blob: 0254e9ce4e3e8879c4a6ec766658a43b6da75458 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package manager
import (
inaming ""
const reconnectDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond
type manager struct {
rid naming.RoutingID
closed chan struct{}
q *upcqueue.T
cache *ConnCache
mu *sync.Mutex
listenEndpoints []naming.Endpoint
proxyEndpoints map[string][]naming.Endpoint // keyed by proxy address
listeners []flow.Listener
wg sync.WaitGroup
func New(ctx *context.T, rid naming.RoutingID) flow.Manager {
m := &manager{
rid: rid,
closed: make(chan struct{}),
q: upcqueue.New(),
cache: NewConnCache(),
mu: &sync.Mutex{},
proxyEndpoints: make(map[string][]naming.Endpoint),
listeners: []flow.Listener{},
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
listeners := m.listeners
m.listeners = nil
for _, ln := range listeners {
return m
// Listen causes the Manager to accept flows from the provided protocol and address.
// Listen may be called muliple times.
// The flow.Manager associated with ctx must be the receiver of the method,
// otherwise an error is returned.
func (m *manager) Listen(ctx *context.T, protocol, address string) error {
if protocol == inaming.Network {
return m.proxyListen(ctx, address)
return m.listen(ctx, protocol, address)
func (m *manager) listen(ctx *context.T, protocol, address string) error {
ln, err := listen(ctx, protocol, address)
if err != nil {
return flow.NewErrNetwork(ctx, err)
local := &inaming.Endpoint{
Protocol: protocol,
Address: ln.Addr().String(),
RID: m.rid,
if m.listeners == nil {
return flow.NewErrBadState(ctx, NewErrManagerClosed(ctx))
m.listeners = append(m.listeners, ln)
go m.lnAcceptLoop(ctx, ln, local)
m.listenEndpoints = append(m.listenEndpoints, local)
return nil
func (m *manager) proxyListen(ctx *context.T, address string) error {
ep, err := inaming.NewEndpoint(address)
if err != nil {
return flow.NewErrBadArg(ctx, err)
go m.connectToProxy(ctx, address, ep)
return nil
func (m *manager) connectToProxy(ctx *context.T, address string, ep naming.Endpoint) {
defer m.wg.Done()
for delay := reconnectDelay; ; delay *= 2 {
time.Sleep(delay - reconnectDelay)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
f, err := m.internalDial(ctx, ep, proxyBlessingsForPeer{}.run, &proxyFlowHandler{ctx: ctx, m: m})
if err != nil {
w, err := message.Append(ctx, &message.ProxyServerRequest{}, nil)
if err != nil {
if _, err = f.WriteMsg(w); err != nil {
eps, err := m.readProxyResponse(ctx, f)
if err != nil {
m.proxyEndpoints[address] = eps
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-f.Closed():
delete(m.proxyEndpoints, address)
delay = reconnectDelay
func (m *manager) readProxyResponse(ctx *context.T, f flow.Flow) ([]naming.Endpoint, error) {
b, err := f.ReadMsg()
if err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrNetwork(ctx, err)
msg, err := message.Read(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrBadArg(ctx, err)
res, ok := msg.(*message.ProxyResponse)
if !ok {
return nil, flow.NewErrBadArg(ctx, NewErrInvalidProxyResponse(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%t", res)))
return res.Endpoints, nil
type proxyBlessingsForPeer struct{}
// TODO(suharshs): Figure out what blessings to present here. And present discharges.
func (proxyBlessingsForPeer) run(ctx *context.T, lep, rep naming.Endpoint, rb security.Blessings,
rd map[string]security.Discharge) (security.Blessings, map[string]security.Discharge, error) {
return v23.GetPrincipal(ctx).BlessingStore().Default(), nil, nil
func (m *manager) lnAcceptLoop(ctx *context.T, ln flow.Listener, local naming.Endpoint) {
defer m.wg.Done()
const killConnectionsRetryDelay = 5 * time.Millisecond
for {
flowConn, err := ln.Accept(ctx)
for tokill := 1; isTemporaryError(err); tokill *= 2 {
if isTooManyOpenFiles(err) {
if err := m.cache.KillConnections(ctx, tokill); err != nil {
ctx.VI(2).Infof("failed to kill connections: %v", err)
} else {
tokill = 1
flowConn, err = ln.Accept(ctx)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("ln.Accept on localEP %v failed: %v", local, err)
cached := make(chan struct{})
c, err := conn.NewAccepted(
&flowHandler{q: m.q, cached: cached},
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("failed to accept flow.Conn on localEP %v failed: %v", local, err)
if err := m.cache.InsertWithRoutingID(c); err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("failed to cache conn %v: %v", c, err)
type flowHandler struct {
q *upcqueue.T
cached chan struct{}
func (h *flowHandler) HandleFlow(f flow.Flow) error {
if h.cached != nil {
return h.q.Put(f)
type proxyFlowHandler struct {
ctx *context.T
m *manager
func (h *proxyFlowHandler) HandleFlow(f flow.Flow) error {
go func() {
c, err := conn.NewAccepted(
&flowHandler{q: h.m.q})
if err != nil {
h.ctx.Errorf("failed to create accepted conn: %v", err)
if err := h.m.cache.InsertWithRoutingID(c); err != nil {
h.ctx.Errorf("failed to create accepted conn: %v", err)
return nil
// ListeningEndpoints returns the endpoints that the Manager has explicitly
// listened on. The Manager will accept new flows on these endpoints.
// If the Manager is not listening on any endpoints, an endpoint with the
// Manager's RoutingID will be returned for use in bidirectional RPC.
// Returned endpoints all have the Manager's unique RoutingID.
func (m *manager) ListeningEndpoints() []naming.Endpoint {
ret := make([]naming.Endpoint, len(m.listenEndpoints))
copy(ret, m.listenEndpoints)
for _, peps := range m.proxyEndpoints {
ret = append(ret, peps...)
if len(ret) == 0 {
ret = append(ret, &inaming.Endpoint{RID: m.rid})
return ret
// Accept blocks until a new Flow has been initiated by a remote process.
// Flows are accepted from addresses that the Manager is listening on,
// including outgoing dialed connections.
// For example:
// err := m.Listen(ctx, "tcp", ":0")
// for {
// flow, err := m.Accept(ctx)
// // process flow
// }
// can be used to accept Flows initiated by remote processes.
// The flow.Manager associated with ctx must be the receiver of the method,
// otherwise an error is returned.
func (m *manager) Accept(ctx *context.T) (flow.Flow, error) {
// TODO(suharshs): Ensure that m is attached to ctx.
item, err := m.q.Get(ctx.Done())
switch {
case err == upcqueue.ErrQueueIsClosed:
return nil, flow.NewErrNetwork(ctx, NewErrManagerClosed(ctx))
case err != nil:
return nil, flow.NewErrNetwork(ctx, NewErrAcceptFailed(ctx, err))
return item.(flow.Flow), nil
// Dial creates a Flow to the provided remote endpoint, using 'fn' to
// determine the blessings that will be sent to the remote end.
// To maximize re-use of connections, the Manager will also Listen on Dialed
// connections for the lifetime of the connection.
// The flow.Manager associated with ctx must be the receiver of the method,
// otherwise an error is returned.
func (m *manager) Dial(ctx *context.T, remote naming.Endpoint, fn flow.BlessingsForPeer) (flow.Flow, error) {
var fh conn.FlowHandler
if m.rid != naming.NullRoutingID {
fh = &flowHandler{q: m.q}
return m.internalDial(ctx, remote, fn, fh)
func (m *manager) internalDial(ctx *context.T, remote naming.Endpoint, fn flow.BlessingsForPeer, fh conn.FlowHandler) (flow.Flow, error) {
// Look up the connection based on RoutingID first.
c, err := m.cache.FindWithRoutingID(remote.RoutingID())
if err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrBadState(ctx, err)
var (
protocol flow.Protocol
network, address string
if c == nil {
addr := remote.Addr()
protocol, _ = flow.RegisteredProtocol(addr.Network())
// (network, address) in the endpoint might not always match up
// with the key used for caching conns. For example:
// - conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "")
// fmt.Println(conn.RemoteAddr()) // Might yield the corresponding IP address
// - Similarly, an unspecified IP address (net.IP.IsUnspecified) like "[::]:80"
// might yield "[::1]:80" (loopback interface) in conn.RemoteAddr().
// Thus we look for Conns with the resolved address.
network, address, err = resolve(ctx, protocol, addr.Network(), addr.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrResolveFailed(ctx, err)
c, err = m.cache.ReservedFind(network, address, remote.BlessingNames())
if err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrBadState(ctx, err)
defer m.cache.Unreserve(network, address, remote.BlessingNames())
if c == nil {
flowConn, err := dial(ctx, protocol, network, address)
if err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrDialFailed(ctx, err)
// TODO(mattr): We should only pass a flowHandler to NewDialed if there
// is a server attached to this flow manager. Perhaps we can signal
// "serving flow manager" by passing a 0 RID to non-serving flow managers?
c, err = conn.NewDialed(
localEndpoint(flowConn, m.rid),
if err != nil {
if verror.ErrorID(err) == message.ErrWrongProtocol.ID {
return nil, err
return nil, flow.NewErrDialFailed(ctx, err)
if err := m.cache.Insert(c); err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrBadState(ctx, err)
f, err := c.Dial(ctx, fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrDialFailed(ctx, err)
// If we are dialing out to a Proxy, we need to dial a conn on this flow, and
// return a flow on that corresponding conn.
if proxyConn := c; remote.RoutingID() != proxyConn.RemoteEndpoint().RoutingID() {
c, err = conn.NewDialed(
if err != nil {
proxyConn.Close(ctx, err)
if verror.ErrorID(err) == message.ErrWrongProtocol.ID {
return nil, err
return nil, flow.NewErrDialFailed(ctx, err)
if err := m.cache.InsertWithRoutingID(c); err != nil {
return nil, flow.NewErrBadState(ctx, err)
f, err = c.Dial(ctx, fn)
if err != nil {
proxyConn.Close(ctx, err)
return nil, flow.NewErrDialFailed(ctx, err)
return f, nil
// RoutingID returns the naming.Routing of the flow.Manager.
func (m *manager) RoutingID() naming.RoutingID {
return m.rid
// Closed returns a channel that remains open for the lifetime of the Manager
// object. Once the channel is closed any operations on the Manager will
// necessarily fail.
func (m *manager) Closed() <-chan struct{} {
return m.closed
func dial(ctx *context.T, p flow.Protocol, protocol, address string) (flow.Conn, error) {
if p != nil {
var timeout time.Duration
if dl, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
timeout = dl.Sub(time.Now())
return p.Dial(ctx, protocol, address, timeout)
return nil, NewErrUnknownProtocol(ctx, protocol)
func resolve(ctx *context.T, p flow.Protocol, protocol, address string) (string, string, error) {
if p != nil {
net, addr, err := p.Resolve(ctx, protocol, address)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return net, addr, nil
return "", "", NewErrUnknownProtocol(ctx, protocol)
func listen(ctx *context.T, protocol, address string) (flow.Listener, error) {
if p, _ := flow.RegisteredProtocol(protocol); p != nil {
ln, err := p.Listen(ctx, protocol, address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ln, nil
return nil, NewErrUnknownProtocol(ctx, protocol)
func localEndpoint(conn flow.Conn, rid naming.RoutingID) naming.Endpoint {
localAddr := conn.LocalAddr()
ep := &inaming.Endpoint{
Protocol: localAddr.Network(),
Address: localAddr.String(),
RID: rid,
return ep
func isTemporaryError(err error) bool {
oErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError)
return ok && oErr.Temporary()
func isTooManyOpenFiles(err error) bool {
oErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError)
return ok && strings.Contains(oErr.Err.Error(), syscall.EMFILE.Error())