blob: 13468c6265dbe42bfb4c07799e601a1992401db6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package javascript
import (
const unnamedTypeFieldName = "UnnamedTypeField"
func getTestTypes() (names typeNames, tyStruct, tyList, tyBool *vdl.Type, outErr error) {
var builder vdl.TypeBuilder
namedBool := builder.Named("otherPkg.NamedBool").AssignBase(vdl.BoolType)
listType := builder.List()
namedList := builder.Named("NamedList").AssignBase(listType)
structType := builder.Struct()
namedStruct := builder.Named("NamedStruct").AssignBase(structType)
structType.AppendField("List", namedList)
structType.AppendField("Bool", namedBool)
structType.AppendField(unnamedTypeFieldName, builder.List().AssignElem(vdl.StringType))
if builder.Build() != true {
outErr = fmt.Errorf("Failed to build test types")
builtBool, err := namedBool.Built()
if err != nil {
outErr = fmt.Errorf("Error creating NamedBool: %v", err)
builtList, err := namedList.Built()
if err != nil {
outErr = fmt.Errorf("Error creating NamedList %v", err)
builtStruct, err := namedStruct.Built()
if err != nil {
outErr = fmt.Errorf("Error creating NamedStruct: %v", err)
pkg := &compile.Package{
Files: []*compile.File{
TypeDefs: []*compile.TypeDef{
Type: builtList,
Type: builtStruct,
Type: vdl.ListType(vdl.ByteType),
Type: vdl.NamedType("ColorsBeginningWithAOrB", vdl.EnumType("Aqua", "Beige")),
return newTypeNames(pkg), builtStruct, builtList, builtBool, nil
// TestType tests that the output string of generated types is what we expect.
func TestType(t *testing.T) {
jsnames, _, _, _, err := getTestTypes()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error in getTestTypes(): %v", err)
result := makeTypeDefinitionsString(jsnames)
expectedResult := `var _type1 = new vdl.Type();
var _type2 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeColorsBeginningWithAOrB = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedList = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedStruct = new vdl.Type();
_type1.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type1.elem = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type2.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type2.elem = vdl.Types.BYTE;
_typeColorsBeginningWithAOrB.kind = vdl.Kind.ENUM; = "ColorsBeginningWithAOrB";
_typeColorsBeginningWithAOrB.labels = ["Aqua", "Beige"];
_typeNamedList.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "NamedList";
_typeNamedList.elem = _typeNamedStruct;
_typeNamedStruct.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "NamedStruct";
_typeNamedStruct.fields = [{name: "List", type: _typeNamedList}, {name: "Bool", type: new otherPkg.NamedBool()._type}, {name: "UnnamedTypeField", type: _type1}];
module.exports.ColorsBeginningWithAOrB = {
AQUA: canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeColorsBeginningWithAOrB))('Aqua', true), _typeColorsBeginningWithAOrB),
BEIGE: canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeColorsBeginningWithAOrB))('Beige', true), _typeColorsBeginningWithAOrB),
module.exports.NamedList = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedList));
module.exports.NamedStruct = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedStruct));
if result != expectedResult {
t.Errorf("Expected %q, but got %q", expectedResult, result)