blob: 3797ca71a9bc3ec30d2501fdb17c7a847c60d57f [file] [log] [blame]
package caveats
import (
type CaveatFactory interface {
New(caveatInfo CaveatInfo) (security.Caveat, error)
type CaveatInfo struct {
Type string
Args []interface{}
type caveatFactory map[string]func(args ...interface{}) (security.Caveat, error)
func NewCaveatFactory() CaveatFactory {
return caveatFactory{
"Expiry": expiryCaveat,
"Method": methodCaveat,
"Revocation": revocationCaveat,
func (c caveatFactory) New(caveatInfo CaveatInfo) (security.Caveat, error) {
fact, exists := c[caveatInfo.Type]
if !exists {
return security.Caveat{}, fmt.Errorf("caveat %s does not exist in CaveatFactory", caveatInfo.Type)
return fact(caveatInfo.Args...)
func expiryCaveat(args ...interface{}) (security.Caveat, error) {
var empty security.Caveat
if len(args) != 1 {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("expiry caveat: must input exactly one time argument")
t, ok := args[0].(time.Time)
if !ok {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("expiry caveat: received arg of type %T, expected time.Time", args[0])
return security.ExpiryCaveat(t)
func methodCaveat(args ...interface{}) (security.Caveat, error) {
var empty security.Caveat
if len(args) < 1 {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("method caveat requires at least one argument")
methods, err := interfacesToStrings(args)
if err != nil {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("method caveat: %v", err)
return security.MethodCaveat(methods[0], methods[1:]...)
func interfacesToStrings(args []interface{}) (s []string, err error) {
for _, arg := range args {
a, ok := arg.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received arg of type %T, expected string", arg)
s = append(s, a)
return s, nil
func revocationCaveat(args ...interface{}) (security.Caveat, error) {
var empty security.Caveat
if len(args) != 3 {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("revocation caveat: must input a revocation manager, publickey, and discharge location")
revocationManager, ok := args[0].(revocation.RevocationManager)
if !ok {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("revocation caveat: received args of type %T, expected revocation.RevocationManager", args[0])
publicKey, ok := args[1].(security.PublicKey)
if !ok {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("revocation caveat: received args of type %T, expected security.PublicKey", args[1])
dischargerLocation, ok := args[2].(string)
if !ok {
return empty, fmt.Errorf("revocation caveat: received args of type %T, expected string", args[2])
return revocationManager.NewCaveat(publicKey, dischargerLocation)