blob: cf67845a4caeff6ea7a4756cbca4bc799de16f32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package clock
import (
// VClock holds data required to provide an estimate of the UTC time at any
// given point. The fields contained in here are
// - systemTimeAtBoot : the time shown by the system clock at boot.
// - skew : the difference between the system clock and UTC time.
// - clock : Instance of clock.SystemClock interface providing access
// to the system time.
// - sa : adapter for storage of clock data.
// - ntpSource : source for fetching NTP data.
type VClock struct {
systemTimeAtBoot time.Time
skew time.Duration
clock SystemClock
sa StorageAdapter
ntpSource NtpSource
func NewVClock(st store.Store) *VClock {
sysClock := newSystemClock()
return &VClock{
clock: sysClock,
sa: NewStorageAdapter(st),
ntpSource: NewNtpSource(sysClock),
// Now returns current UTC time based on the estimation of skew that
// the system clock has with respect to NTP time.
func (c *VClock) Now(ctx *context.T) time.Time {
clockData := &ClockData{}
if err :=, clockData); err != nil {
if verror.ErrorID(err) == verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
// VClock's cron job to setup UTC time at boot has not been run yet.
// TODO(jlodhia): uncomment info messages once clock service
// scheduling is enabled. In absence of clock service, no clock
// data is present and hence these logs get printed all the time.
// vlog.Info("No ClockData found while creating a timestamp")
} else {
vlog.Errorf("Error while fetching clock data: %v", err)
// vlog.Info("Returning current system clock time")
return c.clock.Now()
skew := time.Duration(clockData.Skew)
return c.clock.Now().Add(skew)
// Implementation for SystemClock.
type systemClockImpl struct{}
// Returns system time in UTC.
func (sc *systemClockImpl) Now() time.Time {
return time.Now().UTC()
var _ SystemClock = (*systemClockImpl)(nil)
func newSystemClock() SystemClock {
return &systemClockImpl{}