blob: 491963212887850e8a5535b4d64de06367e98ccf [file] [log] [blame]
package mounttable
import (
tsecurity ""
_ ""
// Simulate different processes with different runtimes.
// rootCtx is the one running the mounttable service.
const ttlSecs = 60 * 60
func boom(t *testing.T, f string, v ...interface{}) {
t.Logf(f, v...)
func doMount(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix, service string, blessingPatterns []security.BlessingPattern, shouldSucceed bool) {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(ep, suffix)
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, "MountX", []interface{}{service, blessingPatterns, uint32(ttlSecs), 0}, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s onto %s: %s", service, name, err)
if ierr := call.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s onto %s: %s", service, name, ierr)
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s onto %s: %s", service, name, err)
func doUnmount(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix, service string, shouldSucceed bool) {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(ep, suffix)
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, "Unmount", []interface{}{service}, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s onto %s: %s", service, name, err)
if ierr := call.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s onto %s: %s", service, name, ierr)
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s onto %s: %s", service, name, err)
func doGetACL(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix string, shouldSucceed bool) (acl access.TaggedACLMap, etag string) {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(ep, suffix)
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, "GetACL", nil, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to GetACL %s: %s", name, err)
if ierr := call.Finish(&acl, &etag, &err); ierr != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to GetACL %s: %s", name, ierr)
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to GetACL %s: %s", name, err)
func doSetACL(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix string, acl access.TaggedACLMap, etag string, shouldSucceed bool) {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(ep, suffix)
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, "SetACL", []interface{}{acl, etag}, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to SetACL %s: %s", name, err)
if ierr := call.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to SetACL %s: %s", name, ierr)
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to SetACL %s: %s", name, err)
func doDeleteNode(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix string, shouldSucceed bool) {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(ep, suffix)
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, "Delete", []interface{}{false}, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Delete node %s: %s", name, err)
if ierr := call.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Delete node %s: %s", name, ierr)
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Delete node %s: %s", name, err)
func doDeleteSubtree(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix string, shouldSucceed bool) {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(ep, suffix)
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, "Delete", []interface{}{true}, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Delete subtree %s: %s", name, err)
if ierr := call.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Delete subtree %s: %s", name, ierr)
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Delete subtree %s: %s", name, err)
func mountentry2names(e *naming.VDLMountEntry) []string {
names := make([]string, len(e.Servers))
for idx, s := range e.Servers {
names[idx] = naming.JoinAddressName(s.Server, e.Name)
return names
func strslice(strs ...string) []string {
return strs
func resolve(ctx *context.T, name string) (*naming.VDLMountEntry, error) {
// Resolve the name one level.
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, "ResolveStep", nil, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var entry naming.VDLMountEntry
if ierr := call.Finish(&entry, &err); ierr != nil {
return nil, ierr
if len(entry.Servers) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("resolve returned no servers")
return &entry, nil
func export(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, name, contents string) {
// Resolve the name.
resolved, err := resolve(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Export.Resolve %s: %s", name, err)
// Export the value.
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, mountentry2names(resolved)[0], "Export", []interface{}{contents, true}, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Export.StartCall %s to %s: %s", name, contents, err)
if ierr := call.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Export.StartCall %s to %s: %s", name, contents, err)
func checkContents(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, name, expected string, shouldSucceed bool) {
// Resolve the name.
resolved, err := resolve(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Resolve %s: %s", name, err)
// Look up the value.
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, mountentry2names(resolved)[0], "Lookup", nil, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
if shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed Lookup.StartCall %s: %s", name, err)
var contents []byte
if ierr := call.Finish(&contents, &err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
if err != nil {
if shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to Lookup %s: %s", name, err)
if string(contents) != expected {
boom(t, "Lookup %s, expected %q, got %q", name, expected, contents)
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Lookup %s, expected failure, got %q", name, contents)
func newMT(t *testing.T, acl string, rootCtx *context.T) (ipc.Server, string) {
server, err := veyron2.NewServer(rootCtx, options.ServesMountTable(true))
if err != nil {
boom(t, "r.NewServer: %s", err)
// Add mount table service.
mt, err := NewMountTableDispatcher(acl)
if err != nil {
boom(t, "NewMountTableDispatcher: %v", err)
// Start serving on a loopback address.
eps, err := server.Listen(veyron2.GetListenSpec(rootCtx))
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Listen mount table: %s", err)
if err := server.ServeDispatcher("", mt); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to register mock collection: %s", err)
estr := eps[0].String()
t.Logf("endpoint %s", estr)
return server, estr
func newCollection(t *testing.T, acl string, rootCtx *context.T) (ipc.Server, string) {
server, err := veyron2.NewServer(rootCtx)
if err != nil {
boom(t, "r.NewServer: %s", err)
// Start serving on a loopback address.
eps, err := server.Listen(veyron2.GetListenSpec(rootCtx))
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Listen mount table: %s", err)
// Add a collection service. This is just a service we can mount
// and test against.
cPrefix := "collection"
if err := server.ServeDispatcher(cPrefix, newCollectionServer()); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to register mock collection: %s", err)
estr := eps[0].String()
t.Logf("endpoint %s", estr)
return server, estr
func TestMountTable(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx, shutdown := initTest()
defer shutdown()
mt, mtAddr := newMT(t, "testdata/test.acl", rootCtx)
defer mt.Stop()
collection, collectionAddr := newCollection(t, "testdata/test.acl", rootCtx)
defer collection.Stop()
collectionName := naming.JoinAddressName(collectionAddr, "collection")
// Mount the collection server into the mount table.
vlog.Infof("Mount the collection server into the mount table.")
doMount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "stuff", collectionName, nil, true)
// Create a few objects and make sure we can read them.
vlog.Infof("Create a few objects.")
export(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/the/rain"), "the rain")
export(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/in/spain"), "in spain")
export(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain")
vlog.Infof("Make sure we can read them.")
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/the/rain"), "the rain", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/in/spain"), "in spain", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "/stuff/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/nonexistant"), "falls mainly on the plain", false)
checkContents(t, bobCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/the/rain"), "the rain", true)
checkContents(t, aliceCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/the/rain"), "the rain", false)
// Test multiple mounts.
vlog.Infof("Multiple mounts.")
doMount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "a/b", collectionName, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "x/y", collectionName, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "alpha//beta", collectionName, nil, true)
vlog.Infof("Make sure we can read them.")
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuff/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "a/b/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "x/y/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "alpha/beta/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", true)
checkContents(t, aliceCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "a/b/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", true)
checkContents(t, bobCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "a/b/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", false)
// Test getting/setting ACLs.
acl, etag := doGetACL(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "stuff", true)
doSetACL(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "stuff", acl, "xyzzy", false) // bad etag
doSetACL(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "stuff", acl, etag, true) // good etag
_, netag := doGetACL(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "stuff", true)
if netag == etag {
boom(t, "etag didn't change after SetACL: %s", netag)
doSetACL(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "stuff", acl, "", true) // no etag
// Bob should be able to create nodes under the mounttable root but not alice.
doSetACL(t, aliceCtx, mtAddr, "onlybob", acl, "", false)
doSetACL(t, bobCtx, mtAddr, "onlybob", acl, "", true)
// Test generic unmount.
vlog.Info("Test generic unmount.")
doUnmount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "a/b", "", true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "a/b/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", false)
// Test specific unmount.
vlog.Info("Test specific unmount.")
doMount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "a/b", collectionName, nil, true)
doUnmount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "a/b", collectionName, true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "a/b/falls"), "falls mainly on the plain", false)
// Try timing out a mount.
vlog.Info("Try timing out a mount.")
ft := NewFakeTimeClock()
doMount(t, rootCtx, mtAddr, "stuffWithTTL", collectionName, nil, true)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuffWithTTL/the/rain"), "the rain", true)
ft.advance(time.Duration(ttlSecs+4) * time.Second)
checkContents(t, rootCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, "stuffWithTTL/the/rain"), "the rain", false)
// Test unauthorized mount.
vlog.Info("Test unauthorized mount.")
doMount(t, bobCtx, mtAddr, "/a/b", collectionName, nil, false)
doMount(t, aliceCtx, mtAddr, "/a/b", collectionName, nil, false)
doUnmount(t, bobCtx, mtAddr, "x/y", collectionName, false)
func doGlobX(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix, pattern string, joinServer bool) []string {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(ep, suffix)
client := veyron2.GetClient(ctx)
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, name, ipc.GlobMethod, []interface{}{pattern}, options.NoResolve{})
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Glob.StartCall %s %s: %s", name, pattern, err)
var reply []string
for {
var e naming.VDLMountEntry
err := call.Recv(&e)
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Glob.StartCall %s: %s", name, pattern, err)
if joinServer && len(e.Servers) > 0 {
reply = append(reply, naming.JoinAddressName(e.Servers[0].Server, e.Name))
} else {
reply = append(reply, e.Name)
if ierr := call.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Glob.Finish %s: %s", name, pattern, err)
return reply
func doGlob(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix, pattern string) []string {
return doGlobX(t, ctx, ep, suffix, pattern, false)
// checkMatch verified that the two slices contain the same string items, albeit
// not necessarily in the same order. Item repetitions are allowed, but their
// numbers need to match as well.
func checkMatch(t *testing.T, want []string, got []string) {
if len(want) == 0 && len(got) == 0 {
w := sort.StringSlice(want)
g := sort.StringSlice(got)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) {
boom(t, "Glob expected %v got %v", want, got)
// checkExists makes sure a name exists (or not).
func checkExists(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ep, suffix string, shouldSucceed bool) {
x := doGlobX(t, ctx, ep, "", suffix, false)
if len(x) != 1 || x[0] != suffix {
if shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "Failed to find %s", suffix)
if !shouldSucceed {
boom(t, "%s exists but shouldn't", suffix)
func TestGlob(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, shutdown := testutil.InitForTest()
defer shutdown()
server, estr := newMT(t, "", rootCtx)
defer server.Stop()
// set up a mount space
fakeServer := naming.JoinAddressName(estr, "quux")
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", fakeServer, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "in/the/middle", fakeServer, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "of/the/night", fakeServer, nil, true)
// Try various globs.
tests := []struct {
in string
expected []string
{"*", []string{"one", "in", "of"}},
{"...", []string{"", "one", "in", "of", "one/bright", "in/the", "of/the", "one/bright/day", "in/the/middle", "of/the/night"}},
{"*/...", []string{"one", "in", "of", "one/bright", "in/the", "of/the", "one/bright/day", "in/the/middle", "of/the/night"}},
{"one/...", []string{"one", "one/bright", "one/bright/day"}},
{"of/the/night/two/dead/boys", []string{"of/the/night"}},
{"*/the", []string{"in/the", "of/the"}},
{"*/the/...", []string{"in/the", "of/the", "in/the/middle", "of/the/night"}},
{"o*", []string{"one", "of"}},
{"", []string{""}},
for _, test := range tests {
out := doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "",
checkMatch(t, test.expected, out)
// Test Glob on a name that is under a mounted server. The result should the
// the address the mounted server with the extra suffix.
results := doGlobX(t, rootCtx, estr, "of/the/night/two/dead/boys/got/up/to/fight", "*", true)
if len(results) != 1 {
boom(t, "Unexpected number of results. Got %v, want 1", len(results))
_, suffix := naming.SplitAddressName(results[0])
if expected := "quux/two/dead/boys/got/up/to/fight"; suffix != expected {
boom(t, "Unexpected suffix. Got %v, want %v", suffix, expected)
func TestACLTemplate(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx, shutdown := initTest()
defer shutdown()
server, estr := newMT(t, "testdata/test.acl", rootCtx)
defer server.Stop()
fakeServer := naming.JoinAddressName(estr, "quux")
// Noone should be able to mount on someone else's names.
doMount(t, aliceCtx, estr, "users/ted", fakeServer, nil, false)
doMount(t, bobCtx, estr, "users/carol", fakeServer, nil, false)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "users/george", fakeServer, nil, false)
// Anyone should be able to mount on their own names.
doMount(t, aliceCtx, estr, "users/alice", fakeServer, nil, true)
doMount(t, bobCtx, estr, "users/bob", fakeServer, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "users/root", fakeServer, nil, true)
func TestGlobACLs(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx, shutdown := initTest()
defer shutdown()
server, estr := newMT(t, "testdata/test.acl", rootCtx)
defer server.Stop()
// set up a mount space
fakeServer := naming.JoinAddressName(estr, "quux")
doMount(t, aliceCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", fakeServer, nil, false) // Fails because alice can't mount there.
doMount(t, bobCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", fakeServer, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "a/b/c", fakeServer, nil, true)
// Try various globs.
tests := []struct {
ctx *context.T
in string
expected []string
{rootCtx, "*", []string{"one", "a", "stuff", "users"}},
{aliceCtx, "*", []string{"one", "a", "users"}},
{bobCtx, "*", []string{"one", "stuff", "users"}},
// bob, alice, and root have different visibility to the space.
{rootCtx, "*/...", []string{"one", "a", "one/bright", "a/b", "one/bright/day", "a/b/c", "stuff", "users"}},
{aliceCtx, "*/...", []string{"one", "a", "one/bright", "a/b", "one/bright/day", "a/b/c", "users"}},
{bobCtx, "*/...", []string{"one", "one/bright", "one/bright/day", "stuff", "users"}},
for _, test := range tests {
out := doGlob(t, test.ctx, estr, "",
checkMatch(t, test.expected, out)
func TestCleanup(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, shutdown := testutil.InitForTest()
defer shutdown()
server, estr := newMT(t, "", rootCtx)
defer server.Stop()
// Set up one mount.
fakeServer := naming.JoinAddressName(estr, "quux")
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", fakeServer, nil, true)
checkMatch(t, []string{"one", "one/bright", "one/bright/day"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/..."))
// After the unmount nothing should be left
doUnmount(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", "", true)
checkMatch(t, nil, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/..."))
// Set up a mount, then set the ACL.
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", fakeServer, nil, true)
checkMatch(t, []string{"one", "one/bright", "one/bright/day"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/..."))
acl := access.TaggedACLMap{"Read": access.ACL{In: []security.BlessingPattern{security.AllPrincipals}}}
doSetACL(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright", acl, "", true)
// After the unmount we should still have everything above the ACL.
doUnmount(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", "", true)
checkMatch(t, []string{"one", "one/bright"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/..."))
func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx, shutdown := initTest()
defer shutdown()
server, estr := newMT(t, "testdata/test.acl", rootCtx)
defer server.Stop()
// set up a mount space
fakeServer := naming.JoinAddressName(estr, "quux")
doMount(t, bobCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", fakeServer, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "a/b/c", fakeServer, nil, true)
// It shouldn't be possible to delete anything with children unless explicitly requested.
doDeleteNode(t, rootCtx, estr, "a/b", false)
checkExists(t, rootCtx, estr, "a/b", true)
doDeleteSubtree(t, rootCtx, estr, "a/b", true)
checkExists(t, rootCtx, estr, "a/b", false)
// Alice shouldn't be able to delete what bob created but bob and root should.
doDeleteNode(t, aliceCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", false)
checkExists(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", true)
doDeleteNode(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", true)
checkExists(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright/day", false)
doDeleteNode(t, bobCtx, estr, "one/bright", true)
checkExists(t, rootCtx, estr, "one/bright", false)
func TestServerFormat(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, shutdown := testutil.InitForTest()
defer shutdown()
server, estr := newMT(t, "", rootCtx)
defer server.Stop()
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "endpoint", naming.JoinAddressName(estr, "life/on/the/mississippi"), nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "hostport", "/atrampabroad:8000", nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "hostport-endpoint-platypus", "/@atrampabroad:8000@@", nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "invalid/not/rooted", "atrampabroad:8000", nil, false)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "invalid/no/port", "/atrampabroad", nil, false)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "invalid/endpoint", "/@following the equator:8000@@@", nil, false)
func TestExpiry(t *testing.T) {
rootCtx, shutdown := testutil.InitForTest()
defer shutdown()
server, estr := newMT(t, "", rootCtx)
defer server.Stop()
collection, collectionAddr := newCollection(t, "testdata/test.acl", rootCtx)
defer collection.Stop()
collectionName := naming.JoinAddressName(collectionAddr, "collection")
ft := NewFakeTimeClock()
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "a1/b1", collectionName, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "a1/b2", collectionName, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "a2/b1", collectionName, nil, true)
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "a2/b2/c", collectionName, nil, true)
checkMatch(t, []string{"a1/b1", "a2/b1"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/b1/..."))
ft.advance(time.Duration(ttlSecs/2) * time.Second)
checkMatch(t, []string{"a1/b1", "a2/b1"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/b1/..."))
checkMatch(t, []string{"c"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "a2/b2", "*"))
// Refresh only a1/b1. All the other mounts will expire upon the next
// ft advance.
doMount(t, rootCtx, estr, "a1/b1", collectionName, nil, true)
ft.advance(time.Duration(ttlSecs/2+4) * time.Second)
checkMatch(t, []string{"a1", "a1/b1"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/..."))
checkMatch(t, []string{"a1/b1"}, doGlob(t, rootCtx, estr, "", "*/b1/..."))
func TestBadACLs(t *testing.T) {
_, err := NewMountTableDispatcher("testdata/invalid.acl")
if err == nil {
boom(t, "Expected json parse error in acl file")
_, err = NewMountTableDispatcher("testdata/doesntexist.acl")
if err == nil {
boom(t, "Expected error from missing acl file")
func TestBlessingPatterns(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(ashankar): Change this test to use a variant of checkContents
// that will ensure that the client call to the resolved name fails if
// the blessing patterns in the mount entry is not consistent with the
// blessings presented by the end server (once the namespace library
// changes to respect VDLMountedServer.BlessingPatterns is in place).
rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx, shutdown := initTest()
defer shutdown()
mt, mtAddr := newMT(t, "testdata/test.acl", rootCtx)
defer mt.Stop()
// collection server run by alice
collection, collectionAddr := newCollection(t, "testdata/test.acl", aliceCtx)
defer collection.Stop()
suffix := "users/bob"
// But mounted by bob, and since bob didn't specify an explicit set of
// blessing patterns, it will be thought of as bob's server.
doMount(t, bobCtx, mtAddr, suffix, collectionAddr, nil, true)
if e, err := resolve(aliceCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, suffix)); err != nil {
} else if len(e.Servers) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Got %v, want exactly 1 server", e.Servers)
} else if got, want := e.Servers[0].BlessingPatterns, strslice("bob"); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Got blessing patterns %v, want %v", got, want)
doUnmount(t, bobCtx, mtAddr, suffix, "", true)
// However, if bob explicitly says alice is running the server, then so be it.
doMount(t, bobCtx, mtAddr, suffix, collectionAddr, []security.BlessingPattern{"alice", "somebody"}, true)
if e, err := resolve(aliceCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(mtAddr, suffix)); err != nil {
} else if len(e.Servers) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Got %v, want exactly 1 server", e.Servers)
} else if got, want := e.Servers[0].BlessingPatterns, strslice("alice", "somebody"); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Got blessing patterns %v, want %v", got, want)
func initTest() (rootCtx *context.T, aliceCtx *context.T, bobCtx *context.T, shutdown veyron2.Shutdown) {
ctx, shutdown := testutil.InitForTest()
var err error
if rootCtx, err = veyron2.SetPrincipal(ctx, tsecurity.NewPrincipal("root")); err != nil {
panic("failed to set root principal")
if aliceCtx, err = veyron2.SetPrincipal(ctx, tsecurity.NewPrincipal("alice")); err != nil {
panic("failed to set alice principal")
if bobCtx, err = veyron2.SetPrincipal(ctx, tsecurity.NewPrincipal("bob")); err != nil {
panic("failed to set bob principal")
for _, r := range []*context.T{rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx} {
// A hack to set the namespace roots to a value that won't work.
// And have all principals recognize each others blessings.
p1 := veyron2.GetPrincipal(r)
for _, other := range []*context.T{rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx} {
// tsecurity.NewPrincipal has already setup each
// principal to use the same blessing for both server
// and client activities.
if err := p1.AddToRoots(veyron2.GetPrincipal(other).BlessingStore().Default()); err != nil {
return rootCtx, aliceCtx, bobCtx, shutdown