blob: dd4e77890c5172e1b1c2db6a0a8f18557bd9b865 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build android
package jni
import (
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -ljniwrapper
// #include "jni_wrapper.h"
// // CGO doesn't support variadic functions so we have to hard-code these
// // functions to match the invoking code. Ugh!
// static jobjectArray CallPublicIDNamesMethod(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jmethodID id) {
// return (jobjectArray)(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, id);
// }
// static jboolean CallPublicIDMatchMethod(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jmethodID id, jstring pattern) {
// return (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, obj, id, pattern);
// }
// static jobject CallPublicIDPublicKeyMethod(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jmethodID id) {
// return (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, id);
// }
// static jobject CallPublicIDAuthorizeMethod(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jmethodID id, jobject context) {
// return (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, id, context);
// }
// static jobjectArray CallPublicIDThirdPartyCaveatsMethod(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jmethodID id) {
// return (jobjectArray)(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, id);
// }
// static jobject CallPublicIDNewContextObject(JNIEnv* env, jclass class, jmethodID id, jlong goContextPtr) {
// return (*env)->NewObject(env, class, id, goContextPtr);
// }
// static jobject CallPublicIDGetKeyInfoMethod(JNIEnv* env, jclass class, jmethodID id, jobject key) {
// return (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, class, id, key);
// }
import "C"
func newPublicID(env *C.JNIEnv, jPublicID C.jobject) *publicID {
// We cannot cache Java environments as they are only valid in the current
// thread. We can, however, cache the Java VM and obtain an environment
// from it in whatever thread happens to be running at the time.
var jVM *C.JavaVM
if status := C.GetJavaVM(env, &jVM); status != 0 {
panic("couldn't get Java VM from the (Java) environment")
// Reference Java public id; it will be de-referenced when the go public id
// created below is garbage-collected (through the finalizer callback we
// setup just below).
jPublicID = C.NewGlobalRef(env, jPublicID)
id := &publicID{
jVM: jVM,
jPublicID: jPublicID,
runtime.SetFinalizer(id, func(id *publicID) {
var env *C.JNIEnv
C.AttachCurrentThread(id.jVM, &env, nil)
defer C.DetachCurrentThread(id.jVM)
C.DeleteGlobalRef(env, id.jPublicID)
return id
type publicID struct {
jVM *C.JavaVM
jPublicID C.jobject
func (id *publicID) Names() []string {
var env *C.JNIEnv
C.AttachCurrentThread(id.jVM, &env, nil)
defer C.DetachCurrentThread(id.jVM)
mid := C.jmethodID(util.JMethodIDPtr(env, C.GetObjectClass(env, id.jPublicID), "names", fmt.Sprintf("()[%s", util.StringSign)))
names := C.CallPublicIDNamesMethod(env, id.jPublicID, mid)
ret := make([]string, int(C.GetArrayLength(env, C.jarray(names))))
for i := 0; i < len(ret); i++ {
ret[i] = util.GoString(env, C.GetObjectArrayElement(env, names, C.jsize(i)))
return ret
func (id *publicID) Match(pattern security.PrincipalPattern) bool {
var env *C.JNIEnv
C.AttachCurrentThread(id.jVM, &env, nil)
defer C.DetachCurrentThread(id.jVM)
mid := C.jmethodID(util.JMethodIDPtr(env, C.GetObjectClass(env, id.jPublicID), "match", fmt.Sprintf("(%s)%s", util.StringSign, util.BoolSign)))
return C.CallPublicIDMatchMethod(env, id.jPublicID, mid, C.jstring(util.JStringPtr(env, string(pattern)))) == C.JNI_TRUE
func (id *publicID) PublicKey() *ecdsa.PublicKey {
var env *C.JNIEnv
C.AttachCurrentThread(id.jVM, &env, nil)
defer C.DetachCurrentThread(id.jVM)
mid := C.jmethodID(util.JMethodIDPtr(env, C.GetObjectClass(env, id.jPublicID), "publicKey", fmt.Sprintf("()%s", util.ObjectSign)))
jPublicKey := C.CallPublicIDPublicKeyMethod(env, id.jPublicID, mid)
return newPublicKey(env, jPublicKey)
func (id *publicID) Authorize(context security.Context) (security.PublicID, error) {
var env *C.JNIEnv
C.AttachCurrentThread(id.jVM, &env, nil)
defer C.DetachCurrentThread(id.jVM)
util.GoRef(&context) // un-refed when the Java Context object is finalized.
contextSign := "Lcom/veyron2/security/Context;"
publicIDSign := "Lcom/veyron2/security/PublicID;"
cid := C.jmethodID(util.JMethodIDPtr(env, jContextImplClass, "<init>", fmt.Sprintf("(%s)%s", util.LongSign, util.VoidSign)))
jContext := C.CallPublicIDNewContextObject(env, jContextImplClass, cid, C.jlong(util.PtrValue(&context)))
mid := C.jmethodID(util.JMethodIDPtr(env, C.GetObjectClass(env, id.jPublicID), "authorize", fmt.Sprintf("(%s)%s", contextSign, publicIDSign)))
jPublicID := C.CallPublicIDAuthorizeMethod(env, id.jPublicID, mid, jContext)
if err := util.JExceptionMsg(env); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newPublicID(env, jPublicID), nil
func (id *publicID) ThirdPartyCaveats() []security.ServiceCaveat {
var env *C.JNIEnv
C.AttachCurrentThread(id.jVM, &env, nil)
defer C.DetachCurrentThread(id.jVM)
serviceCaveatSign := "Lcom/veyron2/security/ServiceCaveat;"
mid := C.jmethodID(util.JMethodIDPtr(env, C.GetObjectClass(env, id.jPublicID), "thirdPartyCaveats", fmt.Sprintf("()[%s", serviceCaveatSign)))
jServiceCaveats := C.CallPublicIDThirdPartyCaveatsMethod(env, id.jPublicID, mid)
length := int(C.GetArrayLength(env, C.jarray(jServiceCaveats)))
sCaveats := make([]security.ServiceCaveat, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
jServiceCaveat := C.GetObjectArrayElement(env, jServiceCaveats, C.jsize(i))
sCaveats[i] = security.ServiceCaveat{
Service: security.PrincipalPattern(util.JStringField(env, jServiceCaveat, "service")),
Caveat: newCaveat(env, jServiceCaveat),
return sCaveats
func newPublicKey(env *C.JNIEnv, jPublicKey C.jobject) *ecdsa.PublicKey {
keySign := "Ljava/security/interfaces/ECPublicKey;"
keyInfoSign := "Lcom/veyron/runtimes/google/security/JNIPublicID$ECPublicKeyInfo;"
mid := C.jmethodID(util.JMethodIDPtr(env, jPublicIDImplClass, "getKeyInfo", fmt.Sprintf("(%s)%s", keySign, keyInfoSign)))
jKeyInfo := C.CallPublicIDGetKeyInfoMethod(env, jPublicIDImplClass, mid, jPublicKey)
keyX := new(big.Int).SetBytes(util.JByteArrayField(env, jKeyInfo, "keyX"))
keyY := new(big.Int).SetBytes(util.JByteArrayField(env, jKeyInfo, "keyY"))
var curve elliptic.Curve
switch util.JIntField(env, jKeyInfo, "curveFieldBitSize") {
case 224:
curve = elliptic.P224()
case 256:
curve = elliptic.P256()
case 384:
curve = elliptic.P384()
case 521:
curve = elliptic.P521()
default: // Unknown curve
return nil
return &ecdsa.PublicKey{
Curve: curve,
X: keyX,
Y: keyY,