blob: bb2f0461d5c39b3f7225016ac482e63763d5e960 [file] [log] [blame]
package vc
import (
vsync ""
// readHandler is the interface used by the reader to notify other components
// of the number of bytes returned in Read calls.
type readHandler interface {
HandleRead(bytes uint)
// reader implements the io.Reader and SetReadDeadline interfaces for a Flow,
// backed by iobuf.Slice objects read from a upcqueue.
type reader struct {
handler readHandler
src *upcqueue.T
mu sync.Mutex
buf *iobuf.Slice // GUARDED_BY(mu)
deadline <-chan struct{} // GUARDED_BY(mu)
totalBytes uint32
func newReader(h readHandler) *reader {
return &reader{handler: h, src: upcqueue.New()}
func (r *reader) Close() {
func (r *reader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
// net.Conn requires that all methods be invokable by multiple
// goroutines simultaneously. Read calls are serialized to ensure
// contiguous chunks of data are provided from each Read call.
n, err := r.readLocked(b)
atomic.AddUint32(&r.totalBytes, uint32(n))
if n > 0 {
return n, err
func (r *reader) readLocked(b []byte) (int, error) {
if r.buf == nil {
slice, err := r.src.Get(r.deadline)
if err != nil {
switch err {
case upcqueue.ErrQueueIsClosed:
return 0, io.EOF
case vsync.ErrCanceled:
// As per net.Conn.Read specification
return 0, timeoutError{}
return 0, fmt.Errorf("upcqueue.Get failed: %v", err)
r.buf = slice.(*iobuf.Slice)
copied := 0
for r.buf.Size() <= len(b) {
n := copy(b, r.buf.Contents)
copied += n
b = b[n:]
r.buf = nil
slice, err := r.src.TryGet()
if err != nil {
return copied, nil
r.buf = slice.(*iobuf.Slice)
n := copy(b, r.buf.Contents)
copied += n
return copied, nil
func (r *reader) SetDeadline(deadline <-chan struct{}) {
r.deadline = deadline
func (r *reader) BytesRead() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&r.totalBytes)
func (r *reader) Put(slice *iobuf.Slice) error {
return r.src.Put(slice)
// timeoutError implements net.Error with Timeout returning true.
type timeoutError struct{}
func (t timeoutError) Error() string { return "deadline exceeded" }
func (t timeoutError) Timeout() bool { return true }
func (t timeoutError) Temporary() bool { return false }