blob: f47c6a3de07e076cf5c6c67026cc315dcff3c79c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package applife_test
import (
func instanceDirForApp(root, appID, instanceID string) string {
applicationDirName := func(title string) string {
h := md5.New()
hash := strings.TrimRight(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), "=")
return "app-" + hash
components := strings.Split(appID, "/")
appTitle, installationID := components[0], components[1]
return filepath.Join(root, applicationDirName(appTitle), "installation-"+installationID, "instances", "instance-"+instanceID)
func verifyAppWorkspace(t *testing.T, root, appID, instanceID string) {
// HACK ALERT: for now, we peek inside the device manager's directory
// structure (which ought to be opaque) to check for what the app has
// written to its local root.
// TODO(caprita): add support to device manager to browse logs/app local
// root.
rootDir := filepath.Join(instanceDirForApp(root, appID, instanceID), "root")
testFile := filepath.Join(rootDir, "testfile")
if read, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testFile); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to read %v: %v", testFile, err)
} else if want, got := "goodbye world", string(read); want != got {
t.Fatalf("Expected to read %v, got %v instead", want, got)
// TestLifeOfAnApp installs an app, instantiates, runs, kills, and deletes
// several instances, and performs updates.
func TestLifeOfAnApp(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := utiltest.InitForTest()
defer shutdown()
sh, deferFn := servicetest.CreateShellAndMountTable(t, ctx, nil)
defer deferFn()
// Set up mock application and binary repositories.
envelope, cleanup := utiltest.StartMockRepos(t, ctx)
defer cleanup()
root, cleanup := servicetest.SetupRootDir(t, "devicemanager")
defer cleanup()
if err := impl.SaveCreatorInfo(root); err != nil {
// Create a script wrapping the test target that implements suidhelper.
helperPath := utiltest.GenerateSuidHelperScript(t, root)
// Set up the device manager. Since we won't do device manager updates,
// don't worry about its application envelope and current link.
dmh := servicetest.RunCommand(t, sh, nil, utiltest.DeviceManagerCmd, "dm", root, helperPath, "unused_app_repo_name", "unused_curr_link")
servicetest.ReadPID(t, dmh)
utiltest.ClaimDevice(t, ctx, "claimable", "dm", "mydevice", utiltest.NoPairingToken)
// Create the local server that the app uses to let us know it's ready.
pingCh, cleanup := utiltest.SetupPingServer(t, ctx)
defer cleanup()
utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "pingserver", 1)
// Create an envelope for a first version of the app.
*envelope = utiltest.EnvelopeFromShell(sh, []string{utiltest.TestEnvVarName + "=env-val-envelope"}, utiltest.AppCmd, "google naps", fmt.Sprintf("--%s=flag-val-envelope", utiltest.TestFlagName), "appV1")
// Install the app. The config-specified flag value for testFlagName
// should override the value specified in the envelope above, and the
// config-specified value for origin should override the value in the
// Install rpc argument.
mtName, ok := sh.GetVar(envvar.NamespacePrefix)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("failed to get namespace root var from shell")
// This rooted name should be equivalent to the relative name "ar", but
// we want to test that the config override for origin works.
rootedAppRepoName := naming.Join(mtName, "ar")
appID := utiltest.InstallApp(t, ctx, device.Config{utiltest.TestFlagName: "flag-val-install", mgmt.AppOriginConfigKey: rootedAppRepoName})
v1 := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstallationStateActive, appID)
installationDebug := utiltest.Debug(t, ctx, appID)
// We spot-check a couple pieces of information we expect in the debug
// output.
// TODO(caprita): Is there a way to verify more without adding brittle
// logic that assumes too much about the format? This may be one
// argument in favor of making the output of Debug a struct instead of
// free-form string.
if !strings.Contains(installationDebug, fmt.Sprintf("Origin: %v", rootedAppRepoName)) {
t.Fatalf("debug response doesn't contain expected info: %v", installationDebug)
if !strings.Contains(installationDebug, "Config: map[random_test_flag:flag-val-install]") {
t.Fatalf("debug response doesn't contain expected info: %v", installationDebug)
// Start requires the caller to bless the app instance.
expectedErr := "bless failed"
if _, err := utiltest.LaunchAppImpl(t, ctx, appID, ""); err == nil || err.Error() != expectedErr {
t.Fatalf("Start(%v) expected to fail with %v, got %v instead", appID, expectedErr, err)
// Start an instance of the app.
instance1ID := utiltest.LaunchApp(t, ctx, appID)
if v := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateRunning, appID, instance1ID); v != v1 {
t.Fatalf("Instance version expected to be %v, got %v instead", v1, v)
instanceDebug := utiltest.Debug(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
// Verify the apps default blessings.
if !strings.Contains(instanceDebug, fmt.Sprintf("Default Blessings %s/forapp", test.TestBlessing)) {
t.Fatalf("debug response doesn't contain expected info: %v", instanceDebug)
// Wait until the app pings us that it's ready.
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "flag-val-install", "env-val-envelope")
v1EP1 := utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 1)[0]
// Stop the app instance.
utiltest.KillApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateNotRunning, appID, instance1ID)
utiltest.ResolveExpectNotFound(t, ctx, "appV1")
utiltest.RunApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateRunning, appID, instance1ID)
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "flag-val-install", "env-val-envelope") // Wait until the app pings us that it's ready.
oldV1EP1 := v1EP1
if v1EP1 = utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 1)[0]; v1EP1 == oldV1EP1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected a new endpoint for the app after kill/run")
// Start a second instance.
instance2ID := utiltest.LaunchApp(t, ctx, appID)
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "flag-val-install", "env-val-envelope") // Wait until the app pings us that it's ready.
// There should be two endpoints mounted as "appV1", one for each
// instance of the app.
endpoints := utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 2)
v1EP2 := endpoints[0]
if endpoints[0] == v1EP1 {
v1EP2 = endpoints[1]
if v1EP2 == v1EP1 {
t.Fatalf("Both endpoints are the same")
} else if endpoints[1] != v1EP1 {
t.Fatalf("Second endpoint should have been v1EP1: %v, %v", endpoints, v1EP1)
// TODO(caprita): verify various non-standard combinations (kill when
// canceled; run while still running).
// Kill the first instance.
utiltest.KillApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
// Only the second instance should still be running and mounted.
if want, got := v1EP2, utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 1)[0]; want != got {
t.Fatalf("Resolve(%v): want: %v, got %v", "appV1", want, got)
// Updating the installation to itself is a no-op.
utiltest.UpdateAppExpectError(t, ctx, appID, impl.ErrUpdateNoOp.ID)
// Updating the installation should not work with a mismatched title.
*envelope = utiltest.EnvelopeFromShell(sh, nil, utiltest.AppCmd, "bogus")
utiltest.UpdateAppExpectError(t, ctx, appID, impl.ErrAppTitleMismatch.ID)
// Create a second version of the app and update the app to it.
*envelope = utiltest.EnvelopeFromShell(sh, []string{utiltest.TestEnvVarName + "=env-val-envelope"}, utiltest.AppCmd, "google naps", "appV2")
utiltest.UpdateApp(t, ctx, appID)
v2 := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstallationStateActive, appID)
if v1 == v2 {
t.Fatalf("Version did not change for %v: %v", appID, v1)
// Second instance should still be running.
if want, got := v1EP2, utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 1)[0]; want != got {
t.Fatalf("Resolve(%v): want: %v, got %v", "appV1", want, got)
if v := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateRunning, appID, instance2ID); v != v1 {
t.Fatalf("Instance version expected to be %v, got %v instead", v1, v)
// Resume first instance.
utiltest.RunApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
if v := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateRunning, appID, instance1ID); v != v1 {
t.Fatalf("Instance version expected to be %v, got %v instead", v1, v)
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "flag-val-install", "env-val-envelope") // Wait until the app pings us that it's ready.
// Both instances should still be running the first version of the app.
// Check that the mounttable contains two endpoints, one of which is
// v1EP2.
endpoints = utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 2)
if endpoints[0] == v1EP2 {
if endpoints[1] == v1EP2 {
t.Fatalf("Both endpoints are the same")
} else if endpoints[1] != v1EP2 {
t.Fatalf("Second endpoint should have been v1EP2: %v, %v", endpoints, v1EP2)
// Trying to update first instance while it's running should fail.
utiltest.UpdateInstanceExpectError(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID, impl.ErrInvalidOperation.ID)
// Stop first instance and try again.
utiltest.KillApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
// Only the second instance should still be running and mounted.
if want, got := v1EP2, utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 1)[0]; want != got {
t.Fatalf("Resolve(%v): want: %v, got %v", "appV1", want, got)
// Update succeeds now.
utiltest.UpdateInstance(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
if v := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateNotRunning, appID, instance1ID); v != v2 {
t.Fatalf("Instance version expected to be %v, got %v instead", v2, v)
// Resume the first instance and verify it's running v2 now.
utiltest.RunApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "flag-val-install", "env-val-envelope")
utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 1)
utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV2", 1)
// Stop first instance.
utiltest.TerminateApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1ID)
verifyAppWorkspace(t, root, appID, instance1ID)
utiltest.ResolveExpectNotFound(t, ctx, "appV2")
// Start a third instance.
instance3ID := utiltest.LaunchApp(t, ctx, appID)
if v := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateRunning, appID, instance3ID); v != v2 {
t.Fatalf("Instance version expected to be %v, got %v instead", v2, v)
// Wait until the app pings us that it's ready.
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "flag-val-install", "env-val-envelope")
utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV2", 1)
// Stop second instance.
utiltest.TerminateApp(t, ctx, appID, instance2ID)
utiltest.ResolveExpectNotFound(t, ctx, "appV1")
// Stop third instance.
utiltest.TerminateApp(t, ctx, appID, instance3ID)
utiltest.ResolveExpectNotFound(t, ctx, "appV2")
// Revert the app.
utiltest.RevertApp(t, ctx, appID)
if v := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstallationStateActive, appID); v != v1 {
t.Fatalf("Installation version expected to be %v, got %v instead", v1, v)
// Start a fourth instance. It should be running from version 1.
instance4ID := utiltest.LaunchApp(t, ctx, appID)
if v := utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateRunning, appID, instance4ID); v != v1 {
t.Fatalf("Instance version expected to be %v, got %v instead", v1, v)
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "flag-val-install", "env-val-envelope") // Wait until the app pings us that it's ready.
utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "appV1", 1)
utiltest.TerminateApp(t, ctx, appID, instance4ID)
utiltest.ResolveExpectNotFound(t, ctx, "appV1")
// We are already on the first version, no further revert possible.
utiltest.RevertAppExpectError(t, ctx, appID, impl.ErrUpdateNoOp.ID)
// Uninstall the app.
utiltest.UninstallApp(t, ctx, appID)
utiltest.VerifyState(t, ctx, device.InstallationStateUninstalled, appID)
// Updating the installation should no longer be allowed.
utiltest.UpdateAppExpectError(t, ctx, appID, impl.ErrInvalidOperation.ID)
// Reverting the installation should no longer be allowed.
utiltest.RevertAppExpectError(t, ctx, appID, impl.ErrInvalidOperation.ID)
// Starting new instances should no longer be allowed.
utiltest.LaunchAppExpectError(t, ctx, appID, impl.ErrInvalidOperation.ID)
// Make sure that Kill will actually kill an app that doesn't exit
// cleanly Do this by installing, instantiating, running, and killing
// hangingApp, which sleeps (rather than exits) after being asked to
// Stop()
*envelope = utiltest.EnvelopeFromShell(sh, nil, utiltest.HangingAppCmd, "hanging ap", "hAppV1")
hAppID := utiltest.InstallApp(t, ctx)
hInstanceID := utiltest.LaunchApp(t, ctx, hAppID)
hangingPid := pingCh.WaitForPingArgs(t).Pid
if err := syscall.Kill(hangingPid, 0); err != nil && err != syscall.EPERM {
t.Fatalf("Pid of hanging app (%v) is not live", hangingPid)
utiltest.KillApp(t, ctx, hAppID, hInstanceID)
pidIsAlive := true
for i := 0; i < 10 && pidIsAlive; i++ {
if err := syscall.Kill(hangingPid, 0); err == nil || err == syscall.EPERM {
time.Sleep(time.Second) // pid is still alive
} else {
pidIsAlive = false
if pidIsAlive {
t.Fatalf("Pid of hanging app (%d) has not exited after Stop() call", hangingPid)
// Cleanly shut down the device manager.
defer utiltest.VerifyNoRunningProcesses(t)
syscall.Kill(dmh.Pid(), syscall.SIGINT)
dmh.Expect("dm terminated")