services/cluster/vkube: increase wait timeout to 20 min

Increase the wait timeout to 20 minutes by default to see if it fixes

Change-Id: I2f564b1d961851cca3bfef12a507e25c7ef37a6e
diff --git a/services/cluster/vkube/doc.go b/services/cluster/vkube/doc.go
index f89dc39..e19cb4a 100644
--- a/services/cluster/vkube/doc.go
+++ b/services/cluster/vkube/doc.go
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
    Do not pass blessings to the application.
    Wait for all the replicas to be ready.
- -wait-timeout=5m0s
+ -wait-timeout=20m0s
    How long to wait for the start to make progress.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
    Filename to use to update the kubernetes resource.
    Wait for the update to finish.
- -wait-timeout=5m0s
+ -wait-timeout=20m0s
    How long to wait for the update to make progress.
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 The vkube start-cluster-agent flags are:
    Wait for the cluster agent to be ready.
- -wait-timeout=5m0s
+ -wait-timeout=20m0s
    How long to wait for the cluster agent to be ready.
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
 The vkube update-cluster-agent flags are:
    Wait for the cluster agent to be ready.
- -wait-timeout=5m0s
+ -wait-timeout=20m0s
    How long to wait for the cluster agent to be ready.
diff --git a/services/cluster/vkube/main.go b/services/cluster/vkube/main.go
index fe27685..d6eabfd 100644
--- a/services/cluster/vkube/main.go
+++ b/services/cluster/vkube/main.go
@@ -81,20 +81,20 @@
 	cmdStart.Flags.StringVar(&flagBaseBlessings, "base-blessings", "", "Base blessings to extend, base64url-vom-encoded. If empty, the default blessings are used.")
 	cmdStart.Flags.StringVar(&flagResourceFile, "f", "", "Filename to use to create the kubernetes resource.")
 	cmdStart.Flags.BoolVar(&flagWait, "wait", false, "Wait for all the replicas to be ready.")
-	cmdStart.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 5*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the start to make progress.")
+	cmdStart.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 20*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the start to make progress.")
 	cmdUpdate.Flags.StringVar(&flagResourceFile, "f", "", "Filename to use to update the kubernetes resource.")
 	cmdUpdate.Flags.StringVar(&flagBaseBlessings, "base-blessings", "", "Base blessings to extend, base64url-vom-encoded. If empty, the default blessings are used.")
 	cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&flagWait, "wait", false, "Wait for the update to finish.")
-	cmdUpdate.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 5*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the update to make progress.")
+	cmdUpdate.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 20*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the update to make progress.")
 	cmdStop.Flags.StringVar(&flagResourceFile, "f", "", "Filename to use to stop the kubernetes resource.")
 	cmdStartClusterAgent.Flags.BoolVar(&flagWait, "wait", false, "Wait for the cluster agent to be ready.")
-	cmdStartClusterAgent.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 5*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the cluster agent to be ready.")
+	cmdStartClusterAgent.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 20*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the cluster agent to be ready.")
 	cmdUpdateClusterAgent.Flags.BoolVar(&flagWait, "wait", false, "Wait for the cluster agent to be ready.")
-	cmdUpdateClusterAgent.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 5*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the cluster agent to be ready.")
+	cmdUpdateClusterAgent.Flags.DurationVar(&flagWaitTimeout, "wait-timeout", 20*time.Minute, "How long to wait for the cluster agent to be ready.")
 	cmdUpdateConfig.Flags.StringVar(&flagClusterAgentImage, "cluster-agent-image", "", "The new cluster agent image. If the name starts with ':', only the image tag is updated.")
 	cmdUpdateConfig.Flags.StringVar(&flagPodAgentImage, "pod-agent-image", "", "The new pod agent image. If the name starts with ':', only the image tag is updated.")