blob: 9db7e9a2f5f868eef513596b3057a33942ebcb3b [file] [log] [blame]
package flags
import (
// FlagGroup is the type for identifying groups of related flags.
type FlagGroup int
const (
// Runtime identifies the flags and associated environment variables
// used by the Vanadium process runtime. Namely:
// --veyron.namespace.root (which may be repeated to supply multiple values)
// --veyron.credentials
// --veyron.vtrace.sample_rate
// --veyron.vtrace.dump_on_shutdown
// --veyron.vtrace.cache_size
// --veyron.vtrace.collect_regexp
Runtime FlagGroup = iota
// Listen identifies the flags typically required to configure
// ipc.ListenSpec. Namely:
// --veyron.tcp.protocol
// --veyron.tcp.address
// --veyron.proxy
// --vanadium.i18n_catalogue
// --veyron.acl.file (which may be repeated to supply multiple values)
// ACL files are named - i.e. --veyron.acl=<name>:<file> with the
// name <runtime> reserved for use by the runtime.
// --veyron.acl.literal
const defaultNamespaceRoot = "/"
// Flags represents the set of flag groups created by a call to
// CreateAndRegister.
type Flags struct {
FlagSet *flag.FlagSet
groups map[FlagGroup]interface{}
type namespaceRootFlagVar struct {
isSet bool // is true when a flag has been explicitly set.
roots []string
func (nsr *namespaceRootFlagVar) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", nsr.roots)
func (nsr *namespaceRootFlagVar) Set(v string) error {
if !nsr.isSet {
// override the default value
nsr.isSet = true
nsr.roots = []string{}
for _, t := range nsr.roots {
if v == t {
return nil
nsr.roots = append(nsr.roots, v)
return nil
type aclFlagVar struct {
isSet bool
files map[string]string
func (aclf *aclFlagVar) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", aclf.files)
func (aclf *aclFlagVar) Set(v string) error {
if !aclf.isSet {
// override the default value
aclf.isSet = true
aclf.files = make(map[string]string)
parts := strings.SplitN(v, ":", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("%q is not in 'name:file' format", v)
name, file := parts[0], parts[1]
aclf.files[name] = file
return nil
// RuntimeFlags contains the values of the Runtime flag group.
type RuntimeFlags struct {
// NamespaceRoots may be initialized by NAMESPACE_ROOT* enivornment
// variables as well as --veyron.namespace.root. The command line
// will override the environment.
NamespaceRoots []string // TODO(cnicolaou): provide flag.Value impl
// Credentials may be initialized by the VEYRON_CREDENTIALS
// environment variable. The command line will override the environment.
Credentials string // TODO(cnicolaou): provide flag.Value impl
// I18nCatalogue may be initialized by the VANADIUM_I18N_CATALOGUE
// environment variable. The command line will override the
// environment.
I18nCatalogue string
// Vtrace flags control various aspects of Vtrace.
Vtrace VtraceFlags
namespaceRootsFlag namespaceRootFlagVar
type VtraceFlags struct {
// VtraceSampleRate is the rate (from 0.0 - 1.0) at which
// vtrace traces started by this process are sampled for collection.
SampleRate float64
// VtraceDumpOnShutdown tells the runtime to dump all stored traces
// to Stderr at shutdown if true.
DumpOnShutdown bool
// VtraceCacheSize is the number of traces to cache in memory.
// TODO(mattr): Traces can be of widely varying size, we should have
// some better measurement then just number of traces.
CacheSize int
// SpanRegexp matches a regular expression against span names and
// annotations and forces any trace matching trace to be collected.
CollectRegexp string
// ACLFlags contains the values of the ACLFlags flag group.
type ACLFlags struct {
// List of named ACL files.
fileFlag aclFlagVar
// Single json string, overrides everything.
literal string
// ACLFile returns the file which is presumed to contain ACL information
// associated with the supplied name parameter.
func (af ACLFlags) ACLFile(name string) string {
return af.fileFlag.files[name]
func (af ACLFlags) ACLLiteral() string {
return af.literal
// ListenAddrs is the set of listen addresses captured from the command line.
// ListenAddrs mirrors ipc.ListenAddrs.
type ListenAddrs []struct {
Protocol, Address string
// ListenFlags contains the values of the Listen flag group.
type ListenFlags struct {
Addrs ListenAddrs
ListenProxy string
protocol TCPProtocolFlag
addresses ipHostPortFlagVar
type ipHostPortFlagVar struct {
validator IPHostPortFlag
flags *ListenFlags
// Implements flag.Value.Get
func (ip ipHostPortFlagVar) Get() interface{} {
return ip.String()
// Implements flag.Value.Set
func (ip *ipHostPortFlagVar) Set(s string) error {
if err := ip.validator.Set(s); err != nil {
return err
a := struct {
Protocol, Address string
for _, t := range ip.flags.Addrs {
if t.Protocol == a.Protocol && t.Address == a.Address {
return nil
ip.flags.Addrs = append(ip.flags.Addrs, a)
return nil
// Implements flag.Value.String
func (ip ipHostPortFlagVar) String() string {
s := ""
for _, a := range ip.flags.Addrs {
s += fmt.Sprintf("(%s %s)", a.Protocol, a.Address)
return s
// createAndRegisterRuntimeFlags creates and registers the RuntimeFlags
// group with the supplied flag.FlagSet.
func createAndRegisterRuntimeFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) *RuntimeFlags {
f := &RuntimeFlags{}
roots, creds, i18nCatalogue := readEnv()
if len(roots) == 0 {
f.namespaceRootsFlag.roots = []string{defaultNamespaceRoot}
} else {
f.namespaceRootsFlag.roots = roots
fs.Var(&f.namespaceRootsFlag, "veyron.namespace.root", "local namespace root; can be repeated to provided multiple roots")
fs.StringVar(&f.Credentials, "veyron.credentials", creds, "directory to use for storing security credentials")
fs.StringVar(&f.I18nCatalogue, "vanadium.i18n_catalogue", i18nCatalogue, "18n catalogue files to load, comma separated")
fs.Float64Var(&f.Vtrace.SampleRate, "veyron.vtrace.sample_rate", 0.0, "Rate (from 0.0 to 1.0) to sample vtrace traces.")
fs.BoolVar(&f.Vtrace.DumpOnShutdown, "veyron.vtrace.dump_on_shutdown", true, "If true, dump all stored traces on runtime shutdown.")
fs.IntVar(&f.Vtrace.CacheSize, "veyron.vtrace.cache_size", 1024, "The number of vtrace traces to store in memory.")
fs.StringVar(&f.Vtrace.CollectRegexp, "veyron.vtrace.collect_regexp", "", "Spans and annotations that match this regular expression will trigger trace collection.")
return f
func createAndRegisterACLFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) *ACLFlags {
f := &ACLFlags{}
fs.Var(&f.fileFlag, "veyron.acl.file", "specify an acl file as <name>:<aclfile>")
fs.StringVar(&f.literal, "veyron.acl.literal", "", "explicitly specify the runtime acl as a JSON-encoded access.TaggedACLMap. Overrides all --veyron.acl.file flags.")
return f
var (
defaultProtocol = "wsh" // GUARDED_BY listenMu
defaultHostPort = ":0" // GUARDED_BY listenMu
listenMu sync.RWMutex
// SetDefaultProtocol sets the default protocol used when --veyron.tcp.protocol is
// not provided. It must be called before flags are parsed for it to take effect.
func SetDefaultProtocol(protocol string) {
defaultProtocol = protocol
// SetDefaultHostPort sets the default host and port used when --veyron.tcp.address
// is not provided. It must be called before flags are parsed for it to take effect.
func SetDefaultHostPort(s string) {
defaultHostPort = s
// createAndRegisterListenFlags creates and registers the ListenFlags
// group with the supplied flag.FlagSet.
func createAndRegisterListenFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) *ListenFlags {
defer listenMu.RUnlock()
var ipHostPortFlag IPHostPortFlag
if err := ipHostPortFlag.Set(defaultHostPort); err != nil {
f := &ListenFlags{
protocol: TCPProtocolFlag{defaultProtocol},
addresses: ipHostPortFlagVar{validator: ipHostPortFlag},
f.addresses.flags = f
fs.Var(&f.protocol, "veyron.tcp.protocol", "protocol to listen with")
fs.Var(&f.addresses, "veyron.tcp.address", "address to listen on")
fs.StringVar(&f.ListenProxy, "veyron.proxy", "", "object name of proxy service to use to export services across network boundaries")
return f
// CreateAndRegister creates a new set of flag groups as specified by the
// supplied flag group parameters and registers them with the supplied
// flag.FlagSet.
func CreateAndRegister(fs *flag.FlagSet, groups ...FlagGroup) *Flags {
if len(groups) == 0 {
return nil
f := &Flags{FlagSet: fs, groups: make(map[FlagGroup]interface{})}
for _, g := range groups {
switch g {
case Runtime:
f.groups[Runtime] = createAndRegisterRuntimeFlags(fs)
case Listen:
f.groups[Listen] = createAndRegisterListenFlags(fs)
case ACL:
f.groups[ACL] = createAndRegisterACLFlags(fs)
return f
// RuntimeFlags returns the Runtime flag subset stored in its Flags
// instance.
func (f *Flags) RuntimeFlags() RuntimeFlags {
if p := f.groups[Runtime]; p == nil {
return RuntimeFlags{}
from := f.groups[Runtime].(*RuntimeFlags)
to := *from
to.NamespaceRoots = make([]string, len(from.NamespaceRoots))
copy(to.NamespaceRoots, from.NamespaceRoots)
return to
// ListenFlags returns a copy of the Listen flag group stored in Flags.
// This copy will contain default values if the Listen flag group
// was not specified when CreateAndRegister was called. The HasGroup
// method can be used for testing to see if any given group was configured.
func (f *Flags) ListenFlags() ListenFlags {
if p := f.groups[Listen]; p != nil {
lf := p.(*ListenFlags)
n := *lf
if len(lf.Addrs) == 0 {
n.Addrs = ListenAddrs{{n.protocol.String(),
return n
n.Addrs = make(ListenAddrs, len(lf.Addrs))
copy(n.Addrs, lf.Addrs)
return n
return ListenFlags{}
// ACLFlags returns a copy of the ACL flag group stored in Flags.
// This copy will contain default values if the ACL flag group
// was not specified when CreateAndRegister was called. The HasGroup
// method can be used for testing to see if any given group was configured.
func (f *Flags) ACLFlags() ACLFlags {
if p := f.groups[ACL]; p != nil {
return *(p.(*ACLFlags))
return ACLFlags{}
// HasGroup returns group if the supplied FlagGroup has been created
// for these Flags.
func (f *Flags) HasGroup(group FlagGroup) bool {
_, present := f.groups[group]
return present
// Args returns the unparsed args, as per flag.Args.
func (f *Flags) Args() []string {
return f.FlagSet.Args()
// readEnv reads the legacy NAMESPACE_ROOT?, VEYRON_CREDENTIALS,
// and VANADIUM_I18N_CATALOGUE env vars.
func readEnv() ([]string, string, string) {
roots := []string{}
for _, ev := range os.Environ() {
p := strings.SplitN(ev, "=", 2)
if len(p) != 2 {
k, v := p[0], p[1]
if strings.HasPrefix(k, consts.NamespaceRootPrefix) && len(v) > 0 {
roots = append(roots, v)
return roots, os.Getenv(consts.VeyronCredentials), os.Getenv(consts.I18nCatalogueFiles)
// Parse parses the supplied args, as per flag.Parse. The config can optionally
// specify flag overrides.
func (f *Flags) Parse(args []string, cfg map[string]string) error {
// TODO(cnicolaou): implement a single env var 'VANADIUM_OPTS'
// that can be used to specify any command line.
fs := f.FlagSet
if fs == flag.CommandLine {
// We treat the default command-line flag set specially w.r.t.
// printing out the build binary metadata: we want to display it
// as the first thing in the help message for the binary.
// We do this by overriding the usage function for the duration
// of the Parse.
oldUsage := fs.Usage
defer func() {
fs.Usage = oldUsage
fs.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Binary info: %s\n", buildinfo.Info())
if oldUsage == nil {
} else {
if err := f.FlagSet.Parse(args); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range cfg {
if f.FlagSet.Lookup(k) != nil {
f.FlagSet.Set(k, v)
hasrt := f.groups[Runtime] != nil
if hasrt {
runtime := f.groups[Runtime].(*RuntimeFlags)
if runtime.namespaceRootsFlag.isSet {
// command line overrides the environment.
runtime.NamespaceRoots = runtime.namespaceRootsFlag.roots
} else {
// we have a default value for the command line, which
// is only used if the environment variables have not been
// supplied.
if len(runtime.NamespaceRoots) == 0 {
runtime.NamespaceRoots = runtime.namespaceRootsFlag.roots
return nil