blob: 30ad19939ddd979b5e85d1d8197e283ba666240c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package discharger
import (
services ""
// dischargerd issues discharges for all caveats present in the current
// namespace with no additional caveats iff the caveat is valid.
type dischargerd struct{}
func (dischargerd) Discharge(call rpc.ServerCall, caveat security.Caveat, _ security.DischargeImpetus) (security.Discharge, error) {
ctx := call.Context()
secCall := security.GetCall(ctx)
tp := caveat.ThirdPartyDetails()
if tp == nil {
return security.Discharge{}, services.NewErrNotAThirdPartyCaveat(call.Context(), caveat)
if err := tp.Dischargeable(ctx); err != nil {
return security.Discharge{}, fmt.Errorf("third-party caveat %v cannot be discharged for this context: %v", tp, err)
expiry, err := security.ExpiryCaveat(time.Now().Add(15 * time.Minute))
if err != nil {
return security.Discharge{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to create expiration caveat on the discharge: %v", err)
return secCall.LocalPrincipal().MintDischarge(caveat, expiry)
// NewDischarger returns a discharger service implementation that grants
// discharges using the MintDischarge on the principal receiving the RPC.
// Discharges are valid for 15 minutes.
// TODO(ashankar,ataly): Parameterize this? Make it easier for clients to add
// caveats on the discharge?
func NewDischarger() services.DischargerServerMethods {
return dischargerd{}