blob: 37953216181b514c814d81cf2264c19834fb54f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package vine contains a discovery plugin that is using Vine protocol.
// This plugin is for testing Vanadium applications under unpredictable and
// unfriendly network conditions.
// Usage:
// import (
// ""
// ""
// ""
// )
// p, err := vine.New(...)
// ...
// df, err := discovery.NewFactory(ctx, p)
// ...
// // The factory should be injected before v23.NewDiscovery() is called.
// factory.InjectFactory(df)
// d, err := v23.NewDiscovery(ctx)
// ...
package vine
import (
idiscovery ""
const (
defaultTTL = 90 * time.Second
minTTLSlack = 2 * time.Second
maxTTLSlack = 10 * time.Second
type plugin struct {
peers func(*context.T) []string
store *store
clock timekeeper.TimeKeeper
ttl time.Duration
ttlWithSlack time.Duration
func (p *plugin) Advertise(ctx *context.T, adinfo *idiscovery.AdInfo, done func()) error {
go func() {
defer done()
// We need a context that is detached from the deadlines and cancellation of ctx
// since we have to unpublish the advertisement from peers after ctx is canceled.
rctx, cancel := context.WithRootCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
defer p.unpublish(rctx, adinfo.Ad.Id)
for {
p.publish(ctx, *adinfo)
select {
case <-p.clock.After(p.ttl):
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
func (p *plugin) Scan(ctx *context.T, interfaceName string, callback func(*idiscovery.AdInfo), done func()) error {
updated :=
go func() {
defer done()
seen := make(map[discovery.AdId]idiscovery.AdInfo)
for {
current :=
changed := make([]idiscovery.AdInfo, 0, len(current))
for id, adinfo := range current {
if old, ok := seen[id]; !ok || old.Hash != adinfo.Hash {
changed = append(changed, adinfo)
for id, adinfo := range seen {
if _, ok := current[id]; !ok {
adinfo.Lost = true
changed = append(changed, adinfo)
// Push new changes.
for i := range changed {
seen = current
// Wait the next update.
select {
case <-updated:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
func (p *plugin) Close() {
func (p *plugin) publish(ctx *context.T, adinfo idiscovery.AdInfo) {
// Clear DirAddrs since we publish a full advertisement information.
adinfo.DirAddrs = nil
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, peer := range p.peers(ctx) {
go func(peer string) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := StoreClient(peer).Add(ctx, adinfo, p.ttlWithSlack); err != nil {
func (p *plugin) unpublish(ctx *context.T, id discovery.AdId) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, peer := range p.peers(ctx) {
go func(peer string) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := StoreClient(peer).Delete(ctx, id); err != nil {
// New returns a new vine plugin instance with default ttl (90s).
func New(ctx *context.T, name string, peers func(*context.T) []string) (idiscovery.Plugin, error) {
return NewWithTTL(ctx, name, peers, defaultTTL)
// New returns a new vine plugin instance. If ttl is zero, the default values will be used.
func NewWithTTL(ctx *context.T, name string, peers func(*context.T) []string, ttl time.Duration) (idiscovery.Plugin, error) {
return newWithClock(ctx, name, peers, ttl, timekeeper.RealTime())
func newWithClock(ctx *context.T, name string, peers func(*context.T) []string, ttl time.Duration, clock timekeeper.TimeKeeper) (idiscovery.Plugin, error) {
store, err := newStore(ctx, name, clock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ttl == 0 {
ttl = defaultTTL
ttlSlack := time.Duration(ttl.Nanoseconds() / 10)
if ttlSlack < minTTLSlack {
ttlSlack = minTTLSlack
} else if ttlSlack > maxTTLSlack {
ttlSlack = maxTTLSlack
p := &plugin{
peers: peers,
store: store,
clock: clock,
ttl: ttl,
ttlWithSlack: ttl + ttlSlack,
return p, nil