blob: c21e1ca43cbf7ec883331032da20f23336c5c4e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package flag provides flag definitions for the suidhelper package.
// It does NOT depend on any packages outside the Go standard library.
// This allows to depend on this
// package, thereby ensuring that the suidhelper flags are defined
// before the flag.Parse call in testutil.init is made.
// This is a hack! This file should go away once testutil.init
// is changed to not parse flags in init().
// TODO(cnicolaou,ashankar): See above!
package flag
import "flag"
var (
Username, Workspace, StdoutLog, StderrLog, Run *string
MinimumUid *int64
func init() {
func SetupFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
Username = fs.String("username", "", "The UNIX user name used for the other functions of this tool.")
Workspace = fs.String("workspace", "", "Path to the application's workspace directory.")
StdoutLog = fs.String("stdoutlog", "", "Path to the stdout log file.")
StderrLog = fs.String("stderrlog", "", "Path to the stdin log file.")
Run = fs.String("run", "", "Path to the application to exec.")
MinimumUid = fs.Int64("minuid", uidThreshold, "UIDs cannot be less than this number.")
const uidThreshold = 501