blob: 1e92bb43d0628614d7dcd27062c1d6db236bcfb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proxy_test
import (
_ ""
inaming ""
//go:generate jiri test generate
func TestProxy(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
_, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, security.AllowEveryone())
if err != nil {
defer shutdown()
principal := testutil.NewPrincipal("test")
ctx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, principal)
blessings := principal.BlessingStore().Default()
// Create the stream.Manager for the server.
server1 := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x1111111111111111))
defer server1.Shutdown()
// Setup a stream.Listener that will accept VCs and Flows routed
// through the proxy.
ln1, ep1, err := server1.Listen(ctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), blessings)
if err != nil {
defer ln1.Close()
// Create the stream.Manager for a second server.
server2 := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x2222222222222222))
defer server2.Shutdown()
// Setup a stream.Listener that will accept VCs and Flows routed
// through the proxy.
ln2, ep2, err := server2.Listen(ctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), blessings)
if err != nil {
defer ln2.Close()
// Create the stream.Manager for a client.
client := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0xcccccccccccccccc))
defer client.Shutdown()
cases := []struct {
client stream.Manager
ln stream.Listener
ep naming.Endpoint
{client, ln1, ep1}, // client writing to server1
{server1, ln2, ep2}, // server1 writing to server2
{server1, ln1, ep1}, // server1 writing to itself
const written = "the dough rises"
for i, c := range cases {
name := fmt.Sprintf("case #%d(write to %v):", i, c.ep)
// Accept a single flow and write out what is read to readChan
readChan := make(chan string)
go readFlow(t, c.ln, readChan)
if err := writeFlow(ctx, c.client, c.ep, written); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: %v", name, err)
// Validate that the data read is the same as the data written.
if read := <-readChan; read != written {
t.Errorf("case #%d: Read %q, wrote %q", i, read, written)
func TestProxyAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
_, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, testAuth{"alice", "carol"})
if err != nil {
defer shutdown()
var (
alice = testutil.NewPrincipal("alice")
bob = testutil.NewPrincipal("bob")
carol = testutil.NewPrincipal("carol")
dave = testutil.NewPrincipal("dave")
// Make the proxy recognize "alice", "bob" and "carol", but not "dave"
testcases := []struct {
p security.Principal
ok bool
{alice, true}, // passes the auth policy
{bob, false}, // recognized, but not included in auth policy
{carol, true}, // passes the auth policy
{dave, false}, // not recognized, thus doesn't pass the auth policy
for idx, test := range testcases {
server := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(uint64(idx)))
nctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, test.p)
_, ep, err := server.Listen(nctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), test.p.BlessingStore().Default(), proxyAuth{test.p})
if (err == nil) != test.ok {
t.Errorf("Got ep=%v, err=%v - wanted error:%v", ep, err, !test.ok)
type proxyAuth struct {
p security.Principal
func (proxyAuth) RPCStreamListenerOpt() {}
func (a proxyAuth) Login(stream.Flow) (security.Blessings, []security.Discharge, error) {
return a.p.BlessingStore().Default(), nil, nil
func TestDuplicateRoutingID(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
_, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, security.AllowEveryone())
if err != nil {
defer shutdown()
// Create the stream.Manager for server1 and server2, both with the same routing ID
serverRID := naming.FixedRoutingID(0x5555555555555555)
server1 := manager.InternalNew(ctx, serverRID)
server2 := manager.InternalNew(ctx, serverRID)
defer server1.Shutdown()
defer server2.Shutdown()
principal := testutil.NewPrincipal("test")
ctx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, principal)
blessings := principal.BlessingStore().Default()
// First server to claim serverRID should win.
ln1, ep1, err := server1.Listen(ctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), blessings)
if err != nil {
defer ln1.Close()
ln2, ep2, err := server2.Listen(ctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), blessings)
if pattern := "routing id 00000000000000005555555555555555 is already being proxied"; err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), pattern) {
t.Errorf("Got (%v, %v, %v) want error \"...%v\" (ep1:%v)", ln2, ep2, err, pattern, ep1)
func TestProxyAuthentication(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
pproxy := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
_, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, security.AllowEveryone())
if err != nil {
defer shutdown()
if got, want := proxyEp.BlessingNames(), []string{"proxy"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Proxy endpoint blessing names: got %v, want %v", got, want)
other := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0xcccccccccccccccc))
defer other.Shutdown()
nctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, testutil.NewPrincipal("other"))
vc, err := other.Dial(nctx, proxyEp)
if err != nil {
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
if got, want := flow.RemoteBlessings(), pproxy.BlessingStore().Default(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Proxy authenticated as [%v], want [%v]", got, want)
func TestServerBlessings(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
var (
pserver = testutil.NewPrincipal("server")
pclient = testutil.NewPrincipal("client")
cctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, pclient)
sctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, pserver)
_, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, security.AllowEveryone())
if err != nil {
defer shutdown()
if got, want := proxyEp.BlessingNames(), []string{"proxy"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Proxy endpoint blessing names: got %v, want %v", got, want)
server := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x5555555555555555))
defer server.Shutdown()
ln, ep, err := server.Listen(sctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), pserver.BlessingStore().Default())
if err != nil {
if got, want := ep.BlessingNames(), []string{"server"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Server endpoint %q: Got BlessingNames %v, want %v", ep, got, want)
defer ln.Close()
go func() {
for {
if _, err := ln.Accept(); err != nil {
client := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0xcccccccccccccccc))
defer client.Shutdown()
vc, err := client.Dial(cctx, ep)
if err != nil {
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
if got, want := flow.RemoteBlessings(), pserver.BlessingStore().Default(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Got [%v] want [%v]", got, want)
func TestHostPort(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
_, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, security.AllowEveryone())
if err != nil {
defer shutdown()
server := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x5555555555555555))
defer server.Shutdown()
addr := proxyEp.Addr().String()
port := addr[strings.LastIndex(addr, ":"):]
principal := testutil.NewPrincipal("test")
ctx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, principal)
blessings := principal.BlessingStore().Default()
ln, _, err := server.Listen(ctx, inaming.Network, ""+port, blessings)
if err != nil {
func TestClientBecomesServer(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
_, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, security.AllowEveryone())
if err != nil {
server := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x5555555555555555))
client1 := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x1111111111111111))
client2 := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x2222222222222222))
defer shutdown()
defer server.Shutdown()
defer client1.Shutdown()
defer client2.Shutdown()
principal := testutil.NewPrincipal("test")
sctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, principal)
blessings := principal.BlessingStore().Default()
lnS, epS, err := server.Listen(sctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), blessings)
if err != nil {
defer lnS.Close()
rchan := make(chan string)
pclient1 := testutil.NewPrincipal("client1")
cctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, pclient1)
// client1 must connect to the proxy to speak to the server.
// Keep a VC and Flow open to the server, to ensure that the proxy
// maintains routing information (at some point, inactive VIFs
// should be garbage collected, so this ensures that the VIF
// is "active")
if vc, err := client1.Dial(cctx, epS); err != nil {
} else if flow, err := vc.Connect(); err != nil {
} else {
defer flow.Close()
// Now client1 becomes a server
lnC, epC, err := client1.Listen(cctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), pclient1.BlessingStore().Default())
if err != nil {
defer lnC.Close()
// client2 should be able to talk to client1 through the proxy
rchan = make(chan string)
go readFlow(t, lnC, rchan)
if err := writeFlow(ctx, client2, epC, "daffy duck"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("client2 failed to chat with client1: %v", err)
if got, want := <-rchan, "daffy duck"; got != want {
t.Fatalf("client2->client1 got %q want %q", got, want)
func testProxyIdleTimeout(t *testing.T, testServer bool) {
ctx, shutdown := v23Init()
defer shutdown()
const (
idleTime = 10 * time.Millisecond
// We use a long wait time here since it takes some time to handle VC close
// especially in race testing.
waitTime = 150 * time.Millisecond
var (
pserver = testutil.NewPrincipal("server")
pclient = testutil.NewPrincipal("client")
opts []stream.VCOpt
lopts []stream.ListenerOpt
if testServer {
lopts = []stream.ListenerOpt{vc.IdleTimeout{Duration: idleTime}}
} else {
opts = []stream.VCOpt{vc.IdleTimeout{Duration: idleTime}}
cctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, pclient)
sctx, _ := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, pserver)
// Pause the idle timers.
triggerTimers := vif.SetFakeTimers()
Proxy, shutdown, proxyEp, err := proxy.InternalNew(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb), ctx, security.AllowEveryone())
if err != nil {
defer shutdown()
// Create the stream.Manager for the server.
server := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0x1111111111111111))
defer server.Shutdown()
// Setup a stream.Listener that will accept VCs and Flows routed
// through the proxy.
ln, ep, err := server.Listen(sctx, proxyEp.Network(), proxyEp.String(), pserver.BlessingStore().Default(), lopts...)
if err != nil {
defer ln.Close()
// Create the stream.Manager for a client.
client := manager.InternalNew(ctx, naming.FixedRoutingID(0xcccccccccccccccc))
defer client.Shutdown()
// Open a VC and a Flow.
VC, err := client.Dial(cctx, ep, opts...)
if err != nil {
flow, err := VC.Connect()
if err != nil {
if _, err = ln.Accept(); err != nil {
// Trigger the idle timers.
if numProcs := proxy.NumProcesses(Proxy); numProcs != 2 {
// There should be two processes at this point.
t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("Unexpected number of processes: %d\n", numProcs))
// There is one active flow. The VC should be kept open.
if numProcs := proxy.NumProcesses(Proxy); numProcs != 2 {
t.Errorf("Want VC is kept open, but closed: number of processes: %d", numProcs)
// The flow has been closed. The VC should be closed after idle timeout.
for range time.Tick(idleTime) {
if proxy.NumProcesses(Proxy) == 1 {
// Even when the idle timeout is set for VC in server, we still should be
// able to dial to the server through the proxy, since one VC between the
// server and the proxy should be kept alive as the proxy protocol.
// We use fake timers here again to avoid idle timeout during dialing.
defer vif.SetFakeTimers()()
if _, err := client.Dial(cctx, ep, opts...); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Want to dial to the server; can't dial: %v", err)
func TestProxyIdleTimeout(t *testing.T) { testProxyIdleTimeout(t, false) }
func TestProxyIdleTimeoutServer(t *testing.T) { testProxyIdleTimeout(t, true) }
func writeFlow(ctx *context.T, mgr stream.Manager, ep naming.Endpoint, data string) error {
ctx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, testutil.NewPrincipal("test"))
vc, err := mgr.Dial(ctx, ep)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("manager.Dial(%v) failed: %v", ep, err)
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("vc.Connect failed: %v", err)
defer flow.Close()
if _, err := flow.Write([]byte(data)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("flow.Write failed: %v", err)
return nil
func readFlow(t *testing.T, ln stream.Listener, read chan<- string) {
defer close(read)
flow, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
var tmp [1024]byte
var buf bytes.Buffer
for {
n, err := flow.Read(tmp[:])
if err == io.EOF {
read <- buf.String()
if err != nil {
func v23Init() (*context.T, func()) {
ctx, shutdown := test.V23Init()
ctx, err := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, testutil.NewPrincipal("proxy"))
if err != nil {
return ctx, shutdown
type testAuth []string
func (l testAuth) Authorize(ctx *context.T, call security.Call) error {
remote, rejected := security.RemoteBlessingNames(ctx, call)
for _, n := range remote {
for _, a := range l {
if n == a {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("%v not in authorized set of %v (rejected: %v)", remote, l, rejected)