blob: f6c2ef1b53dc2349ed643eaff409323ea7899f93 [file] [log] [blame]
package flags
import (
// FlagGroup is the type for identifying groups of related flags.
type FlagGroup int
const (
// Essential identifies the flags and associated environment variables
// required by all Vanadium processes. Namely:
// --veyron.namespace.root (which may be repeated to supply multiple values)
// --veyron.credentials
Essential FlagGroup = iota
// Listen identifies the flags typically required to configure
// ipc.ListenSpec. Namely:
// --veyron.tcp.protocol
// --veyron.tcp.address
// --veyron.proxy
// Flags represents the set of flag groups created by a call to
// CreateAndRegister.
type Flags struct {
FlagSet *flag.FlagSet
groups map[FlagGroup]interface{}
type namespaceRootFlagVar struct {
roots []string
func (nsr *namespaceRootFlagVar) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", nsr.roots)
func (nsr *namespaceRootFlagVar) Set(v string) error {
nsr.roots = append(nsr.roots, v)
return nil
// EssentialFlags contains the values of the Essential flag group.
type EssentialFlags struct {
// NamespaceRoots may be initialized by NAMESPACE_ROOT* enivornment
// variables as well as --veyron.namespace.root. The command line
// will override the environment.
NamespaceRoots []string // TODO(cnicolaou): provide flag.Value impl
// Credentials may be initialized by the the VEYRON_CREDENTIALS
// environment variable. The command line will override the environment.
Credentials string // TODO(cnicolaou): provide flag.Value impl
namespaceRootsFlag namespaceRootFlagVar
// ListenFlags contains the values of the Listen flag group.
type ListenFlags struct {
ListenProtocol TCPProtocolFlag
ListenAddress IPHostPortFlag
ListenProxy string
// createAndRegisterEssentialFlags creates and registers the EssentialFlags
// group with the supplied flag.FlagSet.
func createAndRegisterEssentialFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) *EssentialFlags {
f := &EssentialFlags{}
fs.Var(&f.namespaceRootsFlag, "veyron.namespace.root", "local namespace root; can be repeated to provided multiple roots")
fs.StringVar(&f.Credentials, "veyron.credentials", "", "directory to use for storing security credentials")
return f
// createAndRegisterListenFlags creates and registers the ListenFlags
// group with the supplied flag.FlagSet.
func createAndRegisterListenFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) *ListenFlags {
f := &ListenFlags{}
f.ListenProtocol = TCPProtocolFlag{"tcp"}
f.ListenAddress = IPHostPortFlag{Port: "0"}
fs.Var(&f.ListenProtocol, "veyron.tcp.protocol", "protocol to listen with")
fs.Var(&f.ListenAddress, "veyron.tcp.address", "address to listen on")
fs.StringVar(&f.ListenProxy, "veyron.proxy", "", "object name of proxy service to use to export services across network boundaries")
return f
// CreateAndRegister creates a new set of flag groups as specified by the
// supplied flag group parameters and registers them with the supplied
// flag.Flagset. The Essential flag group is always included.
func CreateAndRegister(fs *flag.FlagSet, groups ...FlagGroup) *Flags {
f := &Flags{FlagSet: fs, groups: make(map[FlagGroup]interface{})}
f.groups[Essential] = createAndRegisterEssentialFlags(fs)
for _, s := range groups {
switch s {
case Essential:
// do nothing, always included
case Listen:
f.groups[Listen] = createAndRegisterListenFlags(fs)
return f
// EssentialFlags returns the Essential flag subset stored in its Flags
// instance.
func (f *Flags) EssentialFlags() EssentialFlags {
from := f.groups[Essential].(*EssentialFlags)
to := *from
to.NamespaceRoots = make([]string, len(from.NamespaceRoots))
copy(to.NamespaceRoots, from.NamespaceRoots)
return to
// ListenFlags returns a copy of the Listen flag group stored in Flags.
// This copy will contain default values if the Listen flag group
// was not specified when CreateAndRegister was called. The HasGroup
// method can be used for testing to see if any given group was configured.
func (f *Flags) ListenFlags() ListenFlags {
if p := f.groups[Listen]; p != nil {
return *(p.(*ListenFlags))
return ListenFlags{}
// HasGroup returns group if the supplied FlagGroup has been created
// for these Flags.
func (f *Flags) HasGroup(group FlagGroup) bool {
_, present := f.groups[group]
return present
// Args returns the unparsed args, as per flag.Args.
func (f *Flags) Args() []string {
return f.FlagSet.Args()
// legacyEnvInit provides support for the legacy NAMESPACE_ROOT? and
func (es *EssentialFlags) legacyEnvInit() {
for _, ev := range os.Environ() {
p := strings.SplitN(ev, "=", 2)
if len(p) != 2 {
k, v := p[0], p[1]
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "NAMESPACE_ROOT") {
es.NamespaceRoots = append(es.NamespaceRoots, v)
if creds := os.Getenv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS"); creds != "" {
es.Credentials = creds
// Parse parses the supplied args, as per flag.Parse
func (f *Flags) Parse(args []string) error {
// TODO(cnicolaou): implement a single env var 'VANADIUM_OPTS'
// that can be used to specify any command line.
if err := f.FlagSet.Parse(args); err != nil {
return err
essential := f.groups[Essential].(*EssentialFlags)
if len(essential.namespaceRootsFlag.roots) > 0 {
essential.NamespaceRoots = essential.namespaceRootsFlag.roots
return nil