blob: c359323dc06ad9a0b62bf90239e57654f7aeadfe [file] [log] [blame]
package vtrace_test
import (
_ ""
iipc ""
tnaming ""
truntime ""
ivtrace ""
// We need a special way to create contexts for tests. We
// can't create a real runtime in the runtime implementation
// so we use a fake one that panics if used. The runtime
// implementation should not ever use the Runtime from a context.
func testContext() context.T {
return iipc.InternalNewContext(&truntime.PanicRuntime{})
func TestNewFromContext(t *testing.T) {
c0 := testContext()
c1, s1 := ivtrace.WithNewSpan(c0, "s1")
c2, s2 := ivtrace.WithNewSpan(c1, "s2")
c3, s3 := ivtrace.WithNewSpan(c2, "s3")
expected := map[context.T]vtrace.Span{
c0: nil,
c1: s1,
c2: s2,
c3: s3,
for ctx, expectedSpan := range expected {
if s := ivtrace.FromContext(ctx); s != expectedSpan {
t.Errorf("Wrong span for ctx %v. Got %v, want %v", c0, s, expectedSpan)
type fakeAuthorizer int
func (fakeAuthorizer) Authorize(security.Context) error {
return nil
type testServer struct {
sm stream.Manager
ns naming.Namespace
name string
child string
stop func() error
forceCollect bool
func (c *testServer) Run(ctx ipc.ServerContext) error {
if c.forceCollect {
client, err := iipc.InternalNewClient(, c.ns)
if err != nil {
return err
ivtrace.FromContext(ctx).Annotate( + "-begin")
if c.child != "" {
var call ipc.Call
if call, err = client.StartCall(ctx, c.child, "Run", []interface{}{}); err != nil {
return err
var outerr error
if err = call.Finish(&outerr); err != nil {
return err
if outerr != nil {
return outerr
ivtrace.FromContext(ctx).Annotate( + "-end")
return nil
func makeTestServer(ns naming.Namespace, name, child string, forceCollect bool) (*testServer, error) {
sm := manager.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0x111111111))
ctx := testContext()
s, err := iipc.InternalNewServer(ctx, sm, ns, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := s.Listen(ipc.ListenSpec{Protocol: "tcp", Address: ""}); err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &testServer{
sm: sm,
ns: ns,
name: name,
child: child,
stop: s.Stop,
forceCollect: forceCollect,
if err := s.Serve(name, c, fakeAuthorizer(0)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func summary(span *vtrace.SpanRecord) string {
summary := span.Name
if len(span.Annotations) > 0 {
msgs := []string{}
for _, annotation := range span.Annotations {
msgs = append(msgs, annotation.Message)
summary += ": " + strings.Join(msgs, ", ")
return summary
func expectSequence(t *testing.T, trace vtrace.TraceRecord, expectedSpans []string) {
// It's okay to have additional spans - someone may have inserted
// additional spans for more debugging.
if got, want := len(trace.Spans), len(expectedSpans); got < want {
t.Errorf("Found %d spans, want %d", got, want)
spans := map[string]*vtrace.SpanRecord{}
summaries := []string{}
for i := range trace.Spans {
span := &trace.Spans[i]
// All spans should have a start.
if span.Start == 0 {
t.Errorf("span missing start: %#v", span)
// All spans except the root should have an end.
if span.Name != "" && span.End == 0 {
t.Errorf("span missing end: %#v", span)
if span.Start >= span.End {
t.Errorf("span end should be after start: %#v", span)
summary := summary(span)
summaries = append(summaries, summary)
spans[summary] = span
for i := range expectedSpans {
child, ok := spans[expectedSpans[i]]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("expected span %s not found in %#v", expectedSpans[i], summaries)
if i == 0 {
parent, ok := spans[expectedSpans[i-1]]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("expected span %s not found in %#v", expectedSpans[i-1], summaries)
if child.Parent != parent.ID {
t.Errorf("%v should be a child of %v, but it's not.", child, parent)
func runCallChain(t *testing.T, ctx context.T, force1, force2 bool) {
sm := manager.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0x555555555))
ns := tnaming.NewSimpleNamespace()
client, err := iipc.InternalNewClient(sm, ns)
if err != nil {
c1, err := makeTestServer(ns, "c1", "c2", force1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Can't start server:", err)
defer c1.stop()
c2, err := makeTestServer(ns, "c2", "", force2)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Can't start server:", err)
defer c2.stop()
call, err := client.StartCall(ctx, "c1", "Run", []interface{}{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("can't call: ", err)
var outerr error
if err = call.Finish(&outerr); err != nil {
if outerr != nil {
// TestCancellationPropagation tests that cancellation propogates along an
// RPC call chain without user intervention.
func TestTraceAcrossRPCs(t *testing.T) {
ctx, span := ivtrace.WithNewSpan(testContext(), "")
runCallChain(t, ctx, false, false)
expectedSpans := []string{
": c0-begin, c0-end",
"\"\".Run: c1-begin, c1-end",
"\"\".Run: c2-begin, c2-end",
expectSequence(t, span.Trace().Record(), expectedSpans)
// TestCancellationPropagationLateForce tests that cancellation propogates along an
// RPC call chain when tracing is initiated by someone deep in the call chain.
func TestTraceAcrossRPCsLateForce(t *testing.T) {
ctx, span := ivtrace.WithNewSpan(testContext(), "")
runCallChain(t, ctx, false, true)
expectedSpans := []string{
": c0-end",
"\"\".Run: c1-end",
"\"\".Run: c2-begin, c2-end",
expectSequence(t, span.Trace().Record(), expectedSpans)