blob: b1356c1021000f805457da8a28876b19f6fe82ab [file] [log] [blame]
// glob implements a glob language.
// Globs match a slash separated series of glob expressions.
// pattern:
// term ['/' term]*
// term:
// '*' matches any sequence of non-Separator characters
// '?' matches any single non-Separator character
// '[' [ '^' ] { character-range } ']'
// character class (must be non-empty)
// c matches character c (c != '*', '?', '\\', '[', '/')
// '\\' c matches character c
// character-range:
// c matches character c (c != '\\', '-', ']')
// '\\' c matches character c
// lo '-' hi matches character c for lo <= c <= hi
package glob
import (
// Glob represents a slash separated path glob expression.
type Glob struct {
elems []string
recursive bool
// Parse returns a new Glob.
func Parse(pattern string) (*Glob, error) {
if len(pattern) > 0 && pattern[0] == '/' {
return nil, filepath.ErrBadPattern
g := &Glob{}
if pattern != "" {
g.elems = strings.Split(pattern, "/")
if last := len(g.elems) - 1; last >= 0 && g.elems[last] == "..." {
g.elems = g.elems[:last]
g.recursive = true
// The only error we can get from the filepath library is badpattern.
// A future implementation would most likely recognize that here, so for now
// I'll just check every part to make sure it's error free.
for _, elem := range g.elems {
if _, err := filepath.Match(elem, ""); err != nil {
return nil, err
return g, nil
// Len returns the number of path elements represented by the glob expression.
func (g *Glob) Len() int {
return len(g.elems)
// Finished returns true if the pattern cannot match anything.
func (g *Glob) Finished() bool {
return !g.recursive && len(g.elems) == 0
// Split returns the suffix of g starting at the path element corresponding to start.
func (g *Glob) Split(start int) *Glob {
if start >= len(g.elems) {
return &Glob{elems: nil, recursive: g.recursive}
return &Glob{elems: g.elems[start:], recursive: g.recursive}
// MatchInitialSegment tries to match segment against the initial element of g.
// Returns a boolean indicating whether the match was successful and the
// Glob representing the unmatched remainder of g.
func (g *Glob) MatchInitialSegment(segment string) (bool, *Glob) {
if len(g.elems) == 0 {
if !g.recursive {
return false, nil
return true, g
if matches, err := filepath.Match(g.elems[0], segment); err != nil {
panic("Error in glob pattern found.")
} else if matches {
return true, g.Split(1)
return false, nil
// PartialMatch tries matching elems against part of a glob pattern.
// The first return value is true if each element e_i of elems matches
// the (start + i)th element of the glob pattern. If the first return
// value is true, the second return value returns the unmatched suffix
// of the pattern. It will be empty if the pattern is completely
// matched.
// Note that if the glob is recursive elems can have more elements then
// the glob pattern and still get a true result.
func (g *Glob) PartialMatch(start int, elems []string) (bool, *Glob) {
g = g.Split(start)
for ; len(elems) > 0; elems = elems[1:] {
var matched bool
if matched, g = g.MatchInitialSegment(elems[0]); !matched {
return false, nil
return true, g
// isFixed returns the unescaped string and true if 's' is a pattern specifying
// a fixed string. Otherwise it returns the original string and false.
func isFixed(s string) (string, bool) {
// No special characters.
if !strings.ContainsAny(s, "*?[") {
return s, true
// Special characters and no backslash.
if !strings.ContainsAny(s, "\\") {
return "", false
unescaped := ""
escape := false
for _, c := range s {
if escape {
escape = false
unescaped += string(c)
} else if strings.ContainsRune("*?[", c) {
// S contains an unescaped special character.
return s, false
} else if c == '\\' {
escape = true
} else {
unescaped += string(c)
return unescaped, true
func (g *Glob) SplitFixedPrefix() ([]string, *Glob) {
var prefix []string
start := 0
for _, elem := range g.elems {
if u, q := isFixed(elem); q {
prefix = append(prefix, u)
} else {
return prefix, g.Split(start)
func (g *Glob) String() string {
e := g.elems
if g.recursive {
e = append(e, "...")
return filepath.Join(e...)