blob: 0640f1df110a36fe952b8816763ec70e92cb4a17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
import (
func defineConst(data *goData, def *compile.ConstDef) string {
v := def.Value
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s = %s%s", def.Doc, constOrVar(v.Kind()), def.Name, typedConst(data, v), def.DocSuffix)
func constOrVar(k vdl.Kind) string {
switch k {
case vdl.Bool, vdl.Byte, vdl.Uint16, vdl.Uint32, vdl.Uint64, vdl.Int8, vdl.Int16, vdl.Int32, vdl.Int64, vdl.Float32, vdl.Float64, vdl.String, vdl.Enum:
return "const"
return "var"
func isByteList(t *vdl.Type) bool {
return t.Kind() == vdl.List && t.Elem().Kind() == vdl.Byte
func genValueOf(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
// There's no need to convert the value to its native representation, since
// it'll just be converted back in vdl.ValueOf.
return data.Pkg("") + "ValueOf(" + typedConstWire(data, v) + ")"
func typedConst(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
if native := typedConstNative(data, v); native != "" {
return native
return typedConstWire(data, v)
// TODO(bprosnitz): Generate the full tag name e.g. security.Read instead of
// security.Label(1)
// TODO(toddw): This is broken for optional types that can't be represented
// using a composite literal (e.g. optional primitives).
func typedConstWire(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
k, t := v.Kind(), v.Type()
typestr := typeGoWire(data, t)
if k == vdl.Optional {
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
return "&" + typedConst(data, elem)
return "(" + typestr + ")(nil)" // results in (*Foo)(nil)
valstr := untypedConstWire(data, v)
// Enum, TypeObject, Union, Any and non-zero []byte already include the type
// in their "untyped" values. Built-in bool and string are implicitly
// convertible from their literals.
if k == vdl.Enum || k == vdl.TypeObject || k == vdl.Any || (isByteList(t) && !v.IsZero()) || t == vdl.BoolType || t == vdl.StringType {
return valstr
// Everything else requires an explicit type.
// { } are used instead of ( ) for composites
switch k {
case vdl.Array, vdl.Struct:
return typestr + valstr
case vdl.List, vdl.Set, vdl.Map:
// Special-case empty variable-length collections, which we generate as a type
// conversion from nil
if !v.IsZero() {
return typestr + valstr
return typestr + "(" + valstr + ")"
func untypedConst(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
if native := untypedConstNative(data, v); native != "" {
return native
return untypedConstWire(data, v)
func untypedConstWire(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
k, t := v.Kind(), v.Type()
typestr := typeGoWire(data, t)
if isByteList(t) {
if v.IsZero() {
return "nil"
return typestr + "(" + strconv.Quote(string(v.Bytes())) + ")"
switch k {
case vdl.Any:
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
// For the interface{} case, we just return a Go expression representing
// the typed elem value. If the elem type is native, we need to return a
// value of the native type.
// Otherwise we need to generate a Go expression of type *vom.RawBytes or
// *vdl.Value. Since the rest of our logic can already generate the Go
// code for any value, we just wrap it in vom.RawBytesOf / vdl.ValueOf to
// produce the final result. We don't need to generate the native
// representation, since it'll just be converted back to a wire
// representation in RawBytesOf / ValueOf anyways.
// This may seem like a strange roundtrip, but results in less generator
// and generated code.
switch goAnyRepMode(data.Package) {
case goAnyRepRawBytes:
return data.Pkg("") + "RawBytesOf(" + typedConstWire(data, elem) + ")"
case goAnyRepValue:
return data.Pkg("") + "ValueOf(" + typedConstWire(data, elem) + ")"
// Special-case for error(nil) contained within an any, to avoid losing
// type information. Note that both of the Go expressions error(nil)
// and (*verror.E)(nil) are valid representations of the VDL nil error.
// But since error is a Go interface, we lose the type information from
// error(nil) when it's contained in another interface (i.e. any). So
// we pick a representation that doesn't lose type information.
if elem.Type() == vdl.ErrorType && elem.IsNil() {
return "(*" + data.Pkg("") + "E)(nil)"
// We need the final result to be the native type.
return typedConst(data, elem)
switch goAnyRepMode(data.Package) {
case goAnyRepRawBytes:
// TODO(bprosnitz) Can this just be vom.RawBytesOf(nil)
return data.Pkg("") + "RawBytesOf(" + data.Pkg("") + "ZeroValue(vdl.AnyType)" + ")"
case goAnyRepValue:
return data.Pkg("") + "ZeroValue(vdl.AnyType)"
return "nil"
case vdl.Optional:
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
return untypedConst(data, elem)
return "nil"
case vdl.TypeObject:
return data.TypeOf(v.TypeObject())
case vdl.Bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(v.Bool())
case vdl.Byte, vdl.Uint16, vdl.Uint32, vdl.Uint64:
return strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10)
case vdl.Int8, vdl.Int16, vdl.Int32, vdl.Int64:
return strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10)
case vdl.Float32, vdl.Float64:
return formatFloat(v.Float(), k)
case vdl.String:
return strconv.Quote(v.RawString())
case vdl.Enum:
return typestr + v.EnumLabel()
case vdl.Array:
if v.IsZero() && isGoZeroValueCanonical(data, t.Elem()) {
// If the array is zero and the element type represents zero using the go
// zero value, we can special-case using the go zero value.
return "{}"
s := "{"
for ix := 0; ix < v.Len(); ix++ {
s += "\n" + untypedConst(data, v.Index(ix)) + ","
return s + "\n}"
case vdl.List:
if v.IsZero() {
return "nil"
s := "{"
for ix := 0; ix < v.Len(); ix++ {
s += "\n" + untypedConst(data, v.Index(ix)) + ","
return s + "\n}"
case vdl.Set, vdl.Map:
if v.IsZero() {
return "nil"
s := "{"
for _, key := range vdl.SortValuesAsString(v.Keys()) {
s += "\n" + untypedConst(data, key)
if k == vdl.Set {
s += ": struct{}{},"
} else {
s += ": " + untypedConst(data, v.MapIndex(key)) + ","
return s + "\n}"
case vdl.Struct:
s := "{"
hasFields := false
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
vf := v.StructField(ix)
if !vf.IsZero() || !isGoZeroValueCanonical(data, vf.Type()) {
// Only set the field if the field isn't zero or the field type doesn't
// represent zero using the go zero value. Otherwise simply skip the
// field, letting the default go zero value occur.
s += "\n" + t.Field(ix).Name + ": " + fieldConst(data, vf) + ","
hasFields = true
if hasFields {
s += "\n"
return s + "}"
case vdl.Union:
ix, vf := v.UnionField()
var inner string
if !vf.IsZero() || !isGoZeroValueCanonical(data, vf.Type()) {
// Only set the field if the field isn't zero or the field type doesn't
// represent zero using the go zero value. Otherwise simply skip the
// field, letting the default go zero value occur.
inner = fieldConst(data, vf)
return typestr + t.Field(ix).Name + "{" + inner + "}"
data.Env.Errors.Errorf("%s: %v untypedConstWire not implemented for %v %v", data.Package.Name, t, k)
return "INVALID"
// fieldConst deals with a quirk regarding Go composite literals. Go allows us
// to elide the type from composite literal Y when the type is implied;
// basically when Y is contained in another composite literal X. However it
// requires the type for Y when X is a struct and we're filling in its fields.
// Thus fieldConst is called when filling in struct and union fields, and
// ensures typedConst is only called when the field itself will result in
// another Go composite literal.
func fieldConst(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
if native, _, ok := findNativeType(data.Env, v.Type()); ok {
switch native.Kind {
case vdltool.GoKindArray, vdltool.GoKindSlice, vdltool.GoKindMap, vdltool.GoKindStruct:
return typedConst(data, v)
switch v.Kind() {
case vdl.Array, vdl.List, vdl.Set, vdl.Map, vdl.Struct, vdl.Optional:
return typedConst(data, v)
// Union is not in the list above. It *is* generated as a Go composite
// literal, but untypedConst already has the type of the concrete union struct
// attached to it, and we don't need to convert this to the union interface
// type, since the concrete union struct is assignable to the union interface.
return untypedConst(data, v)
func formatFloat(x float64, kind vdl.Kind) string {
var bitSize int
switch kind {
case vdl.Float32:
bitSize = 32
case vdl.Float64:
bitSize = 64
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: formatFloat unhandled kind: %v", kind))
return strconv.FormatFloat(x, 'g', -1, bitSize)
// typedConstNative returns a typed native constant, or returns the empty string
// if v isn't a native type.
func typedConstNative(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
return constNative(data, v, true)
// untypedConstNative returns an untyped native constant, or returns the empty
// string if v isn't a native type.
func untypedConstNative(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
return constNative(data, v, false)
func constNative(data *goData, v *vdl.Value, typed bool) string {
if v.Type() == vdl.ErrorType {
return constNativeError(data, v)
if native, wirePkg, ok := findNativeType(data.Env, v.Type()); ok {
nType := nativeType(data, native, wirePkg)
if native.Zero.Mode != vdltool.GoZeroModeUnknown && v.IsZero() {
// This is the case where the value is zero, and the zero mode is either
// Canonical or Unique, which means that the Go zero value of the native
// type is sufficient to represent the value.
if typed {
return typedConstNativeZero(native.Kind, nType)
} else {
return untypedConstNativeZero(native.Kind, nType)
return constNativeConversion(data, v, nType, toNative(data, native, v.Type()))
return ""
func constNativeError(data *goData, v *vdl.Value) string {
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
wireError := typedConstWire(data, elem)
return data.Pkg("") + "FromWire(&" + wireError + ")"
return "nil"
func constNativeConversion(data *goData, v *vdl.Value, nType, toNative string) string {
// TODO(toddw): Change const generation to use the same style as
// genIsZero, which creates separate setup and expr code, so that we can
// handle errors without panicing.
return fmt.Sprintf(`func() %[1]s {
var native %[1]s
wire := %[2]s
if err := %[3]s(wire, &native); err != nil {
return native
}()`, nType, typedConstWire(data, v), toNative)
func typedConstNativeZero(kind vdltool.GoKind, nType string) string {
zero := untypedConstNativeZero(kind, nType)
switch kind {
case vdltool.GoKindStruct, vdltool.GoKindArray:
return zero // untyped const is already typed, e.g. NativeType{}
return nType + "(" + zero + ")" // e.g. NativeType(0)
func untypedConstNativeZero(kind vdltool.GoKind, nType string) string {
switch kind {
case vdltool.GoKindStruct, vdltool.GoKindArray:
return nType + "{}" // No way to create an untyped zero struct or array.
case vdltool.GoKindBool:
return "false"
case vdltool.GoKindNumber:
return "0"
case vdltool.GoKindString:
return `""`
return "nil"