blob: a14d0060bb85247b6b7bddccae0e6cb84e786061 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package util
import (
// Constants related to storage engine keys.
// Note, these are persisted and therefore must not be modified.
// Below, they are ordered lexicographically by value.
const (
AppPrefix = "$app"
ClockPrefix = "$clock"
DatabasePrefix = "$database"
DbInfoPrefix = "$dbInfo"
LogPrefix = "$log"
PermsPrefix = "$perms"
RowPrefix = "$row"
ServicePrefix = "$service"
SyncPrefix = "$sync"
TablePrefix = "$table"
VersionPrefix = "$version"
// TODO(sadovsky): Changing these prefixes breaks various tests. Tests
// generally shouldn't depend on the values of these constants.
AppPrefix = "a"
ClockPrefix = "c"
DatabasePrefix = "d"
DbInfoPrefix = "i"
LogPrefix = "l"
PermsPrefix = "p"
RowPrefix = "r"
ServicePrefix = "s"
TablePrefix = "t"
VersionPrefix = "v"
SyncPrefix = "y"
// Separator for parts of storage engine keys.
// TODO(sadovsky): Allow ":" in names and use a different separator here.
KeyPartSep = ":"
// PrefixRangeLimitSuffix is a key suffix that indicates the end of a prefix
// range. Must be greater than any character allowed in client-provided keys.
PrefixRangeLimitSuffix = "\xff"
// Constants related to object names.
const (
// Object name component for Syncbase-to-Syncbase (sync) RPCs.
// Sync object names have the form:
// <syncbase>/@@sync/...
SyncbaseSuffix = "@@sync"
// Separator for batch info in database names.
// Batch object names have the form:
// <syncbase>/<app>/$/<database>@@<batchInfo>/...
BatchSep = "@@"
// Constants related to syncbase clock.
const (
// The project is a big virtual cluster of timeservers,
// providing reliable, easy-to-use NTP service for millions of clients.
// See more at
NtpServerPool = ""
NtpSampleCount = 15
LocalClockDriftThreshold = float64(time.Second)
NtpDiffThreshold = float64(2 * time.Second)