to
// indicate that it is derived from both nodes.
// * During a sync operation from a source device to a target device, the
// target receives a DAG fragment from the source. That fragment has to
// be incorporated (grafted) into the target device's DAG. It may be a
// continuation of the DAG of an object, with the attachment (graft) point
// being the current head of DAG, in which case there are no conflicts.
// Or the graft point(s) may be older nodes, which means the new fragment
// is a divergence in the graph causing a conflict that must be resolved
// in order to re-converge the two DAG fragments.
// In the diagrams below:
// (h) represents the head node in the local device.
// (nh) represents the new head node received from the remote device.
// (g) represents a graft node, where new nodes attach to the existing DAG.
// <- represents a derived-from mutation, i.e. a child-to-parent pointer
// a- No-conflict example: the new nodes (v3, v4) attach to the head node (v2).
// In this case the new head becomes the head node, the new DAG fragment
// being a continuation of the existing DAG.
// Before:
// v0 <- v1 <- v2(h)
// Sync updates applied, no conflict detected:
// v0 <- v1 <- v2(h,g) <- v3 <- v4 (nh)
// After:
// v0 <- v1 <- v2 <- v3 <- v4 (h)
// b- Conflict example: the new nodes (v3, v4) attach to an old node (v1).
// The current head node (v2) and the new head node (v4) are divergent
// (concurrent) mutations that need to be resolved. The conflict
// resolution function is passed the old head (v2), new head (v4), and
// the common ancestor (v1) and resolves the conflict with (v5) which
// is represented in the DAG as derived from both v2 and v4 (2 parents).
// Before:
// v0 <- v1 <- v2(h)
// Sync updates applied, conflict detected (v2 not a graft node):
// v0 <- v1(g) <- v2(h)
// <- v3 <- v4 (nh)
// After, conflict resolver creates v5 having 2 parents (v2, v4):
// v0 <- v1(g) <- v2 <------- v5(h)
// <- v3 <- v4 <-
// Note: the DAG does not grow indefinitely. During a sync operation each
// device learns what the other device already knows -- where it's at in
// the version history for the objects. When a device determines that all
// devices that sync an object (as per the definitions of replication groups
// in the Veyron Store) have moved past some version for that object, the
// DAG for that object can be pruned, deleting all prior (ancestor) nodes.
// The DAG DB contains two tables persisted to disk (nodes, heads) and
// an in-memory (ephemeral) graft map:
// * nodes: one entry per (object, version) with references to the
// parent node(s) it is derived from, and a reference to the
// log record identifying that change
// * heads: one entry per object pointing to its most recent version
// in the nodes collection
// * graft: during a sync operation, it tracks the nodes where the new
// DAG fragments are attached to the existing graph for each
// mutated object. This map is used to determine whether a
// conflict happened for an object and, if yes, select the most
// recent common ancestor from these graft points to use when
// resolving the conflict. At the end of a sync operation the
// graft map is destroyed.
// Note: for regular (no-conflict) changes, a node has a reference to
// one parent from which it was derived. When a conflict is resolved,
// the new node has references to the two concurrent parents that triggered
// the conflict. The states of the parents[] array are:
// * [] The earliest/first version of an object
// * [XYZ] Regular non-conflict version derived from XYZ
// * [XYZ, ABC] Resolution version caused by XYZ-vs-ABC conflict
import (
type dag struct {
fname string // file pathname
store *kvdb // underlying K/V store
heads *kvtable // pointer to "heads" table in the store
nodes *kvtable // pointer to "nodes" table in the store
graft map[storage.ID]*graftInfo // in-memory state of DAG object grafting
type dagNode struct {
Level uint64 // node distance from root
Parents []storage.Version // references to parent versions
Logrec string // reference to log record change
type graftInfo struct {
newNodes map[storage.Version]struct{} // set of newly added nodes during a sync
graftNodes map[storage.Version]uint64 // set of graft nodes and their level
newHeads map[storage.Version]struct{} // set of candidate new head nodes
// openDAG opens or creates a DAG for the given filename.
func openDAG(filename string) (*dag, error) {
// Open the file and create it if it does not exist.
// Also initialize the store and its two collections.
db, tbls, err := kvdbOpen(filename, []string{"heads", "nodes"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d := &dag{
fname: filename,
store: db,
heads: tbls[0],
nodes: tbls[1],
return d, nil
// close closes the DAG and invalidates its structure.
func (d *dag) close() {
if != nil { // this also closes the tables
*d = dag{} // zero out the DAG struct
// flush flushes the DAG store to disk.
func (d *dag) flush() {
if != nil {
// compact compacts dag's kvdb file.
func (d *dag) compact() error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("invalid DAG")
db, tbls, err :=, []string{"heads", "nodes"})
if err != nil {
return err
} = db
d.heads = tbls[0]
d.nodes = tbls[1]
return nil
// clearGraft clears the temporary in-memory grafting maps.
func (d *dag) clearGraft() {
if != nil {
d.graft = make(map[storage.ID]*graftInfo)
// getObjectGraft returns the graft structure for an object ID.
// The graftInfo struct for an object is ephemeral (in-memory) and it
// tracks the following information:
// - newNodes: the set of newly added nodes used to detect the type of
// edges between nodes (new-node to old-node or vice versa).
// - newHeads: the set of new candidate head nodes used to detect conflicts.
// - graftNodes: the set of nodes used to find common ancestors between
// conflicting nodes.
// After the received Sync logs are applied, if there are two new heads in
// the newHeads set, there is a conflict to be resolved for this object.
// Otherwise if there is only one head, no conflict was triggered and the
// new head becomes the current version for the object.
// In case of conflict, the graftNodes set is used to select the common
// ancestor to pass to the conflict resolver.
// Note: if an object's graft structure does not exist only create it
// if the "create" parameter is set to true.
func (d *dag) getObjectGraft(oid storage.ID, create bool) *graftInfo {
graft := d.graft[oid]
if graft == nil && create {
graft = &graftInfo{
newNodes: make(map[storage.Version]struct{}),
graftNodes: make(map[storage.Version]uint64),
newHeads: make(map[storage.Version]struct{}),
// If a current head node exists for this object, initialize
// the set of candidate new heads to include it.
head, err := d.getHead(oid)
if err == nil {
graft.newHeads[head] = struct{}{}
d.graft[oid] = graft
return graft
// addNode adds a new node for an object in the DAG, linking it to its parent nodes.
// It verifies that this node does not exist and that its parent nodes are valid.
// It also determines the DAG level of the node from its parent nodes (max() + 1).
// If the node is due to a local change (from the Watcher API), no need to
// update the grafting structure. Otherwise the node is due to a remote change
// (from the Sync protocol) being grafted on the DAG:
// - If a parent node is not new, mark it as a DAG graft point.
// - Mark this version as a new node.
// - Update the new head node pointer of the grafted DAG.
func (d *dag) addNode(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version, remote bool, parents []storage.Version, logrec string) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("invalid DAG")
if parents != nil {
if len(parents) > 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot have more than 2 parents, not %d", len(parents))
if len(parents) == 0 {
// Replace an empty array with a nil.
parents = nil
// The new node must not exist.
if d.hasNode(oid, version) {
return fmt.Errorf("node %d:%d already exists in the DAG", oid, version)
// A new root node (no parents) is allowed only for new objects.
if parents == nil {
_, err := d.getHead(oid)
if err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add another root node %d:%d for this object in the DAG", oid, version)
// For a remote change, make sure the object has a graft info entry.
// During a sync operation, each mutated object gets new nodes added
// in its DAG. These new nodes are either derived from nodes that
// were previously known on this device (i.e. their parent nodes are
// pre-existing), or they are derived from other new DAG nodes being
// discovered during this sync (i.e. their parent nodes were also
// just added to the DAG).
// To detect a conflict and find the most recent common ancestor to
// pass to the conflict resolver callback, the DAG keeps track of the
// new nodes that have old parent nodes. These old-to-new edges are
// the points where new DAG fragments are attached (grafted) onto the
// existing DAG. The old nodes are the "graft nodes" and they form
// the set of possible common ancestors to use in case of conflict:
// 1- A conflict happens when the current "head node" for an object
// is not in the set of graft nodes. It means the object mutations
// were not derived from what the device knows, but where divergent
// changes from a prior point (from one of the graft nodes).
// 2- The most recent common ancestor to use in resolving the conflict
// is the object graft node with the deepest level (furthest from
// the origin root node), representing the most up-to-date common
// knowledge between this device and the divergent changes.
// Note: at the end of a sync operation between 2 devices, the whole
// graft info is cleared (Syncd calls clearGraft()) to prepare it for
// the new pairwise sync operation.
graft := d.getObjectGraft(oid, remote)
// Verify the parents and determine the node level.
// Update the graft info in the DAG for this object.
var level uint64
for _, parent := range parents {
node, err := d.getNode(oid, parent)
if err != nil {
return err
if level <= node.Level {
level = node.Level + 1
if remote {
// If this parent is an old node, it's a graft point in the DAG
// and may be a common ancestor used during conflict resolution.
if _, ok := graft.newNodes[parent]; !ok {
graft.graftNodes[parent] = node.Level
// The parent nodes can no longer be candidates for new head versions.
if _, ok := graft.newHeads[parent]; ok {
delete(graft.newHeads, parent)
if remote {
// This new node is a candidate for new head version.
graft.newNodes[version] = struct{}{}
graft.newHeads[version] = struct{}{}
// Insert the new node in the kvdb.
node := &dagNode{Level: level, Parents: parents, Logrec: logrec}
return d.setNode(oid, version, node)
// hasNode returns true if the node (oid, version) exists in the DAG.
func (d *dag) hasNode(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version) bool {
if == nil {
return false
key := objNodeKey(oid, version)
return d.nodes.hasKey(key)
// addParent adds to the DAG node (oid, version) linkage to this parent node.
// If the parent linkage is due to a local change (from conflict resolution
// by blessing an existing version), no need to update the grafting structure.
// Otherwise a remote change (from the Sync protocol) updates the graft.
// TODO(rdaoud): add a check to avoid the creation of cycles in the DAG.
// TODO(rdaoud): recompute the levels of reachable child-nodes if the new
// parent's level is greater or equal to the node's current level.
func (d *dag) addParent(oid storage.ID, version, parent storage.Version, remote bool) error {
node, err := d.getNode(oid, version)
if err != nil {
return err
pnode, err := d.getNode(oid, parent)
if err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("addParent: object %v, node %d, parent %d: parent node not found", oid, version, parent)
return err
// Check if the parent is already linked to this node.
found := false
for i := range node.Parents {
if node.Parents[i] == parent {
found = true
// If the parent is not yet linked (local or remote) add it.
if !found {
node.Parents = append(node.Parents, parent)
err = d.setNode(oid, version, node)
if err != nil {
return err
// For local changes we are done, the grafting structure is not updated.
if !remote {
return nil
// If the node and its parent are new/old or old/new then add
// the parent as a graft point (a potential common ancestor).
graft := d.getObjectGraft(oid, true)
_, nodeNew := graft.newNodes[version]
_, parentNew := graft.newNodes[parent]
if (nodeNew && !parentNew) || (!nodeNew && parentNew) {
graft.graftNodes[parent] = pnode.Level
// The parent node can no longer be a candidate for a new head version.
// The addParent() function only removes candidates from newHeads that
// have become parents. It does not add the child nodes to newHeads
// because they are not necessarily new-head candidates. If they are
// new nodes, the addNode() function handles adding them to newHeads.
// For old nodes, only the current head could be a candidate and it is
// added to newHeads when the graft struct is initialized.
if _, ok := graft.newHeads[parent]; ok {
delete(graft.newHeads, parent)
return nil
// moveHead moves the object head node in the DAG.
func (d *dag) moveHead(oid storage.ID, head storage.Version) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("invalid DAG")
// Verify that the node exists.
if !d.hasNode(oid, head) {
return fmt.Errorf("node %d:%d does not exist in the DAG", oid, head)
return d.setHead(oid, head)
// hasConflict determines if there is a conflict for this object between its
// new and old head nodes.
// - Yes: return (true, newHead, oldHead, ancestor)
// - No: return (false, newHead, oldHead, NoVersion)
// A conflict exists when there are two new-head nodes. It means the newly
// added object versions are not derived in part from this device's current
// knowledge. If there is a single new-head, the object changes were applied
// without triggering a conflict.
func (d *dag) hasConflict(oid storage.ID) (isConflict bool, newHead, oldHead, ancestor storage.Version, err error) {
oldHead = storage.NoVersion
newHead = storage.NoVersion
ancestor = storage.NoVersion
if == nil {
err = errors.New("invalid DAG")
graft := d.graft[oid]
if graft == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("node %d has no DAG graft information", oid)
numHeads := len(graft.newHeads)
if numHeads < 1 || numHeads > 2 {
err = fmt.Errorf("node %d has invalid number of new head candidates %d: %v", oid, numHeads, graft.newHeads)
// Fetch the current head for this object if it exists. The error from getHead()
// is ignored because a newly received object is not yet known on this device and
// will not trigger a conflict.
oldHead, _ = d.getHead(oid)
// If there is only one new head node there is no conflict.
// The new head is that single one, even if it might also be the same old node.
if numHeads == 1 {
for k := range graft.newHeads {
newHead = k
// With two candidate head nodes, the new one is the node that is
// not the current (old) head node.
for k := range graft.newHeads {
if k != oldHead {
newHead = k
// There is a conflict: the best choice ancestor is the graft point
// node with the largest level (farthest from the root). It is
// possible in some corner cases to have multiple graft nodes at
// the same level. This would still be a single conflict, but the
// multiple same-level graft points representing equivalent conflict
// resolutions on different devices that are now merging their
// resolutions. In such a case it does not matter which node is
// chosen as the ancestor because the conflict resolver function
// is assumed to be convergent. However it's nicer to make that
// selection deterministic so all devices see the same choice.
// For this the version number is used as a tie-breaker.
isConflict = true
var maxLevel uint64
for node, level := range graft.graftNodes {
if maxLevel < level ||
(maxLevel == level && ancestor < node) {
maxLevel = level
ancestor = node
// ancestorIter iterates over the DAG ancestor nodes for an object in a
// breadth-first traversal starting from given version node(s). In its
// traversal it invokes the callback function once for each node, passing
// the object ID, version number and a pointer to the dagNode.
func (d *dag) ancestorIter(oid storage.ID, startVersions []storage.Version,
cb func(storage.ID, storage.Version, *dagNode) error) error {
visited := make(map[storage.Version]bool)
queue := list.New()
for _, version := range startVersions {
visited[version] = true
for queue.Len() > 0 {
version := queue.Remove(queue.Front()).(storage.Version)
node, err := d.getNode(oid, version)
if err != nil {
// Ignore it, the parent was previously pruned.
for _, parent := range node.Parents {
if !visited[parent] {
visited[parent] = true
if err = cb(oid, version, node); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// prune trims the DAG of an object at a given version (node) by deleting
// all its ancestor nodes, making it the new root node. For each deleted
// node it calls the given callback function to delete its log record.
// This function should only be called when Sync determines that all devices
// that know about the object have gotten past this version.
func (d *dag) prune(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version, delLogRec func(logrec string) error) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("invalid DAG")
// Get the node at the pruning point and set its parents to nil.
// It will become the oldest DAG node (root) for the object.
node, err := d.getNode(oid, version)
if err != nil {
return err
if node.Parents == nil {
// Nothing to do, this node is already the root.
return nil
iterVersions := node.Parents
node.Parents = nil
if err = d.setNode(oid, version, node); err != nil {
return err
// Delete all ancestor nodes and their log records.
// Delete as many as possible and track the error counts.
numNodeErrs, numLogErrs := 0, 0
err = d.ancestorIter(oid, iterVersions, func(oid storage.ID, v storage.Version, node *dagNode) error {
if err := delLogRec(node.Logrec); err != nil {
if err := d.delNode(oid, v); err != nil {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if numNodeErrs != 0 || numLogErrs != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("prune failed to delete %d nodes and %d log records", numNodeErrs, numLogErrs)
return nil
// getLogrec returns the log record information for a given object version.
func (d *dag) getLogrec(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version) (string, error) {
node, err := d.getNode(oid, version)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return node.Logrec, nil
// objNodeKey returns the key used to access the object node (oid, version)
// in the DAG.
func objNodeKey(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", oid.String(), version)
// setNode stores the dagNode structure for the object node (oid, version)
// in the DAG.
func (d *dag) setNode(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version, node *dagNode) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("invalid DAG")
key := objNodeKey(oid, version)
return d.nodes.set(key, node)
// getNode retrieves the dagNode structure for the object node (oid, version)
// from the DAG.
func (d *dag) getNode(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version) (*dagNode, error) {
if == nil {
return nil, errors.New("invalid DAG")
var node dagNode
key := objNodeKey(oid, version)
if err := d.nodes.get(key, &node); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &node, nil
// delNode deletes the object node (oid, version) from the DAG.
func (d *dag) delNode(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("invalid DAG")
key := objNodeKey(oid, version)
return d.nodes.del(key)
// objHeadKey returns the key used to access the object head in the DAG.
func objHeadKey(oid storage.ID) string {
return oid.String()
// setHead stores version as the object head in the DAG.
func (d *dag) setHead(oid storage.ID, version storage.Version) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("invalid DAG")
key := objHeadKey(oid)
return d.heads.set(key, version)
// getHead retrieves the object head from the DAG.
func (d *dag) getHead(oid storage.ID) (storage.Version, error) {
var version storage.Version
if == nil {
return version, errors.New("invalid DAG")
key := objHeadKey(oid)
err := d.heads.get(key, &version)
if err != nil {
version = storage.NoVersion
return version, err
// getParentMap is a testing and debug helper function that returns for
// an object a map of all the object version in the DAG and their parents.
// The map represents the graph of the object version history.
func (d *dag) getParentMap(oid storage.ID) map[storage.Version][]storage.Version {
parentMap := make(map[storage.Version][]storage.Version)
var iterVersions []storage.Version
if head, err := d.getHead(oid); err == nil {
iterVersions = append(iterVersions, head)
if graft := d.graft[oid]; graft != nil {
for k := range graft.newHeads {
iterVersions = append(iterVersions, k)
// Breadth-first traversal starting from the object head.
d.ancestorIter(oid, iterVersions, func(oid storage.ID, v storage.Version, node *dagNode) error {
parentMap[v] = node.Parents
return nil
return parentMap
// getGraftNodes is a testing and debug helper function that returns for
// an object the graft information built and used during a sync operation.
// The newHeads map identifies the candidate head nodes based on the data
// reported by the other device during a sync operation. The graftNodes map
// identifies the set of old nodes where the new DAG fragments were attached
// and their depth level in the DAG.
func (d *dag) getGraftNodes(oid storage.ID) (map[storage.Version]struct{}, map[storage.Version]uint64) {
if != nil {
if ginfo := d.graft[oid]; ginfo != nil {
return ginfo.newHeads, ginfo.graftNodes
return nil, nil