blob: 06667e1476d60e72075174f932c362506d2ef1cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package claim
import (
// NewClaimableDispatcher returns an rpc.Dispatcher that allows the device to
// be Claimed if it hasn't been already and a channel that will be closed once
// the device has been claimed.
// It returns (nil, nil) if the device is no longer claimable.
func NewClaimableDispatcher(ctx *context.T, permsDir, pairingToken string, auth security.Authorizer) (rpc.Dispatcher, <-chan struct{}) {
permsStore := pathperms.NewPathStore(ctx)
if _, _, err := permsStore.Get(permsDir); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
// The device is claimable only if Claim hasn't been called before. The
// existence of the Permissions file is an indication of a successful prior
// call to Claim.
return nil, nil
notify := make(chan struct{})
return &claimable{token: pairingToken, permsStore: permsStore, permsDir: permsDir, notify: notify, auth: auth}, notify
// claimable implements the device.Claimable RPC interface and the
// rpc.Dispatcher and security.Authorizer to serve it.
// It allows the Claim RPC to be successfully invoked exactly once.
type claimable struct {
token string
permsStore *pathperms.PathStore
permsDir string
notify chan struct{} // GUARDED_BY(mu)
auth security.Authorizer
// Lock used to ensure that a successful claim can happen at most once.
// This is done by allowing only a single goroutine to execute the
// meaty parts of Claim at a time.
mu sync.Mutex
func (c *claimable) Claim(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, pairingToken string) error {
// Verify that the claimer pairing tokens match that of the device manager.
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(pairingToken), []byte(c.token)) != 1 {
return verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidPairingToken, ctx)
var (
granted = call.GrantedBlessings() // blessings granted by the claimant
principal = v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
store = principal.BlessingStore()
if granted.IsZero() {
return verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidBlessing, ctx)
if c.notify == nil {
// Device has already been claimed (by a concurrent
// RPC perhaps), it cannot be reclaimed
return verror.New(errors.ErrDeviceAlreadyClaimed, ctx)
// TODO(ashankar): If the claim fails, would make sense
// to remove from roots as well.
if err := security.AddToRoots(principal, granted); err != nil {
return verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidBlessing, ctx)
if _, err := store.Set(granted, security.AllPrincipals); err != nil {
return verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidBlessing, ctx, err)
if err := store.SetDefault(granted); err != nil {
return verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidBlessing, ctx, err)
// Create Permissions with all the granted blessings (which are now the default blessings)
// (irrespective of caveats).
patterns := security.DefaultBlessingPatterns(principal)
if len(patterns) == 0 {
return verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidBlessing, ctx)
// Create Permissions that allow principals with the caller's blessings to
// administer and use the device.
perms := make(access.Permissions)
for _, bp := range patterns {
// TODO(caprita,ataly,ashankar): Do we really need the
// NonExtendable restriction below?
patterns := bp.MakeNonExtendable().PrefixPatterns()
for _, p := range patterns {
for _, tag := range access.AllTypicalTags() {
perms.Add(p, string(tag))
if err := c.permsStore.Set(c.permsDir, perms, ""); err != nil {
return verror.New(errors.ErrOperationFailed, ctx)
ctx.Infof("Device claimed and Permissions set to: %v", perms)
c.notify = nil
return nil
// TODO(ashankar): Remove this and use Serve instead of ServeDispatcher to setup
// the Claiming service. Shouldn't need the "device" suffix.
func (c *claimable) Lookup(_ *context.T, suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error) {
if suffix != "" && suffix != "device" {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errors.ErrUnclaimedDevice, nil)
return device.ClaimableServer(c), c.auth, nil