blob: 3f7206a76052146fc10685ffbe95ffb10f7e5310 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test the application repository daemon.
# This test starts an application repository daemon and uses the
# application repository client to verify that <application>.Put(),
# <application>.Match(), and <application>.Remove() work as expected.
source "${VEYRON_ROOT}/environment/scripts/lib/"
build() {
local -r GO="${REPO_ROOT}/scripts/build/go"
"${GO}" build veyron/services/mgmt/application/applicationd || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to build 'applicationd'"
"${GO}" build veyron/tools/application || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to build 'application'"
main() {
cd "${TMPDIR}"
# Start the application repository daemon.
local -r REPO="applicationd-test-repo"
local -r STORE=$(shell::tmp_dir)
shell_test::start_server ./applicationd --name="${REPO}" --store="${STORE}" --address= -logtostderr
# Create an application envelope.
local -r APPLICATION="${REPO}/test-application/v1"
local -r PROFILE="test-profile"
local -r ENVELOPE_WANT=$(shell::tmp_file)
cat > "${ENVELOPE_WANT}" <<EOF
{"Title":"title", "Args":[], "Binary":"foo", "Env":[]}
./application put "${APPLICATION}" "${PROFILE}" "${ENVELOPE_WANT}" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: 'put' failed"
# Match the application envelope.
local -r ENVELOPE_GOT=$(shell::tmp_file)
./application match "${APPLICATION}" "${PROFILE}" | tee "${ENVELOPE_GOT}" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: 'match' failed"
if [[ $(cmp "${ENVELOPE_WANT}" "${ENVELOPE_GOT}" &> /dev/null) ]]; then
shell_test::fail "mismatching application envelopes"
# Remove the application envelope.
./application remove "${APPLICATION}" "${PROFILE}" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: 'remove' failed"
# Check the application envelope no longer exists.
./application match "${APPLICATION}" "${PROFILE}" && "line ${LINENO}: 'match' did not fail when it should"
main "$@"