blob: 4faaf1ca721fdff714842358eb7fd7f1236aa1a2 [file] [log] [blame]
package rt_test
import (
_ ""
irt ""
type context struct {
local security.Principal
func (*context) Method() string { return "" }
func (*context) Name() string { return "" }
func (*context) Suffix() string { return "" }
func (*context) Label() (l security.Label) { return }
func (*context) Discharges() map[string]security.Discharge { return nil }
func (*context) LocalID() security.PublicID { return nil }
func (*context) RemoteID() security.PublicID { return nil }
func (c *context) LocalPrincipal() security.Principal { return c.local }
func (*context) LocalBlessings() security.Blessings { return nil }
func (*context) RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings { return nil }
func (*context) LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }
func (*context) RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }
func init() {
blackbox.CommandTable["child"] = child
func TestHelperProcess(t *testing.T) {
func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
r, err := rt.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error: %s", err)
l := r.Logger()
args := fmt.Sprintf("%s", l)
expected := regexp.MustCompile("name=veyron logdirs=\\[/tmp\\] logtostderr=true|false alsologtostderr=false|true max_stack_buf_size=4292608 v=[0-9] stderrthreshold=2 vmodule= log_backtrace_at=:0")
if !expected.MatchString(args) {
t.Errorf("unexpected default args: %q", args)
if id := r.Identity().PublicID(); id == nil || len(id.Names()) == 0 || len(id.Names()[0]) == 0 {
t.Errorf("New should have created an identity. Created %v", id)
func child(argv []string) {
r := rt.Init()
vlog.Infof("%s\n", r.Logger())
fmt.Printf("%s\n", r.Logger())
_ = r
func TestInitArgs(t *testing.T) {
c := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "child", "--logtostderr=true", "--vv=3", "--", "foobar")
defer c.Cleanup()
str, err := c.ReadLineFromChild()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read from child: %v", err)
expected := fmt.Sprintf("name=veyron "+
"logdirs=[%s] "+
"logtostderr=true "+
"alsologtostderr=true "+
"max_stack_buf_size=4292608 "+
"v=3 "+
"stderrthreshold=2 "+
"vmodule= "+
if str != expected {
t.Fatalf("incorrect child output: got %s, expected %s", str, expected)
func TestInitPrincipal(t *testing.T) {
newRT := func() veyron2.Runtime {
r, err := rt.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("rt.New failed: %v", err)
return r
testPrincipal := func(r veyron2.Runtime) security.Principal {
p := r.Principal()
if p == nil {
t.Fatalf("rt.Principal() returned nil")
blessings := p.BlessingStore().Default()
if blessings == nil {
t.Fatalf("rt.Principal().BlessingStore().Default() returned nil")
if n := len(blessings.ForContext(&context{local: p})); n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("rt.Principal().BlessingStore().Default() returned Blessing %v with %d recognized blessings, want exactly one recognized blessing", blessings, n)
return p
origCredentialsDir := os.Getenv(irt.VeyronCredentialsEnvVar)
defer os.Setenv(irt.VeyronCredentialsEnvVar, origCredentialsDir)
// Test that even with VEYRON_CREDENTIALS unset the runtime's Principal
// is correctly initialized.
if err := os.Setenv(irt.VeyronCredentialsEnvVar, ""); err != nil {
// Test that with VEYRON_CREDENTIALS set the runtime's Principal is correctly
// initialized.
credentials, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "credentials")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(credentials)
if err := os.Setenv(irt.VeyronCredentialsEnvVar, credentials); err != nil {
p := testPrincipal(newRT())
// Mutate the roots and store of this principal.
blessing, err := p.BlessSelf("irrelevant")
if err != nil {
if _, err := p.BlessingStore().Set(blessing, security.AllPrincipals); err != nil {
if err := p.AddToRoots(blessing); err != nil {
// Test that the same principal gets initialized on creating a new runtime
// from the same credentials directory.
if got := newRT().Principal(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, p) {
t.Fatalf("Initialized Principal: %v, expected: %v", got.PublicKey(), p.PublicKey())