blob: 406c7da689ca46ac3e1d4e932b335606bd0d0440 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package watchable provides a Syncbase-specific store.Store wrapper that
// provides versioned storage for specified prefixes and maintains a watchable
// log of operations performed on versioned records. This log forms the basis
// for the implementation of client-facing watch as well as the sync module's
// internal watching of store updates.
// LogEntry records are stored chronologically, using keys of the form
// "$log:<seq>". Sequence numbers are zero-padded to ensure that the
// lexicographic order matches the numeric order.
// Version number records are stored using keys of the form "$version:<key>",
// where <key> is the client-specified key.
package watchable
import (
pubutil ""
// Options configures a Store.
type Options struct {
// Key prefixes to version and log. If nil, all keys are managed.
ManagedPrefixes []string
// Clock is an interface to a generic clock.
type Clock interface {
// Now returns the current time.
Now() (time.Time, error)
// Wrap returns a *Store that wraps the given store.Store.
func Wrap(st store.Store, clock Clock, opts *Options) (*Store, error) {
seq, err := getNextLogSeq(st)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Store{
ist: st,
watcher: newWatcher(),
opts: opts,
seq: seq,
Clock: clock,
}, nil
type Store struct {
ist store.Store
watcher *watcher
opts *Options
mu sync.Mutex // held during transaction commits; protects seq
seq uint64 // the next sequence number to be used for a new commit
// TODO(razvanm): make the clock private. The clock is used only by the
// addSyncgroupLogRec function from the vsync package.
Clock Clock // used to provide write timestamps
var _ store.Store = (*Store)(nil)
// Close implements the store.Store interface.
func (st *Store) Close() error {
// Get implements the store.StoreReader interface.
func (st *Store) Get(key, valbuf []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if !st.managesKey(key) {
return, valbuf)
sn := newSnapshot(st)
defer sn.Abort()
return sn.Get(key, valbuf)
// Scan implements the store.StoreReader interface.
func (st *Store) Scan(start, limit []byte) store.Stream {
if !st.managesRange(start, limit) {
return, limit)
// TODO(sadovsky): Close snapshot once stream is finished or canceled.
return newSnapshot(st).Scan(start, limit)
// Put implements the store.StoreWriter interface.
func (st *Store) Put(key, value []byte) error {
// Use watchable.Store transaction so this op gets logged.
return store.RunInTransaction(st, func(tx store.Transaction) error {
return tx.Put(key, value)
// Delete implements the store.StoreWriter interface.
func (st *Store) Delete(key []byte) error {
// Use watchable.Store transaction so this op gets logged.
return store.RunInTransaction(st, func(tx store.Transaction) error {
return tx.Delete(key)
// NewTransaction implements the store.Store interface.
func (st *Store) NewTransaction() store.Transaction {
return newTransaction(st)
// NewWatchableTransaction implements the Store interface.
func (st *Store) NewWatchableTransaction() *Transaction {
return newTransaction(st)
// NewSnapshot implements the store.Store interface.
func (st *Store) NewSnapshot() store.Snapshot {
return newSnapshot(st)
// GetOptions returns the options configured on a watchable.Store.
// TODO(rdaoud): expose watchable store through an interface and change this
// function to be a method on the store.
func GetOptions(st store.Store) (*Options, error) {
wst := st.(*Store)
return wst.opts, nil
// Internal helpers
func (st *Store) managesKey(key []byte) bool {
if st.opts.ManagedPrefixes == nil {
return true
ikey := string(key)
// TODO(sadovsky): Optimize, e.g. use binary search (here and below).
for _, p := range st.opts.ManagedPrefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(ikey, p) {
return true
return false
func (st *Store) managesRange(start, limit []byte) bool {
if st.opts.ManagedPrefixes == nil {
return true
istart, ilimit := string(start), string(limit)
for _, p := range st.opts.ManagedPrefixes {
pstart, plimit := pubutil.PrefixRangeStart(p), pubutil.PrefixRangeLimit(p)
if pstart <= istart && ilimit <= plimit {
return true
if !(plimit <= istart || ilimit <= pstart) {
// If this happens, there's a bug in the Syncbase server implementation.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("partial overlap: %q %q %q", p, start, limit))
return false