blob: eb2c8447dc893b3cd29790be66e81fb3e198f4e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package parse_test
import (
func pos(line, col int) parse.Pos {
return parse.Pos{line, col}
func sp(str string, line, col int) parse.StringPos {
return parse.StringPos{String: str, Pos: pos(line, col)}
func lf(l, f parse.StringPos) parse.LangFmt {
return parse.LangFmt{Lang: l, Fmt: f}
func np(name string, line, col int) parse.NamePos {
return parse.NamePos{Name: name, Pos: pos(line, col)}
func npptr(name string, line, col int) *parse.NamePos {
ret := np(name, line, col)
return &ret
func tn(name string, line, col int) *parse.TypeNamed {
return &parse.TypeNamed{Name: name, P: pos(line, col)}
func cn(name string, line, col int) *parse.ConstNamed {
return &parse.ConstNamed{Name: name, P: pos(line, col)}
func cl(lit interface{}, line, col int) *parse.ConstLit {
return &parse.ConstLit{Lit: lit, P: pos(line, col)}
// Tests of vdl imports and file parsing.
type vdlTest struct {
name string
src string
expect *parse.File
errors []string
func testParseVDL(t *testing.T, test vdlTest, opts parse.Opts) {
errs := vdlutil.NewErrors(-1)
actual := parse.ParseFile("testfile", strings.NewReader(test.src), opts, errs)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, errs,, test.errors...)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expect, actual) {
t.Errorf("%v\nEXPECT %+v\nACTUAL %+v",, test.expect, actual)
func TestParseVDLImports(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range vdlImportsTests {
testParseVDL(t, test, parse.Opts{ImportsOnly: true})
for _, test := range vdlFileTests {
// We only run the success tests from vdlFileTests on the imports only
// parser, since the failure tests are testing failures in stuff after the
// imports, which won't cause failures in the imports only parser.
// The imports-only parser isn't supposed to fill in fields after the
// imports, so we clear them from the expected result. We must copy the
// file to ensure the actual vdlTests isn't overwritten since the
// full-parser tests needs the full expectations. The test itself doesn't
// need to be copied, since it's already copied in the range-for.
if test.expect != nil {
copyFile := *test.expect
test.expect = &copyFile
test.expect.TypeDefs = nil
test.expect.ConstDefs = nil
test.expect.ErrorDefs = nil
test.expect.Interfaces = nil
testParseVDL(t, test, parse.Opts{ImportsOnly: true})
func TestParseVDLFile(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range append(vdlImportsTests, vdlFileTests...) {
testParseVDL(t, test, parse.Opts{ImportsOnly: false})
// Tests of config imports and file parsing.
type configTest struct {
name string
src string
expect *parse.Config
errors []string
func testParseConfig(t *testing.T, test configTest, opts parse.Opts) {
errs := vdlutil.NewErrors(-1)
actual := parse.ParseConfig("testfile", strings.NewReader(test.src), opts, errs)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, errs,, test.errors...)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expect, actual) {
t.Errorf("%v\nEXPECT %+v\nACTUAL %+v",, test.expect, actual)
func TestParseConfigImports(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range configTests {
// We only run the success tests from configTests on the imports only
// parser, since the failure tests are testing failures in stuff after the
// imports, which won't cause failures in the imports only parser.
// The imports-only parser isn't supposed to fill in fields after the
// imports, so we clear them from the expected result. We must copy the
// file to ensure the actual configTests isn't overwritten since the
// full-parser tests needs the full expectations. The test itself doesn't
// need to be copied, since it's already copied in the range-for.
if test.expect != nil {
copyConfig := *test.expect
test.expect = &copyConfig
test.expect.Config = nil
test.expect.ConstDefs = nil
testParseConfig(t, test, parse.Opts{ImportsOnly: true})
func TestParseConfig(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range configTests {
testParseConfig(t, test, parse.Opts{ImportsOnly: false})
// vdlImportsTests contains tests of stuff up to and including the imports.
var vdlImportsTests = []vdlTest{
// Empty file isn't allowed (need at least a package clause).
[]string{"vdl file must start with package clause"}},
// Comment tests.
`// One liner
// Another line
package testpkg`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: parse.NamePos{Name: "testpkg", Pos: pos(3, 9), Doc: `// One liner
// Another line
`/* Multi liner
Another line
package testpkg`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: parse.NamePos{Name: "testpkg", Pos: pos(4, 9), Doc: `/* Multi liner
Another line
`// File doc, has extra newline so not package doc
package testpkg`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 3, 9), Doc: "// File doc, has extra newline so not package doc\n"},
`// File doc
// Package doc
package testpkg`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: parse.NamePos{Name: "testpkg", Pos: pos(4, 9), Doc: "// Package doc\n"}, Doc: "// File doc\n"},
`/* Unterminated
Another line
package testpkg`,
[]string{"comment not terminated"}},
// Package tests.
"package testpkg;",
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9)},
"package testpkg",
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9)},
[]string{"testfile:1:12 syntax error"}},
// Import tests.
`package testpkg;
import (
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9)},
`package testpkg;
import "foo/bar";`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 2, 8)}}},
`package testpkg
import baz "foo/bar"`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("baz", 2, 8)}}},
`package testpkg
import (
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 3, 3)}}},
`package testpkg
import (
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 3, 3)}}},
`package testpkg
import "foo/bar"
import (
import "z"`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Imports: []*parse.Import{
{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 2, 8)},
{Path: "baz", NamePos: np("", 4, 3)},
{Path: "a/b", NamePos: np("", 4, 9)},
{Path: "c/d", NamePos: np("", 5, 3)},
{Path: "z", NamePos: np("", 7, 8)}}},
`package testpkg
import (
[]string{"testfile:3:12 syntax error"}},
// vdlFileTests contains tests of stuff after the imports.
var vdlFileTests = []vdlTest{
// Data type tests.
`package testpkg
type foo bar`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: tn("bar", 2, 10)}}},
`package testpkg
type foo bar.baz`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: tn("bar.baz", 2, 10)}}},
`package testpkg
type foo "a/b/c/bar".baz`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: tn(`"a/b/c/bar".baz`, 2, 10)}}},
`package testpkg
type foo enum{A;B;C}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeEnum{
Labels: []parse.NamePos{np("A", 2, 15), np("B", 2, 17), np("C", 2, 19)},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo enum {
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeEnum{
Labels: []parse.NamePos{np("A", 3, 3), np("B", 4, 3), np("C", 5, 3)},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo [2]bar`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeArray{
Len: 2, Elem: tn("bar", 2, 13), P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo []bar`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeList{
Elem: tn("bar", 2, 12), P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo set[bar]`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeSet{
Key: tn("bar", 2, 14), P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo map[bar]baz`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeMap{
Key: tn("bar", 2, 14), Elem: tn("baz", 2, 18), P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{a b;}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeStruct{
Fields: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("a", 2, 17), Type: tn("b", 2, 19)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{a b}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeStruct{
Fields: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("a", 2, 17), Type: tn("b", 2, 19)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{
a b;
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeStruct{
Fields: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("a", 3, 3), Type: tn("b", 3, 5)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{
a b
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeStruct{
Fields: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("a", 3, 3), Type: tn("b", 3, 5)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{a,b,c d}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeStruct{
Fields: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("a", 2, 17), Type: tn("d", 2, 23)},
{NamePos: np("b", 2, 19), Type: tn("d", 2, 23)},
{NamePos: np("c", 2, 21), Type: tn("d", 2, 23)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{
a b;c,d e
f,g h
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeStruct{
Fields: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("a", 3, 3), Type: tn("b", 3, 5)},
{NamePos: np("c", 3, 7), Type: tn("e", 3, 11)},
{NamePos: np("d", 3, 9), Type: tn("e", 3, 11)},
{NamePos: np("f", 4, 3), Type: tn("h", 4, 7)},
{NamePos: np("g", 4, 5), Type: tn("h", 4, 7)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo union{A a;B b;C c}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeUnion{
Fields: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("A", 2, 16), Type: tn("a", 2, 18)},
{NamePos: np("B", 2, 20), Type: tn("b", 2, 22)},
{NamePos: np("C", 2, 24), Type: tn("c", 2, 26)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo union{
A a
B b
C c
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeUnion{
Fields: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("A", 3, 3), Type: tn("a", 3, 5)},
{NamePos: np("B", 4, 3), Type: tn("b", 4, 5)},
{NamePos: np("C", 5, 3), Type: tn("c", 5, 5)}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo union{A a;B ?b;C ?c}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeUnion{
Fields: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("A", 2, 16), Type: tn("a", 2, 18)},
{NamePos: np("B", 2, 20),
Type: &parse.TypeOptional{Base: tn("b", 2, 23), P: pos(2, 22)}},
{NamePos: np("C", 2, 25),
Type: &parse.TypeOptional{Base: tn("c", 2, 28), P: pos(2, 27)}}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo union{
A a
B ?b
C ?c
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
TypeDefs: []*parse.TypeDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6), Type: &parse.TypeUnion{
Fields: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("A", 3, 3), Type: tn("a", 3, 5)},
{NamePos: np("B", 4, 3),
Type: &parse.TypeOptional{Base: tn("b", 4, 6), P: pos(4, 5)}},
{NamePos: np("C", 5, 3),
Type: &parse.TypeOptional{Base: tn("c", 5, 6), P: pos(5, 5)}}},
P: pos(2, 10)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{
a b`,
[]string{"testfile:3:6 syntax error"}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{a}`,
[]string{"testfile:2:18 syntax error"}},
`package testpkg
type foo struct{a, b}`,
[]string{"testfile:2:21 syntax error"}},
// Const definition tests.
`package testpkg
const foo = true
const bar = false`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: cn("true", 2, 13)},
{NamePos: np("bar", 3, 7), Expr: cn("false", 3, 13)}}},
"package testpkg\nconst foo = \"abc\"\nconst bar = `def`",
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: cl("abc", 2, 13)},
{NamePos: np("bar", 3, 7), Expr: cl("def", 3, 13)}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = 123`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: cl(big.NewInt(123), 2, 13)}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = 1.5`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: cl(big.NewRat(3, 2), 2, 13)}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = baz
const bar =`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: cn("baz", 2, 13)},
{NamePos: np("bar", 3, 7), Expr: cn("", 3, 13)}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = bar.baz`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: cn("bar.baz", 2, 13)}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = "a/b/c/bar".baz`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: cn(`"a/b/c/bar".baz`, 2, 13)}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = {"a","b"}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{Value: cl("a", 2, 14)},
{Value: cl("b", 2, 18)}},
P: pos(2, 13)}}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = {"a":1,"b":2}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{cl("a", 2, 14), cl(big.NewInt(1), 2, 18)},
{cl("b", 2, 20), cl(big.NewInt(2), 2, 24)}},
P: pos(2, 13)}}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = bar{"a","b"}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
Type: tn("bar", 2, 13),
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{Value: cl("a", 2, 17)},
{Value: cl("b", 2, 21)}},
P: pos(2, 16)}}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = bar{"a":1,"b":2}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
Type: tn("bar", 2, 13),
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{cl("a", 2, 17), cl(big.NewInt(1), 2, 21)},
{cl("b", 2, 23), cl(big.NewInt(2), 2, 27)}},
P: pos(2, 16)}}}},
`package testpkg
const foo = !false
const bar = +1
const baz = -2
const box = ^3`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstUnaryOp{
Op: "!",
Expr: cn("false", 2, 14),
P: pos(2, 13)},
{NamePos: np("bar", 3, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstUnaryOp{
Op: "+",
Expr: cl(big.NewInt(1), 3, 14),
P: pos(3, 13)},
{NamePos: np("baz", 4, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstUnaryOp{
Op: "-",
Expr: cl(big.NewInt(2), 4, 14),
P: pos(4, 13)},
{NamePos: np("box", 5, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstUnaryOp{
Op: "^",
Expr: cl(big.NewInt(3), 5, 14),
P: pos(5, 13),
`package testpkg
const foo = baz(true)
const bar =`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstTypeConv{
Type: tn("baz", 2, 13),
Expr: cn("true", 2, 17),
P: pos(2, 13),
{NamePos: np("bar", 3, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstTypeConv{
Type: tn("", 3, 13),
Expr: cn("false", 3, 21),
P: pos(3, 13),
`package testpkg
const foo = typeobject(bool)
const bar = typeobject(`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstTypeObject{
Type: tn("bool", 2, 24),
P: pos(2, 13),
{NamePos: np("bar", 3, 7), Expr: &parse.ConstTypeObject{
Type: tn("", 3, 24),
P: pos(3, 13),
`package testpkg
const a = true || false
const b = true && false
const c = 1 < 2
const d = 3 > 4
const e = 5 <= 6
const f = 7 >= 8
const g = 9 != 8
const h = 7 == 6
const i = 5 + 4
const j = 3 - 2
const k = 1 * 2
const l = 3 / 4
const m = 5 % 6
const n = 7 | 8
const o = 9 & 8
const p = 7 ^ 6
const q = 5 << 4
const r = 3 >> 2`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("a", 2, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "||",
Lexpr: cn("true", 2, 11),
Rexpr: cn("false", 2, 19),
P: pos(2, 16),
{NamePos: np("b", 3, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "&&",
Lexpr: cn("true", 3, 11),
Rexpr: cn("false", 3, 19),
P: pos(3, 16),
{NamePos: np("c", 4, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "<",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(1), 4, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(2), 4, 15),
P: pos(4, 13),
{NamePos: np("d", 5, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: ">",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(3), 5, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(4), 5, 15),
P: pos(5, 13),
{NamePos: np("e", 6, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "<=",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(5), 6, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(6), 6, 16),
P: pos(6, 13),
{NamePos: np("f", 7, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: ">=",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(7), 7, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(8), 7, 16),
P: pos(7, 13),
{NamePos: np("g", 8, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "!=",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(9), 8, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(8), 8, 16),
P: pos(8, 13),
{NamePos: np("h", 9, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "==",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(7), 9, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(6), 9, 16),
P: pos(9, 13),
{NamePos: np("i", 10, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "+",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(5), 10, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(4), 10, 15),
P: pos(10, 13),
{NamePos: np("j", 11, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "-",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(3), 11, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(2), 11, 15),
P: pos(11, 13),
{NamePos: np("k", 12, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "*",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(1), 12, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(2), 12, 15),
P: pos(12, 13),
{NamePos: np("l", 13, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "/",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(3), 13, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(4), 13, 15),
P: pos(13, 13),
{NamePos: np("m", 14, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "%",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(5), 14, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(6), 14, 15),
P: pos(14, 13),
{NamePos: np("n", 15, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "|",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(7), 15, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(8), 15, 15),
P: pos(15, 13),
{NamePos: np("o", 16, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "&",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(9), 16, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(8), 16, 15),
P: pos(16, 13),
{NamePos: np("p", 17, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "^",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(7), 17, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(6), 17, 15),
P: pos(17, 13),
{NamePos: np("q", 18, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: "<<",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(5), 18, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(4), 18, 16),
P: pos(18, 13),
{NamePos: np("r", 19, 7),
Expr: &parse.ConstBinaryOp{
Op: ">>",
Lexpr: cl(big.NewInt(3), 19, 11),
Rexpr: cl(big.NewInt(2), 19, 16),
P: pos(19, 13),
`package testpkg
const foo`,
[]string{"testfile:2:10 syntax error"}},
`package testpkg
const foo bar`,
[]string{"testfile:2:11 syntax error"}},
`package testpkg
const foo =`,
[]string{"testfile:2:12 syntax error"}},
// Error definition tests.
`package testpkg
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9)},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo()`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7)}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo() {}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7)}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo() {NoRetry}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Actions: []parse.StringPos{sp("NoRetry", 2, 17)}}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo() {"en":"a"}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Formats: []parse.LangFmt{lf(sp("en", 2, 17), sp("a", 2, 22))}}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo() {NoRetry, "en":"a", "zh":"b"}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Actions: []parse.StringPos{sp("NoRetry", 2, 17)},
Formats: []parse.LangFmt{
lf(sp("en", 2, 26), sp("a", 2, 31)),
lf(sp("zh", 2, 36), sp("b", 2, 41)),
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo(x int, y bool)`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Params: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("x", 2, 14), Type: tn("int", 2, 16)},
{NamePos: np("y", 2, 21), Type: tn("bool", 2, 23)}}}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo(x int, y bool) {}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Params: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("x", 2, 14), Type: tn("int", 2, 16)},
{NamePos: np("y", 2, 21), Type: tn("bool", 2, 23)}}}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo(x int, y bool) {NoRetry}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Params: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("x", 2, 14), Type: tn("int", 2, 16)},
{NamePos: np("y", 2, 21), Type: tn("bool", 2, 23)}},
Actions: []parse.StringPos{sp("NoRetry", 2, 30)}}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo(x int, y bool) {"en":"a"}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Params: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("x", 2, 14), Type: tn("int", 2, 16)},
{NamePos: np("y", 2, 21), Type: tn("bool", 2, 23)}},
Formats: []parse.LangFmt{lf(sp("en", 2, 30), sp("a", 2, 35))}}}},
`package testpkg
error ErrFoo(x int, y bool) {NoRetry, "en":"a", "zh":"b"}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 2, 7),
Params: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("x", 2, 14), Type: tn("int", 2, 16)},
{NamePos: np("y", 2, 21), Type: tn("bool", 2, 23)}},
Actions: []parse.StringPos{sp("NoRetry", 2, 30)},
Formats: []parse.LangFmt{
lf(sp("en", 2, 39), sp("a", 2, 44)),
lf(sp("zh", 2, 49), sp("b", 2, 54)),
`package testpkg
error (
ErrBar() {NoRetry, "en":"a", "zh":"b"}
ErrBaz(x int, y bool) {NoRetry, "en":"a", "zh":"b"}
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
ErrorDefs: []*parse.ErrorDef{
NamePos: np("ErrFoo", 3, 3),
NamePos: np("ErrBar", 4, 3),
Actions: []parse.StringPos{sp("NoRetry", 4, 13)},
Formats: []parse.LangFmt{
lf(sp("en", 4, 22), sp("a", 4, 27)),
lf(sp("zh", 4, 32), sp("b", 4, 37)),
NamePos: np("ErrBaz", 5, 3),
Params: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("x", 5, 10), Type: tn("int", 5, 12)},
{NamePos: np("y", 5, 17), Type: tn("bool", 5, 19)}},
Actions: []parse.StringPos{sp("NoRetry", 5, 26)},
Formats: []parse.LangFmt{
lf(sp("en", 5, 35), sp("a", 5, 40)),
lf(sp("zh", 5, 45), sp("b", 5, 50)),
// Interface tests.
`package testpkg
type foo interface{}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Interfaces: []*parse.Interface{{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6)}}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{meth1(a b) (c | error)}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Interfaces: []*parse.Interface{{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6),
Methods: []*parse.Method{{NamePos: np("meth1", 2, 20),
InArgs: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("a", 2, 26), Type: tn("b", 2, 28)}},
OutArgs: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("", 2, 32), Type: tn("c", 2, 32)}}}}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{meth1(err error) error}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Interfaces: []*parse.Interface{{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6),
Methods: []*parse.Method{{NamePos: np("meth1", 2, 20),
InArgs: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("err", 2, 26), Type: tn("error", 2, 30)}}}}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{
meth1(a b) (c | error);meth2() error
meth3(e f, g, h i) (j k, l, m n | error)
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Interfaces: []*parse.Interface{{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6),
Methods: []*parse.Method{
{NamePos: np("meth1", 3, 3),
InArgs: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("a", 3, 9), Type: tn("b", 3, 11)}},
OutArgs: []*parse.Field{{NamePos: np("", 3, 15), Type: tn("c", 3, 15)}}},
{NamePos: np("meth2", 3, 26)},
{NamePos: np("meth3", 4, 3),
InArgs: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("e", 4, 9), Type: tn("f", 4, 11)},
{NamePos: np("g", 4, 14), Type: tn("i", 4, 19)},
{NamePos: np("h", 4, 17), Type: tn("i", 4, 19)}},
OutArgs: []*parse.Field{
{NamePos: np("j", 4, 23), Type: tn("k", 4, 25)},
{NamePos: np("l", 4, 28), Type: tn("n", 4, 33)},
{NamePos: np("m", 4, 31), Type: tn("n", 4, 33)}}}}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{bar}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Interfaces: []*parse.Interface{{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6),
Embeds: []*parse.NamePos{npptr("bar", 2, 20)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{bar.baz}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Interfaces: []*parse.Interface{{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6),
Embeds: []*parse.NamePos{npptr("bar.baz", 2, 20)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{"a/b/c/bar".baz}`,
&parse.File{BaseName: "testfile", PackageDef: np("testpkg", 1, 9),
Interfaces: []*parse.Interface{{NamePos: np("foo", 2, 6),
Embeds: []*parse.NamePos{npptr(`"a/b/c/bar".baz`, 2, 20)}}}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{
[]string{"testfile:3:10 syntax error"}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{
[]string{"testfile:4:1 syntax error"}},
`package testpkg
type foo interface{
meth1([]a, []b []c)
[]string{"expected one or more variable names",
"testfile:3:18 perhaps you forgot a comma"}},
// configTests contains tests of config files.
var configTests = []configTest{
// Empty file isn't allowed (need at least a package clause).
[]string{"config file must start with config clause"}},
// Comment tests.
`// One liner
// Another line
config = true`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: parse.NamePos{Name: "config", Pos: pos(3, 1), Doc: `// One liner
// Another line
Config: cn("true", 3, 10)},
`/* Multi liner
Another line
config = true`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: parse.NamePos{Name: "config", Pos: pos(4, 1), Doc: `/* Multi liner
Another line
Config: cn("true", 4, 10)},
`// File doc, has extra newline so not config doc
config = true`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 3, 1),
Doc: "// File doc, has extra newline so not config doc\n",
Config: cn("true", 3, 10)},
`// File doc
// Config doc
config = true`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: parse.NamePos{Name: "config", Pos: pos(4, 1), Doc: "// Config doc\n"},
Doc: "// File doc\n",
Config: cn("true", 4, 10)},
`/* Unterminated
Another line
config = true`,
[]string{"comment not terminated"}},
// Config tests.
"config = true;",
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cn("true", 1, 10)},
"config = true",
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cn("true", 1, 10)},
"config = config",
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cn("config", 1, 10)},
"config true",
[]string{"testfile:1:8 syntax error"}},
// Import tests.
`config = foo
import (
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cn("foo", 1, 10)},
`config = foo
import "foo/bar";`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 2, 8)}},
Config: cn("foo", 1, 10)},
`config = foo
import baz "foo/bar"`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("baz", 2, 8)}},
Config: cn("foo", 1, 10)},
`config = foo
import (
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 3, 3)}},
Config: cn("foo", 1, 10)},
`config = foo
import (
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 3, 3)}},
Config: cn("foo", 1, 10)},
`config = foo
import (
baz "foo/bar"
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("baz", 3, 3)}},
Config: cn("foo", 1, 10)},
`config = foo
import "foo/bar"
import (
import "z"`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{
{Path: "foo/bar", NamePos: np("", 2, 8)},
{Path: "baz", NamePos: np("", 4, 3)},
{Path: "a/b", NamePos: np("", 4, 9)},
{Path: "c/d", NamePos: np("", 5, 3)},
{Path: "z", NamePos: np("", 7, 8)}},
Config: cn("foo", 1, 10)},
`config = foo
import (
[]string{"testfile:3:12 syntax error"}},
// Inline config tests.
`config = true`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cn("true", 1, 10)},
`config = "abc"`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cl("abc", 1, 10)},
`config = 123`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cl(big.NewInt(123), 1, 10)},
`config = 1.5`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cl(big.NewRat(3, 2), 1, 10)},
`config =`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: cn("", 1, 10)},
`config = {"a","b"}`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{Value: cl("a", 1, 11)},
{Value: cl("b", 1, 15)}},
P: pos(1, 10)}},
`config = {"a":1,"b":2}`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{cl("a", 1, 11), cl(big.NewInt(1), 1, 15)},
{cl("b", 1, 17), cl(big.NewInt(2), 1, 21)}},
P: pos(1, 10)}},
`config = foo{"a","b"}`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
Type: tn("foo", 1, 10),
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{Value: cl("a", 1, 14)},
{Value: cl("b", 1, 18)}},
P: pos(1, 13)}},
`config = foo{"a":1,"b":2}`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Config: &parse.ConstCompositeLit{
Type: tn("foo", 1, 10),
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{cl("a", 1, 14), cl(big.NewInt(1), 1, 18)},
{cl("b", 1, 20), cl(big.NewInt(2), 1, 24)}},
P: pos(1, 13)}},
`config 123`,
[]string{"testfile:1:8 syntax error"}},
`config =`,
[]string{"testfile:1:9 syntax error"}},
// Out-of-line config tests.
`config = config
import "foo"
const config = true`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo", NamePos: np("", 2, 8)}},
Config: cn("config", 1, 10),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("config", 3, 7), Expr: cn("true", 3, 16)}}},
`config = bar
import "foo"
const bar = true`,
&parse.Config{FileName: "testfile", ConfigDef: np("config", 1, 1),
Imports: []*parse.Import{{Path: "foo", NamePos: np("", 2, 8)}},
Config: cn("bar", 1, 10),
ConstDefs: []*parse.ConstDef{
{NamePos: np("bar", 3, 7), Expr: cn("true", 3, 13)}}},
// Errors, types and interfaces return error
`config = true
error foo()`,
[]string{"config files may not contain error, type or interface definitions"}},
`config = true
type foo bool`,
[]string{"config files may not contain error, type or interface definitions"}},
`config = true
type foo interface{}`,
[]string{"config files may not contain error, type or interface definitions"}},
func configImports(imports ...string) *parse.Config {
config := new(parse.Config)
for _, i := range imports {
config.Imports = append(config.Imports, &parse.Import{Path: i})
return config
func TestConfigHasImport(t *testing.T) {
config := configImports("a", "b/c")
tests := []struct {
Path string
Want bool
{"a", true},
{"b/c", true},
{"b", false},
{"c", false},
{"d", false},
for _, test := range tests {
if got, want := config.HasImport(test.Path), test.Want; got != want {
t.Errorf("HasImport(%q) got %v, want %v", test.Path, got, want)
func TestConfigAddImports(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Base *parse.Config
Imports []string
Want *parse.Config
{configImports(), []string{"a", "b/c"}, configImports("a", "b/c")},
{configImports("a"), []string{"a", "b/c"}, configImports("a", "b/c")},
{configImports("a", "b/c"), []string{"a", "b/c"}, configImports("a", "b/c")},
{configImports("a", "b/c"), []string{"a", "b/c", "d"}, configImports("a", "b/c", "d")},
for _, test := range tests {
if got, want := test.Base, test.Want; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("AddImports(%q) got %v, want %v", test.Imports, got, want)
func TestParseExprs(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Data string
Exprs []parse.ConstExpr
Err string
{``, nil, "syntax error"},
{`true`, []parse.ConstExpr{cn("true", 1, 1)}, ""},
{`false`, []parse.ConstExpr{cn("false", 1, 1)}, ""},
{`abc`, []parse.ConstExpr{cn("abc", 1, 1)}, ""},
{`"a/b/c".abc`, []parse.ConstExpr{cn(`"a/b/c".abc`, 1, 1)}, ""},
{`"abc"`, []parse.ConstExpr{cl("abc", 1, 1)}, ""},
{`1`, []parse.ConstExpr{cl(big.NewInt(1), 1, 1)}, ""},
{`123`, []parse.ConstExpr{cl(big.NewInt(123), 1, 1)}, ""},
{`1.0`, []parse.ConstExpr{cl(big.NewRat(1, 1), 1, 1)}, ""},
{`1.5`, []parse.ConstExpr{cl(big.NewRat(3, 2), 1, 1)}, ""},
{`{1,2}`, []parse.ConstExpr{
KVList: []parse.KVLit{
{Value: cl(big.NewInt(1), 1, 2)},
{Value: cl(big.NewInt(2), 1, 4)},
P: pos(1, 1),
}, ""},
{`1+2`, []parse.ConstExpr{
cl(big.NewInt(1), 1, 1),
cl(big.NewInt(2), 1, 3),
pos(1, 2),
}, ""},
{`1,"abc"`, []parse.ConstExpr{
cl(big.NewInt(1), 1, 1),
cl("abc", 1, 3),
}, ""},
for _, test := range tests {
errs := vdlutil.NewErrors(-1)
exprs := parse.ParseExprs(test.Data, errs)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, errs, test.Data, test.Err)
if got, want := exprs, test.Exprs; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s got %v, want %v", test.Data, got, want)