blob: 575f83acfc74420a21a1d7b0dd8167098c24792c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package clock
import (
// This file contains code related to checking current system clock to see
// if it has been changed by any external action.
// runClockCheck estimates the current system time based on saved boottime
// and elapsed time since boot and checks if the system clock shows the same
// time. This involves the following steps:
// 1) Check if system was rebooted since last run. If so update the saved
// ClockData.
// 2) Fetch stored ClockData. If none exists, this is the first time
// runClockCheck has been run. Write new ClockData.
// 3) Estimate current system clock time and check if the actual system clock
// agrees with the estimation. If not update the skew value appropriately.
// 4) Update saved elapsed time since boot. This is used to check if the system
// was rebooted or not. TODO(jlodhia): work with device manager to provide a
// way to notify syncbase if the system was just rebooted.
func (c *VClock) runClockCheck(ctx *context.T) {
checkSystemRebooted(ctx, c)
clockData := &ClockData{}
if err :=, clockData); err != nil {
if verror.ErrorID(err) == verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
// VClock's cron job to setup UTC time at boot is being run for the
// first time. Skew is not known, hence assigning 0.
writeNewClockData(ctx, c, 0)
} else {
vlog.Errorf("Error while fetching clock data: %v", err)
systemTime := c.clock.Now()
elapsedTime, err := c.clock.ElapsedTime()
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Error while fetching elapsed time: %v", err)
newClockData := &ClockData{
SystemTimeAtBoot: clockData.SystemTimeAtBoot,
Skew: clockData.Skew,
ElapsedTimeSinceBoot: elapsedTime.Nanoseconds(),
estimatedClockTime := clockData.SystemBootTime().Add(elapsedTime)
diff := estimatedClockTime.Sub(systemTime)
if math.Abs(float64(diff.Nanoseconds())) > util.LocalClockDriftThreshold {
newClockData.Skew = newClockData.Skew + diff.Nanoseconds()
newSystemTimeAtBoot := systemTime.Add(-elapsedTime)
newClockData.SystemTimeAtBoot = newSystemTimeAtBoot.UnixNano()
if err :=, newClockData); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Error while setting clock data: %v", err)
func writeNewClockData(ctx *context.T, c *VClock, skew time.Duration) {
systemTime := c.clock.Now()
elapsedTime, err := c.clock.ElapsedTime()
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Error while fetching elapsed time: %v", err)
systemTimeAtBoot := systemTime.Add(-elapsedTime)
clockData := &ClockData{
SystemTimeAtBoot: systemTimeAtBoot.UnixNano(),
Skew: skew.Nanoseconds(),
ElapsedTimeSinceBoot: elapsedTime.Nanoseconds(),
if err :=, clockData); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Error while setting clock data: %v", err)
// checkSystemRebooted compares the elapsed time stored during the last
// run of runClockCheck() to the current elapsed time since boot provided
// by system clock. Since elapsed time is monotonically increasing and cannot
// be changed unless a reboot happens, if the current value is lower than the
// previous value then a reboot has happened since last run. If so, update
// the boot time and elapsed time since boot appropriately.
func checkSystemRebooted(ctx *context.T, c *VClock) bool {
currentSysTime := c.clock.Now()
elapsedTime, err := c.clock.ElapsedTime()
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Error while fetching elapsed time: %v", err)
return false
clockData := &ClockData{}
if err :=, clockData); err != nil {
if verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
vlog.Errorf("Error while fetching clock delta: %v", err)
// In case of verror.ErrNoExist no clock data present. Nothing needed to
// be done. writeNewClockData() will write new clock data to storage.
return false
if elapsedTime.Nanoseconds() < clockData.ElapsedTimeSinceBoot {
// Since the elapsed time since last boot provided by the system is
// less than the elapsed time since boot seen the last time clockservice
// ran, the system must have rebooted in between.
clockData.SystemTimeAtBoot = currentSysTime.Add(-elapsedTime).UnixNano()
clockData.ElapsedTimeSinceBoot = elapsedTime.Nanoseconds()
if err :=, clockData); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Error while setting clock data: %v", err)
return true
return false