blob: 694d3d75dfe479da63c7f2374d178994145ba56b [file] [log] [blame]
package runtime
import (
// PanicRuntime is a dummy implementation of veyron2.Runtime that panics on every
// operation. This is useful when you want to pass around a non-nil runtime
// implementation but you don't want it to be used.
type PanicRuntime struct {
unique int // Make non-empty to ensure pointer instances are unique.
const badRuntime = "The runtime implmentation should not call methods on runtime intances."
func (*PanicRuntime) Profile() veyron2.Profile { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) AppCycle() veyron2.AppCycle { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) Publisher() *config.Publisher { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) Principal() security.Principal { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) NewClient(opts ...ipc.ClientOpt) (ipc.Client, error) { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) NewServer(opts ...ipc.ServerOpt) (ipc.Server, error) { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) Client() ipc.Client { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) NewContext() context.T { panic(badRuntime) }
func (PanicRuntime) WithNewSpan(c context.T, m string) (context.T, vtrace.Span) { return c, &span{m} }
func (*PanicRuntime) SpanFromContext(context.T) vtrace.Span { return &span{} }
func (*PanicRuntime) NewStreamManager(opts (stream.Manager, error) {
func (*PanicRuntime) NewEndpoint(ep string) (naming.Endpoint, error) { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) Namespace() naming.Namespace { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) Logger() vlog.Logger { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) NewLogger(name string, opts ...vlog.LoggingOpts) (vlog.Logger, error) {
func (*PanicRuntime) ConfigureReservedName(ipc.Dispatcher, ...ipc.ServerOpt) {
func (*PanicRuntime) VtraceStore() vtrace.Store { panic(badRuntime) }
func (*PanicRuntime) Cleanup() { panic(badRuntime) }
type span struct{ m string }
func (s *span) Name() string { return s.m + ".panic" }
func (*span) ID() uniqueid.ID { return uniqueid.ID{} }
func (s *span) Parent() uniqueid.ID { return s.ID() }
func (*span) Annotate(string) {}
func (*span) Annotatef(string, ...interface{}) {}
func (*span) Finish() {}
func (*span) Trace() vtrace.Trace { return nil }