blob: 2f97adf48c374f5999b73b892203ed99fb6db994 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package v23test defines Shell, a wrapper around gosh.Shell that provides
// Vanadium-specific functionality such as credentials management,
// StartRootMountTable, and StartSyncbase.
package v23test
// TODO(sadovsky): Add DebugSystemShell command.
import (
const (
envBinDir = "V23_BIN_DIR"
envChildOutputDir = "TMPDIR"
envShellTestProcess = "V23_SHELL_TEST_PROCESS"
// TODO(sadovsky):
// - Make StartRootMountTable and StartSyncbase fast, and change tests that
// build no other binaries to be normal (non-integration) tests.
// - Eliminate test.V23Init() and either add v23test.Init() or have v23.Init()
// check for an env var and perform test-specific configuration.
// - Switch to using the testing package's -test.short flag and eliminate
// SkipUnlessRunningIntegrationTests, the -v23tests flag, and the "jiri test"
// implementation that parses test code to identify integration tests.
// Cmd wraps gosh.Cmd and provides Vanadium-specific functionality.
type Cmd struct {
S *expect.Session
sh *Shell
// Clone returns a new Cmd with a copy of this Cmd's configuration.
func (c *Cmd) Clone() *Cmd {
res := &Cmd{Cmd: c.Cmd.Clone(), sh:}
res.S = expect.NewSession(, res.StdoutPipe(), time.Minute)
return res
// WithCredentials returns a clone of this command, configured to use the given
// credentials.
func (c *Cmd) WithCredentials(cr *Credentials) *Cmd {
res := c.Clone()
res.Vars[ref.EnvCredentials] = cr.Handle
return res
// Shell wraps gosh.Shell and provides Vanadium-specific functionality.
type Shell struct {
Ctx *context.T
Credentials *Credentials
t *testing.T
// Opts augments gosh.Opts with Vanadium-specific options. See gosh.Opts for
// field descriptions.
type Opts struct {
Fatalf func(format string, v ...interface{})
Logf func(format string, v ...interface{})
PropagateChildOutput bool
ChildOutputDir string
BinDir string
var calledRun = false
// NewShell creates a new Shell. 't' may be nil. Use v23.GetPrincipal(sh.Ctx) to
// get the bound principal, if needed.
func NewShell(t *testing.T, opts Opts) *Shell {
fillDefaults(t, &opts)
if t != nil {
if !calledRun {
t.Fatal("must call v23test.Run(m.Run) from TestMain")
return nil
// Note: On error, NewShell returns a *Shell with Opts.Fatalf initialized to
// simplify things for the caller.
sh := &Shell{
Shell: gosh.NewShell(gosh.Opts{
Fatalf: opts.Fatalf,
Logf: opts.Logf,
PropagateChildOutput: opts.PropagateChildOutput,
ChildOutputDir: opts.ChildOutputDir,
BinDir: opts.BinDir,
t: t,
if sh.Err != nil {
return sh
// Temporarily make Fatalf non-fatal so that we can safely call gosh.Shell
// functions and clean up on any error.
oldFatalf := sh.Opts.Fatalf
sh.Opts.Fatalf = nil
err := initCtxAndCredentials(t, sh)
// Restore Fatalf, then call Cleanup followed by HandleError if there was an
// error.
sh.Err = nil
sh.Opts.Fatalf = oldFatalf
if err != nil {
return sh
// ForkCredentials creates a new Credentials (with a fresh principal) and
// blesses it with the given extensions and no caveats, using this principal's
// default blessings. Additionally, it calls SetDefaultBlessings.
func (sh *Shell) ForkCredentials(extensions ...string) *Credentials {
res, err := sh.Credentials.Fork(extensions...)
return res
// ForkContext creates a new Context with forked credentials.
func (sh *Shell) ForkContext(extensions ...string) *context.T {
c := sh.ForkCredentials(extensions...)
if sh.Err != nil {
return nil
ctx, err := v23.WithPrincipal(sh.Ctx, c.Principal)
return ctx
// Run does some initialization work, then returns run(). Exported so that
// TestMain functions can simply call os.Exit(v23test.Run(m.Run)).
func Run(run func() int) int {
calledRun = true
// Set up shared bin dir if V23_BIN_DIR is not already set. Note, this can't
// be done in NewShell because we wouldn't be able to clean up after ourselves
// after all tests have run.
if dir := os.Getenv(envBinDir); len(dir) == 0 {
if dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "bin-"); err != nil {
} else {
os.Setenv(envBinDir, dir)
defer os.Unsetenv(envBinDir)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
return run()
// SkipUnlessRunningIntegrationTests should be called first thing inside of the
// test function body of an integration test. It causes this test to be skipped
// unless integration tests are being run, i.e. unless the -v23.tests flag is
// set.
// TODO(sadovsky): Switch to using -test.short. See TODO above.
func SkipUnlessRunningIntegrationTests(t *testing.T) {
// The "jiri test run vanadium-integration-test" command looks for test
// function names that start with "TestV23", and runs "go test" for only those
// packages containing at least one such test. That's how it avoids passing
// the -v23.tests flag to packages for which the flag is not registered.
name, err := callerName()
if err != nil {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "TestV23") {
t.Fatalf("integration test names must start with \"TestV23\": %s", name)
if !test.IntegrationTestsEnabled {
// Methods for starting subprocesses
func newCmd(sh *Shell, c *gosh.Cmd) *Cmd {
res := &Cmd{Cmd: c, sh: sh}
res.S = expect.NewSession(sh.t, res.StdoutPipe(), time.Minute)
res.Vars[ref.EnvCredentials] = sh.ForkCredentials("child").Handle
return res
// Cmd returns a Cmd for an invocation of the named program.
func (sh *Shell) Cmd(name string, args ...string) *Cmd {
c := sh.Shell.Cmd(name, args...)
if sh.Err != nil {
return nil
return newCmd(sh, c)
// Fn returns a Cmd for an invocation of the given registered Fn.
func (sh *Shell) Fn(fn *gosh.Fn, args ...interface{}) *Cmd {
c := sh.Shell.Fn(fn, args...)
if sh.Err != nil {
return nil
return newCmd(sh, c)
// Main returns a Cmd for an invocation of the given registered main() function.
// Intended usage: Have your program's main() call RealMain, then write a parent
// program that uses Shell.Main to run RealMain in a child process. With this
// approach, RealMain can be compiled into the parent program's binary. Caveat:
// potential flag collisions.
func (sh *Shell) Main(fn *gosh.Fn, args ...string) *Cmd {
c := sh.Shell.Main(fn, args...)
if sh.Err != nil {
return nil
return newCmd(sh, c)
// Internals
func callerName() (string, error) {
pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("runtime.Caller failed")
name := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
// Strip package path.
return name[strings.LastIndex(name, ".")+1:], nil
func fillDefaults(t *testing.T, opts *Opts) {
if opts.Fatalf == nil {
if t != nil {
opts.Fatalf = func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
t.Fatalf(format, v...)
} else {
opts.Fatalf = func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
if opts.Logf == nil {
if t != nil {
opts.Logf = t.Logf
} else {
opts.Logf = log.Printf
if opts.ChildOutputDir == "" {
opts.ChildOutputDir = os.Getenv(envChildOutputDir)
if opts.BinDir == "" {
opts.BinDir = os.Getenv(envBinDir)
func initCtxAndCredentials(t *testing.T, sh *Shell) error {
// Create context.
ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
if err := sh.Err; err != nil {
return err
if t != nil {
ctx = v23.WithListenSpec(ctx, rpc.ListenSpec{Addrs: rpc.ListenAddrs{{Protocol: "tcp", Address: ""}}})
sh.Vars[envShellTestProcess] = "1"
// Create principal and update context.
dir := sh.MakeTempDir()
if err := sh.Err; err != nil {
return err
creds, err := newRootCredentials(newFilesystemPrincipalManager(dir))
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, err = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, creds.Principal)
if err != nil {
return err
sh.Ctx = ctx
sh.Credentials = creds
return nil