blob: 8c4d9c082d2898e34f94d5f0a4251ccf410b2bca [file] [log] [blame]
# Simple example showing multiple mount tables, servers and globing
set localaddr="--veyron.tcp.address="
root -- $localaddr
eval $_
set root=$MT_NAME
mt -- $localaddr usa
eval $_
set usa_mt=$MT_NAME
mt -- $localaddr uk
eval $_
set uk_mt=$MT_NAME
ls $root/...
set l=$_
eval $l
assert $RN 3
wait $l
set NAMESPACE_ROOT=$usa_mt
mt -- $localaddr "palo alto"
eval $_
set pa_mt=$MT_NAME
mt -- $localaddr "cambridge"
eval $_
set cam_mt=$MT_NAME
ls $root/...
set l=$_
eval $l
assert $RN 7
wait $l
ls -- -l $root/...
wait $_
resolve $root/usa
set r=$_
eval $r
# We get two endpoints back, in arbitrary order
# one of which is 'ws', the other 'tcp'
assert $RN 2
eval $r
set ep1=$R0
eval $r
set ep2=$R1
assertOneOf $usa_mt $ep1 $ep2
wait $r
resolve "$root/usa/palo alto"
set r=$_
assert $RN 2
eval $r
# this resolves to the mount table hosting palo alto, not the mount table
# that would host any objects mounted on .../palo alto/...
# but the uk/cambridge example below seems to behave the opposite way?
eval $r
set ep1=$R0
eval $r
set ep2=$R1
assertOneOf $pa_mt $ep1 $ep2
wait $r
resolve $root/uk
set r=$_
eval $r
assert $RN 2
eval $r
set ep1=$R0
eval $r
set ep2=$R1
assertOneOf $uk_mt $ep1 $ep2
wait $r
resolve "$root/uk/cambridge"
set r=$_
eval $r
assert $RN 2
eval $r
set ep1=$R0
eval $r
set ep2=$R1
# this behaves differently to the usa/palo alto case?
assertOneOf $cam_mt $ep1 $ep2
wait $r