java/syncbase: Add Cloud support in Android HLAPI

Init now uses an Options Builder that allow you to go the cloud-
supported route or the offline route.

This also carries through the logLevel changes from

- removes sUserdataCollection in favor of accessing it via
- Calls the loginCallback.onSuccess() via executor.
- Adds the proxy flag (-v23.proxy=proxy) to allow devices to
  communicate across networks and with the cloud.

MultiPart: 1/2
Change-Id: I8cc27b3301844b4082d1612047a8f105b6da23a0
diff --git a/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/impl.go b/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/impl.go
index 8131637..6fd4f6c 100644
--- a/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/impl.go
+++ b/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/impl.go
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
 	// Strip all flags beyond the binary name; otherwise, v23.Init will fail when it encounters
 	// unknown flags passed by Xcode, e.g. NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen.
 	os.Args = os.Args[:1]
+	os.Args = append(os.Args, "-v23.proxy=proxy")
 	// Prepare the principal.
 	rootDir = opts.rootDir
diff --git a/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/jni.go b/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/jni.go
index c7f042c..12f2cae 100644
--- a/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/jni.go
+++ b/services/syncbase/bridge/cgo/jni.go
@@ -121,14 +121,14 @@
 //export Java_io_v_syncbase_internal_Service_Init
-func Java_io_v_syncbase_internal_Service_Init(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass, initRoot C.jstring, testLogin C.jboolean) {
+func Java_io_v_syncbase_internal_Service_Init(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass, initRoot C.jstring, testLogin C.jboolean, logLevel C.jint) {
 	cInitRoot := newVStringFromJava(env, initRoot)
 	var cInitOpts C.v23_syncbase_InitOpts
 		clientUnderstandsVOM: true,
 		rootDir:              cInitRoot.extract(),
 		testLogin:            int(testLogin) != 0,
-		verboseLevel:         0,
+		verboseLevel:         int(logLevel),