blob: 3b5b8967e3ed592a072074f04895c09a93abae14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rpc
import (
inaming ""
var (
// These errors are intended to be used as arguments to higher
// level errors and hence {1}{2} is omitted from their format
// strings to avoid repeating these n-times in the final error
// message visible to the user.
errMalformedEndpoint = reg(".errMalformedEndpoint", "malformed endpoint{:3}")
errUndesiredProtocol = reg(".errUndesiredProtocol", "undesired protocol{:3}")
errIncompatibleEndpointVersions = reg(".errIncompatibleEndpointVersions", "incompatible endpoint versions{:3}")
errNoCompatibleServers = reg(".errNoComaptibleServers", "failed to find any compatible servers{:3}")
type serverLocality int
const (
unknownNetwork serverLocality = iota
type sortableServer struct {
server naming.MountedServer
protocolRank int // larger values are preferred.
locality serverLocality // larger values are preferred.
func (s *sortableServer) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", s.server)
type sortableServerList []sortableServer
func (l sortableServerList) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l sortableServerList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
func (l sortableServerList) Less(i, j int) bool {
if l[i].protocolRank == l[j].protocolRank {
return l[i].locality > l[j].locality
return l[i].protocolRank > l[j].protocolRank
func mkProtocolRankMap(list []string) map[string]int {
if len(list) == 0 {
return nil
m := make(map[string]int)
for idx, protocol := range list {
m[protocol] = len(list) - idx
return m
var defaultPreferredProtocolOrder = mkProtocolRankMap([]string{"unixfd", "wsh", "tcp4", "tcp", "*"})
// filterAndOrderServers returns a set of servers that are compatible with
// the current client in order of 'preference' specified by the supplied
// protocols and a notion of 'locality' according to the supplied protocol
// list as follows:
// - if the protocol parameter is non-empty, then only servers matching those
// protocols are returned and the endpoints are ordered first by protocol
// and then by locality within each protocol. If tcp4 and unixfd are requested
// for example then only protocols that match tcp4 and unixfd will returned
// with the tcp4 ones preceeding the unixfd ones.
// - if the protocol parameter is empty, then a default protocol ordering
// will be used, but unlike the previous case, any servers that don't support
// these protocols will be returned also, but following the default
// preferences.
func filterAndOrderServers(servers []naming.MountedServer, protocols []string, ipnets []*net.IPNet) ([]naming.MountedServer, error) {
var (
errs = verror.SubErrs{}
list = make(sortableServerList, 0, len(servers))
protoRanks = mkProtocolRankMap(protocols)
if len(protoRanks) == 0 {
protoRanks = defaultPreferredProtocolOrder
adderr := func(name string, err error) {
errs = append(errs, verror.SubErr{Name: "server=" + name, Err: err, Options: verror.Print})
for _, server := range servers {
name := server.Server
ep, err := name2endpoint(name)
if err != nil {
adderr(name, verror.New(errMalformedEndpoint, nil, err))
rank, err := protocol2rank(ep.Addr().Network(), protoRanks)
if err != nil {
adderr(name, err)
list = append(list, sortableServer{
server: server,
protocolRank: rank,
locality: locality(ep, ipnets),
if len(list) == 0 {
return nil, verror.AddSubErrs(verror.New(errNoCompatibleServers, nil), nil, errs...)
// TODO(ashankar): Don't have to use stable sorting, could
// just use sort.Sort. The only problem with that is the
// unittest.
// Convert to []naming.MountedServer
ret := make([]naming.MountedServer, len(list))
for idx, item := range list {
ret[idx] = item.server
return ret, nil
// name2endpoint returns the naming.Endpoint encoded in a name.
func name2endpoint(name string) (naming.Endpoint, error) {
addr := name
if naming.Rooted(name) {
addr, _ = naming.SplitAddressName(name)
return inaming.NewEndpoint(addr)
// protocol2rank returns the "rank" of a protocol (given a map of ranks).
// The higher the rank, the more preferable the protocol.
func protocol2rank(protocol string, ranks map[string]int) (int, error) {
if r, ok := ranks[protocol]; ok {
return r, nil
// Special case: if "wsh" has a rank but "wsh4"/"wsh6" don't,
// then they get the same rank as "wsh". Similar for "tcp" and "ws".
// TODO(jhahn): We have similar protocol equivalency checks at a few places.
// Figure out a way for this mapping to be shared.
if p := protocol; p == "wsh4" || p == "wsh6" || p == "tcp4" || p == "tcp6" || p == "ws4" || p == "ws6" {
if r, ok := ranks[p[:len(p)-1]]; ok {
return r, nil
// "*" means that any protocol is acceptable.
if r, ok := ranks["*"]; ok {
return r, nil
// UnknownProtocol should be rare, it typically happens when
// the endpoint is described in <host>:<port> format instead of
// the full fidelity description (@<version>@<protocol>@...).
if protocol == naming.UnknownProtocol {
return -1, nil
return 0, verror.New(errUndesiredProtocol, nil, protocol)
// locality returns the serverLocality to use given an endpoint and the
// set of IP networks configured on this machine.
func locality(ep naming.Endpoint, ipnets []*net.IPNet) serverLocality {
if len(ipnets) < 1 {
return unknownNetwork // 0 IP networks, locality doesn't matter.
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(ep.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
host = ep.Addr().String()
ip := net.ParseIP(host)
if ip == nil {
// Not an IP address (possibly not an IP network).
return unknownNetwork
for _, ipnet := range ipnets {
if ipnet.Contains(ip) {
return localNetwork
return remoteNetwork
// ipNetworks returns the IP networks on this machine.
func ipNetworks() ([]*net.IPNet, error) {
ifcs, err := netstate.GetAllAddresses()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make([]*net.IPNet, 0, len(ifcs))
for _, a := range ifcs {
_, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(a.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret = append(ret, ipnet)
return ret, nil