blob: 1928a542505f3db246d4ca971e111c988fccf09f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package oauth
// Option to OAuthProvider.AuthURL controlling whether previously provided user consent can be re-used.
type AuthURLApproval bool
const (
ExplicitApproval AuthURLApproval = false // Require explicit user consent.
ReuseApproval AuthURLApproval = true // Reuse a previous user consent if possible.
// OAuthProvider authenticates users to the identity server via the OAuth2 Web Server flow.
type OAuthProvider interface {
// AuthURL is the URL the user must visit in order to authenticate with the OAuthProvider.
// After authentication, the user will be re-directed to redirectURL with the provided state.
AuthURL(redirectUrl string, state string, approval AuthURLApproval) (url string)
// ExchangeAuthCodeForEmail exchanges the provided authCode for the email of the
// authenticated user on behalf of the token has been issued.
ExchangeAuthCodeForEmail(authCode string, url string) (email string, err error)
// GetEmailAndClientID returns the email and clientID associated with the token.
GetEmailAndClientID(accessToken string) (email string, clientID string, err error)