blob: e3b06ecd59c83825767df2c36579381c840b6c27 [file] [log] [blame]
package vc
import (
const (
clientChannelEnd = "client"
serverChannelEnd = "server"
var (
authServerContextTag = []byte("VCauthS\x00")
authClientContextTag = []byte("VCauthC\x00")
// authenticateAsServer executes the authentication protocol at the server and
// returns the identity of the client and server.
func authenticateAsServerOld(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, localID LocalID, crypter crypto.Crypter, v version.IPCVersion) (clientID, serverID security.PublicID, err error) {
// The authentication protocol has the server doing the final read, so
// it is the one that closes the connection.
defer conn.Close()
if serverID, err = localID.AsServer(); err != nil {
if err = writeIdentity(conn, serverChannelEnd, authServerContextTag, crypter, localID, serverID, v); err != nil {
clientID, err = readIdentity(conn, clientChannelEnd, authClientContextTag, crypter, v)
// authenticateAsClient executes the authentication protocol at the client and
// returns the identity of the server.
// If serverName is non-nil, the authentication protocol will be considered
// successfull iff the server identity matches the provided regular expression.
func authenticateAsClientOld(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, localID LocalID, crypter crypto.Crypter, v version.IPCVersion) (serverID, clientID security.PublicID, err error) {
defer conn.Close()
if serverID, err = readIdentity(conn, serverChannelEnd, authServerContextTag, crypter, v); err != nil {
if clientID, err = localID.AsClient(serverID); err != nil {
err = writeIdentity(conn, clientChannelEnd, authClientContextTag, crypter, localID, clientID, v)
// identityMessage encapsulates information sent across the wire by a principal
// to introduce itself.
// Each field in the message is encrypted by the sender.
type identityMessage struct {
ChannelID []byte
ID []byte // VOM-encoded
SignR []byte
SignS []byte
Signature []byte // VOM-encoded
var (
errSameChannelPublicKey = errors.New("same public keys for both ends of the channel")
errChannelIDMismatch = errors.New("channel id does not match expectation")
errInvalidIdentityInMessage = errors.New("invalid identity in authentication message")
errInvalidSignatureInMessage = errors.New("signature does not verify in authentication handshake message")
errSingleCertificateRequired = errors.New("exactly one X.509 certificate chain with exactly one certificate is required")
func writeIdentity(w io.Writer, chEnd string, contextTag []byte, crypter crypto.Crypter, id LocalID, pub security.PublicID, v version.IPCVersion) error {
// TODO(ashankar): Remove references to protocol V1 and V2 before release
if v != version.UnknownIPCVersion && v < version.IPCVersion2 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot authenticate with deprecated RPC protocol version(%v)", v)
if v == version.IPCVersion2 {
// Compute channel id - encrypted chEnd string
chid, err := crypter.Encrypt(iobuf.NewSlice([]byte(chEnd)))
if err != nil {
return err
defer chid.Release()
// VOM-encode and encrypt the (public) identity.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := vom.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(pub); err != nil {
return err
eid, err := crypter.Encrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(buf.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return err
defer eid.Release()
// Sign the channel ID
signature, err := id.Sign(chid.Contents)
if err != nil {
return err
msg := identityMessage{
ID: eid.Contents,
ChannelID: chid.Contents,
buf = bytes.Buffer{}
if err := vom.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(signature); err != nil {
return err
esig, err := crypter.Encrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(buf.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return err
defer esig.Release()
msg.Signature = esig.Contents
// Write the message out.
return vom.NewEncoder(w).Encode(msg)
// v == version.IPCVersion3
signature, err := id.Sign(append(contextTag, crypter.ChannelBinding()...))
if err != nil {
return err
var buf bytes.Buffer
ve := vom.NewEncoder(&buf)
if err := ve.Encode(pub); err != nil {
return err
if err := ve.Encode(signature); err != nil {
return err
msg, err := crypter.Encrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(buf.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return err
defer msg.Release()
return vom.NewEncoder(w).Encode(msg.Contents)
func readIdentity(reader io.Reader, expectedChEnd string, contextTag []byte, crypter crypto.Crypter, v version.IPCVersion) (security.PublicID, error) {
if v != version.UnknownIPCVersion && v < version.IPCVersion2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot authenticate with deprecated RPC protocol version(%v)", v)
if v == version.IPCVersion2 {
// Read the message.
var msg identityMessage
if err := vom.NewDecoder(reader).Decode(&msg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode identityMessage: %v", err)
// Decrypt and authenticate the channel id
chEnd, err := crypter.Decrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(msg.ChannelID))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt ChannelID: %v", err)
defer chEnd.Release()
if bytes.Compare([]byte(expectedChEnd), chEnd.Contents) != 0 {
return nil, errChannelIDMismatch
// Decrypt and VOM-decode the identity
idbytes, err := crypter.Decrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(msg.ID))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt security.PublicID: %v", err)
defer idbytes.Release()
var id security.PublicID
if err := vom.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(idbytes.Contents)).Decode(&id); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode security.PublicID: %v", err)
if id == nil || id.PublicKey() == nil {
return nil, errInvalidIdentityInMessage
// Decrypt the signature
sigbytes, err := crypter.Decrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(msg.Signature))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt Signature: %v", err)
defer sigbytes.Release()
var sig security.Signature
if err = vom.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(sigbytes.Contents)).Decode(&sig); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode security.Signature: %v", err)
// Validate the signature
if !sig.Verify(id.PublicKey(), msg.ChannelID) {
return nil, errInvalidSignatureInMessage
return id, nil
// v == version.IPCVersion3
var encryptedHandshake []byte
if err := vom.NewDecoder(reader).Decode(&encryptedHandshake); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read handshake: %v", err)
handshake, err := crypter.Decrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(encryptedHandshake))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt handshake: %v", err)
defer handshake.Release()
vd := vom.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(handshake.Contents))
var id security.PublicID
if err := vd.Decode(&id); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode security.PublicID: %v", err)
var signature security.Signature
if err := vd.Decode(&signature); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode security.Signature: %v", err)
if !signature.Verify(id.PublicKey(), append(contextTag, crypter.ChannelBinding()...)) {
return nil, errInvalidSignatureInMessage
return id, nil
// authenticateAsServer executes the authentication protocol at the server and
// returns the blessings used to authenticate both ends.
func authenticateAsServer(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, principal security.Principal, crypter crypto.Crypter, v version.IPCVersion) (client, server security.Blessings, err error) {
defer conn.Close()
server = principal.BlessingStore().Default()
if server == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("BlessingStore does not contain a default set of blessings, cannot act as a server")
if err := writeBlessings(conn, authServerContextTag, crypter, principal, server, v); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if client, err = readBlessings(conn, authClientContextTag, crypter, v); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return client, server, nil
// authenticateAsClient executes the authentication protocol at the client and
// returns the blessings used to authenticate both ends.
// The client will only share its identity if its blessing store has one marked
// for the server (who shares its blessings first).
// TODO(ashankar): Seems like there is no way the blessing store
// can say that it does NOT want to share the default blessing with the server?
func authenticateAsClient(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, principal security.Principal, crypter crypto.Crypter, v version.IPCVersion) (server, client security.Blessings, err error) {
defer conn.Close()
if server, err = readBlessings(conn, authServerContextTag, crypter, v); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
serverB := server.ForContext(&serverAuthContext{
self: principal,
remote: server,
// TODO(ashankar): Get the local and remote endpoint here?
// There is also a bootstrapping problem here. For example, let's say
// (1) server has the blessing "provider/server" with a PeerIdentity caveat of "provider/client"
// (2) Client has a blessing "provider/client" tagged for "provider/server" in its BlessingStore
// How do we get that working?
// One option is to have a UnionOfBlessings of all blessings of the client in the BlessingStore
// made available to serverAuthContext.LocalBlessings for this call.
client = principal.BlessingStore().ForPeer(serverB...)
if client == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no blessing tagged for peer %v in the BlessingStore", serverB)
if err = writeBlessings(conn, authClientContextTag, crypter, principal, client, v); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return server, client, nil
func writeBlessings(w io.Writer, tag []byte, crypter crypto.Crypter, p security.Principal, b security.Blessings, v version.IPCVersion) error {
signature, err := p.Sign(append(tag, crypter.ChannelBinding()...))
if err != nil {
return err
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := vom.NewEncoder(&buf)
if err := enc.Encode(signature); err != nil {
return err
if err := enc.Encode(b); err != nil {
return err
msg, err := crypter.Encrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(buf.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return err
defer msg.Release()
return vom.NewEncoder(w).Encode(msg.Contents)
func readBlessings(r io.Reader, tag []byte, crypter crypto.Crypter, v version.IPCVersion) (security.Blessings, error) {
var msg []byte
if err := vom.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&msg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read handshake message: %v", err)
buf, err := crypter.Decrypt(iobuf.NewSlice(msg))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer buf.Release()
dec := vom.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(buf.Contents))
var wireb security.WireBlessings
var sig security.Signature
if err := dec.Decode(&sig); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := dec.Decode(&wireb); err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err := security.NewBlessings(wireb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !sig.Verify(b.PublicKey(), append(tag, crypter.ChannelBinding()...)) {
return nil, errInvalidSignatureInMessage
return b, nil
// security.Context implementation used when extracting blessings from what the
// server presents during authentication.
type serverAuthContext struct {
self security.Principal
remote security.Blessings
func (*serverAuthContext) Method() string { return "" }
func (*serverAuthContext) Name() string { return "" }
func (*serverAuthContext) Suffix() string { return "" }
func (*serverAuthContext) Label() security.Label { return security.ReadLabel }
func (c *serverAuthContext) Discharges() map[string]security.Discharge { return nil }
func (c *serverAuthContext) LocalPrincipal() security.Principal { return c.self }
func (c *serverAuthContext) LocalBlessings() security.Blessings { return nil }
func (c *serverAuthContext) RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings { return c.remote }
func (c *serverAuthContext) LocalID() security.PublicID { return nil }
func (c *serverAuthContext) RemoteID() security.PublicID { return nil }
func (c *serverAuthContext) LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }
func (c *serverAuthContext) RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }