blob: baa73391918f351455dca0a1915eb9d12dfb9f0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package mdns implements mDNS plugin for discovery service.
// In order to support discovery of a specific vanadium service, an instance
// is advertised in two ways - one as a vanadium service and the other as a
// subtype of vanadium service.
// For example, a vanadium printer service is advertised as
// v23._tcp.local.
// _<printer_service_uuid>._sub._v23._tcp.local.
// Even though an instance is advertised as two services, both PTR records refer
// to the same name.
// _v23._tcp.local. PTR <instance_uuid>.<printer_service_uuid>._v23._tcp.local.
// _<printer_service_uuid>._sub._v23._tcp.local.
// PTR <instance_uuid>.<printer_service_uuid>._v23._tcp.local.
package mdns
import (
ldiscovery ""
mdns ""
const (
v23ServiceName = "v23"
serviceNameSuffix = "._sub._" + v23ServiceName
// The host name is in the form of '<instance uuid>.<service uuid>._v23._tcp.local.'.
// The double dots at the end are for bypassing the host name composition in
// go-mdns-sd package so that we can use the same host name both in the (subtype)
// service and v23 service announcements.
hostNameSuffix = "._v23._tcp.local.."
attrInterface = "__intf"
attrAddr = "__addr"
type plugin struct {
mdns *mdns.MDNS
adStopper *ldiscovery.Trigger
subscriptionRefreshTime time.Duration
subscriptionWaitTime time.Duration
subscriptionMu sync.Mutex
subscription map[string]subscription // GUARDED_BY(subscriptionMu)
type subscription struct {
count int
lastSubscription time.Time
func (p *plugin) Advertise(ctx *context.T, ad *ldiscovery.Advertisement) error {
serviceName := ad.ServiceUuid.String() + serviceNameSuffix
hostName := fmt.Sprintf("%x.%s%s", ad.InstanceUuid, ad.ServiceUuid.String(), hostNameSuffix)
txt, err := createTXTRecords(ad)
if err != nil {
return err
// Announce the service.
err = p.mdns.AddService(serviceName, hostName, 0, txt...)
if err != nil {
return err
// Announce it as v23 service as well so that we can discover
// all v23 services through mDNS.
err = p.mdns.AddService(v23ServiceName, hostName, 0, txt...)
if err != nil {
return err
stop := func() {
p.mdns.RemoveService(serviceName, hostName, 0)
p.mdns.RemoveService(v23ServiceName, hostName, 0)
p.adStopper.Add(stop, ctx.Done())
return nil
func (p *plugin) Scan(ctx *context.T, serviceUuid uuid.UUID, scanCh chan<- *ldiscovery.Advertisement) error {
var serviceName string
if len(serviceUuid) == 0 {
serviceName = v23ServiceName
} else {
serviceName = serviceUuid.String() + serviceNameSuffix
go func() {
// Subscribe to the service if not subscribed yet or if we haven't refreshed in a while.
sub := p.subscription[serviceName]
if time.Since(sub.lastSubscription) > p.subscriptionRefreshTime {
// Wait a bit to learn about neighborhood.
sub.lastSubscription = time.Now()
p.subscription[serviceName] = sub
// Watch the membership changes.
watcher, stopWatcher := p.mdns.ServiceMemberWatch(serviceName)
defer func() {
sub := p.subscription[serviceName]
if sub.count == 0 {
delete(p.subscription, serviceName)
} else {
p.subscription[serviceName] = sub
for {
var service mdns.ServiceInstance
select {
case service = <-watcher:
case <-ctx.Done():
ad, err := decodeAdvertisement(service)
if err != nil {
select {
case scanCh <- ad:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
func createTXTRecords(ad *ldiscovery.Advertisement) ([]string, error) {
// Prepare a TXT record with attributes and addresses to announce.
// TODO(jhahn): Currently, the record size is limited to 2000 bytes in
// go-mdns-sd package. Think about how to handle a large TXT record size
// exceeds the limit.
txt := make([]string, 0, len(ad.Attrs)+len(ad.Addrs)+1)
txt = append(txt, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", attrInterface, ad.InterfaceName))
for k, v := range ad.Attrs {
txt = append(txt, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
for _, addr := range ad.Addrs {
txt = append(txt, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", attrAddr, addr))
return txt, nil
func decodeAdvertisement(service mdns.ServiceInstance) (*ldiscovery.Advertisement, error) {
// Note that service.Name would be '<instance uuid>.<service uuid>._v23._tcp.local.' for
// subtype service discovery and ''<instance uuid>.<service uuid>' for v23 service discovery.
p := strings.SplitN(service.Name, ".", 3)
if len(p) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid host name: %s", service.Name)
instanceUuid, err := hex.DecodeString(p[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid instance uuid in host name: %s", p[0])
serviceUuid := uuid.Parse(p[1])
if len(serviceUuid) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid service uuid in host name: %s", p[1])
ad := ldiscovery.Advertisement{
ServiceUuid: serviceUuid,
Service: discovery.Service{
InstanceUuid: instanceUuid,
Attrs: make(discovery.Attributes),
Lost: len(service.SrvRRs) == 0 && len(service.TxtRRs) == 0,
for _, rr := range service.TxtRRs {
for _, txt := range rr.Txt {
kv := strings.SplitN(txt, "=", 2)
if len(kv) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid txt record: %s", txt)
switch k, v := kv[0], kv[1]; k {
case attrInterface:
ad.InterfaceName = v
case attrAddr:
ad.Addrs = append(ad.Addrs, v)
ad.Attrs[k] = v
return &ad, nil
func New(host string) (ldiscovery.Plugin, error) {
return newWithLoopback(host, false)
func newWithLoopback(host string, loopback bool) (ldiscovery.Plugin, error) {
if len(host) == 0 {
// go-mdns-sd reannounce the services periodically only when the host name
// is set. Use a default one if not given.
host = "v23()"
var v4addr, v6addr string
if loopback {
// To avoid interference from other mDNS server in unit tests.
v4addr = ""
v6addr = "[FF02::FB]:9999"
m, err := mdns.NewMDNS(host, v4addr, v6addr, loopback, false)
if err != nil {
// The name may not have been unique. Try one more time with a unique
// name. NewMDNS will replace the "()" with "(hardware mac address)".
if len(host) > 0 && !strings.HasSuffix(host, "()") {
m, err = mdns.NewMDNS(host+"()", "", "", loopback, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := plugin{
mdns: m,
adStopper: ldiscovery.NewTrigger(),
// TODO(jhahn): Figure out a good subscription refresh time.
subscriptionRefreshTime: 10 * time.Second,
subscription: make(map[string]subscription),
if loopback {
p.subscriptionWaitTime = 5 * time.Millisecond
} else {
p.subscriptionWaitTime = 50 * time.Millisecond
return &p, nil