blob: 501dfd5d341e0dec9644eb3cc0bd59574047eba1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
import (
func TestType(t *testing.T) {
testingMode = true
tests := []struct {
T *vdl.Type
Want string
{vdl.AnyType, `*vom.RawBytes`},
{vdl.TypeObjectType, `*vdl.Type`},
{vdl.BoolType, `bool`},
{vdl.StringType, `string`},
{vdl.ListType(vdl.ByteType), `[]byte`},
{vdl.ByteType, `byte`},
{vdl.Uint16Type, `uint16`},
{vdl.Uint32Type, `uint32`},
{vdl.Uint64Type, `uint64`},
{vdl.Int16Type, `int16`},
{vdl.Int32Type, `int32`},
{vdl.Int64Type, `int64`},
{vdl.Float32Type, `float32`},
{vdl.Float64Type, `float64`},
{tArray, `[3]string`},
{tList, `[]string`},
{tSet, `map[string]struct{}`},
{tMap, `map[string]int64`},
data := &goData{Env: compile.NewEnv(-1)}
for _, test := range tests {
data.Package = &compile.Package{}
if got, want := typeGo(data, test.T), test.Want; got != want {
t.Errorf("%s\nGOT %s\nWANT %s", test.T, got, want)
// TODO(bprosnitz) Disabled because frustrating while making changes. Either re-enable and fix output or re-write this test.
func disabledTestTypeDef(t *testing.T) {
testingMode = true
tests := []struct {
T *vdl.Type
Want string
{tEnum, `type TestEnum int
const (
TestEnumA TestEnum = iota
// TestEnumAll holds all labels for TestEnum.
var TestEnumAll = [...]TestEnum{TestEnumA, TestEnumB, TestEnumC}
// TestEnumFromString creates a TestEnum from a string label.
func TestEnumFromString(label string) (x TestEnum, err error) {
err = x.Set(label)
// Set assigns label to x.
func (x *TestEnum) Set(label string) error {
switch label {
case "A", "a":
*x = TestEnumA
return nil
case "B", "b":
*x = TestEnumB
return nil
case "C", "c":
*x = TestEnumC
return nil
*x = -1
return fmt.Errorf("unknown label %q in TestEnum", label)
// String returns the string label of x.
func (x TestEnum) String() string {
switch x {
case TestEnumA:
return "A"
case TestEnumB:
return "B"
case TestEnumC:
return "C"
return ""
func (TestEnum) __VDLReflect(struct{
Name string ` + "`" + `vdl:"TestEnum"` + "`" + `
Enum struct{ A, B, C string }
}) {
func (m TestEnum) FillVDLTarget(t vdl.Target, tt *vdl.Type) error {
if err := t.FromEnumLabel(m.String(), __VDLType__TestEnum); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m TestEnum) MakeVDLTarget() vdl.Target {
return nil
{tUnion, `type (
// TestUnion represents any single field of the TestUnion union type.
TestUnion interface {
// Index returns the field index.
Index() int
// Interface returns the field value as an interface.
Interface() interface{}
// Name returns the field name.
Name() string
// __VDLReflect describes the TestUnion union type.
FillVDLTarget(vdl.Target, *vdl.Type) error
// TestUnionA represents field A of the TestUnion union type.
TestUnionA struct{ Value string }
// TestUnionB represents field B of the TestUnion union type.
TestUnionB struct{ Value int64 }
// __TestUnionReflect describes the TestUnion union type.
__TestUnionReflect struct {
Name string ` + "`" + `vdl:"TestUnion"` + "`" + `
Type TestUnion
Union struct {
A TestUnionA
B TestUnionB
func (x TestUnionA) Index() int { return 0 }
func (x TestUnionA) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x TestUnionA) Name() string { return "A" }
func (x TestUnionA) __VDLReflect(__TestUnionReflect) {}
func (m TestUnionA) FillVDLTarget(t vdl.Target, tt *vdl.Type) error {
` + "\t" + `
fieldsTarget1, err := t.StartFields(__VDLType__TestUnion)
if err != nil {
return err
keyTarget2, fieldTarget3, err := fieldsTarget1.StartField("A")
if err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldTarget3.FromString(string(m.Value), vdl.StringType); err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldsTarget1.FinishField(keyTarget2, fieldTarget3); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.FinishFields(fieldsTarget1); err != nil {
return err
` + "\t" + `
return nil
func (m TestUnionA) MakeVDLTarget() vdl.Target {
return nil
func (x TestUnionB) Index() int { return 1 }
func (x TestUnionB) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x TestUnionB) Name() string { return "B" }
func (x TestUnionB) __VDLReflect(__TestUnionReflect) {}
func (m TestUnionB) FillVDLTarget(t vdl.Target, tt *vdl.Type) error {
` + "\t" + `
fieldsTarget1, err := t.StartFields(__VDLType__TestUnion)
if err != nil {
return err
keyTarget2, fieldTarget3, err := fieldsTarget1.StartField("B")
if err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldTarget3.FromInt(int64(m.Value), vdl.Int64Type); err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldsTarget1.FinishField(keyTarget2, fieldTarget3); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.FinishFields(fieldsTarget1); err != nil {
return err
` + "\t" + `
return nil
func (m TestUnionB) MakeVDLTarget() vdl.Target {
return nil
data := &goData{
Package: &compile.Package{},
Env: compile.NewEnv(-1),
createdTargets: make(map[*vdl.Type]bool),
for _, test := range tests {
firstLetter, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(test.T.Name())
def := &compile.TypeDef{
NamePos: compile.NamePos{Name: test.T.Name()},
Type: test.T,
Exported: unicode.IsUpper(firstLetter),
switch test.T.Kind() {
case vdl.Enum:
def.LabelDoc = make([]string, test.T.NumEnumLabel())
def.LabelDocSuffix = make([]string, test.T.NumEnumLabel())
case vdl.Struct, vdl.Union:
def.FieldDoc = make([]string, test.T.NumField())
def.FieldDocSuffix = make([]string, test.T.NumField())
if got, want := defineType(data, def), test.Want; got != want {
// TIP: Try for debugging
// invisible differences.
t.Errorf("%s\n GOT %s\nWANT %s", test.T, got, want)
var (
tEnum = vdl.NamedType("TestEnum", vdl.EnumType("A", "B", "C"))
tArray = vdl.ArrayType(3, vdl.StringType)
tList = vdl.ListType(vdl.StringType)
tListOfByteList = vdl.ListType(vdl.ListType(vdl.ByteType))
tSet = vdl.SetType(vdl.StringType)
tMap = vdl.MapType(vdl.StringType, vdl.Int64Type)
tStruct = vdl.NamedType("TestStruct", vdl.StructType(
Name: "A",
Type: vdl.StringType,
Name: "B",
Type: vdl.Int64Type,
tUnion = vdl.NamedType("TestUnion", vdl.UnionType(
Name: "A",
Type: vdl.StringType,
Name: "B",
Type: vdl.Int64Type,