blob: f88f011b0efc350e014d81fa194bc0231a51af31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package control
import (
var (
syncbasedMain = gosh.RegisterFunc("syncbasedMain", syncbased_vine.Main)
// instance encapsulates a running syncbase instance.
type instance struct {
// Name of the instance. Syncbased will be mounted under this name.
name string
// Databases to host on the syncbased.
databases model.DatabaseSet
// Context used by clients.
clientCtx *context.T
// Clients of the syncbase instance.
clients []client.Client
// Gosh command for syncbase process. Will be nil if instance is not
// running.
cmd *gosh.Cmd
// Directory containing v23 credentials for this instance.
credsDir string
// Namespace root.
namespaceRoot string
// Principal for syncbase instance.
principal security.Principal
// Gosh shell used to spawn all processes.
sh *gosh.Shell
// Name of the vine server and tag running on instance.
vineName string
// Working directory for this instance.
wd string
func (inst *instance) start(rootCtx *context.T) error {
if inst.cmd != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("inst %v already started", inst)
opts := syncbaselib.Opts{
RootDir: inst.wd,
// TODO(nlacasse): Turn this on once neighborhoods can be configured via VINE.
SkipPublishInNh: false,
// We use the vine name as both the vine server name and the tag.
inst.cmd =, inst.vineName, inst.vineName, opts)
// TODO(nlacasse): Once we have user credentials, only allow blessings
// based on the user here.
perms := `{"Admin":{"In":["root"],"NotIn":null},"Debug":{"In":["root"],"NotIn":null},"Read":{"In":["root"],"NotIn":null},"Resolve":{"In":["root"],"NotIn":null},"Write":{"In":["root"],"NotIn":null}}`
inst.cmd.Args = append(inst.cmd.Args,
vars := inst.cmd.AwaitVars("ENDPOINT")
if ep := vars["ENDPOINT"]; ep == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("error starting %q: no ENDPOINT variable sent from process",
// Derive a context with the user's principal from rootCtx.
clientCtx, err := v23.WithPrincipal(rootCtx, inst.principal)
if err != nil {
return err
inst.clientCtx = clientCtx
// Start clients.
return inst.startClients()
func (inst *instance) update(d *model.Device) error {
return fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
func (inst *instance) startClients() error {
for _, client := range inst.clients {
client.Start(inst.clientCtx,, inst.databases)
return nil
func (inst *instance) stopClients() error {
for _, client := range inst.clients {
if err := client.Stop(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (inst *instance) stopSyncbase() error {
inst.cmd = nil
return nil