blob: 4f7243a1d493c8c6e46470a7be0c5720c0b78943 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vif
import (
rpcversion ""
var (
// These errors are intended to be used as arguments to higher
// level errors and hence {1}{2} is omitted from their format
// strings to avoid repeating these n-times in the final error
// message visible to the user.
errAuthFailed = reg(".errAuthFailed", "authentication failed{:3}")
errUnsupportedEncryptVersion = reg(".errUnsupportedEncryptVersion", "unsupported encryption version {4} < {5}")
errNaclBoxVersionNegotiationFailed = reg(".errNaclBoxVersionNegotiationFailed", "nacl box encryption version negotiation failed")
errVersionNegotiationFailed = reg(".errVersionNegotiationFailed", "encryption version negotiation failed")
nullCipher crypto.NullControlCipher
// privateData includes secret data we need for encryption.
type privateData struct {
naclBoxPrivateKey crypto.BoxKey
// AuthenticateAsClient sends a Setup message if possible. If so, it chooses
// encryption based on the max supported version.
// The sequence is initiated by the client.
// - If the versions include RPCVersion6 or greater, the client sends a
// Setup message to the server, containing the client's supported
// versions, and the client's crypto options. The Setup message
// is sent in the clear.
// - When the server receives the Setup message, it calls
// AuthenticateAsServer, which constructs a response Setup containing
// the server's version range, and any crypto options.
// - For RPCVersion6 and RPCVersion7, the client and server generate fresh
// public/private key pairs, sending the public key to the peer as a crypto
// option. The remainder of the communication is encrypted as
// SetupStream messages using NewControlCipherRPC6, which is based on
// - Once the encrypted SetupStream channel is setup, the client and
// server authenticate using the vc.AuthenticateAs{Client,Server} protocol.
// Note that the Setup messages are sent in the clear, so they are subject to
// modification by a man-in-the-middle, which can currently force a downgrade by
// modifying the acceptable version ranges downward. This can be addressed by
// including a hash of the Setup message in the encrypted stream. It is
// likely that this will be addressed in subsequent protocol versions (or it may
// not be addressed at all if RPCVersion6 becomes the only supported version).
func AuthenticateAsClient(writer io.Writer, reader *iobuf.Reader, versions *version.Range, params security.CallParams, auth *vc.ServerAuthorizer) (crypto.ControlCipher, error) {
if versions == nil {
versions = version.SupportedRange
if params.LocalPrincipal == nil {
// If there is no principal, we do not support encryption/authentication.
// TODO(ashankar, mattr): We should still exchange version information even
// if we don't do encryption.
var err error
versions, err = versions.Intersect(&version.Range{Min: 0, Max: rpcversion.RPCVersion5})
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(stream.ErrNetwork, nil, err)
if versions.Max < rpcversion.RPCVersion6 {
return nullCipher, nil
// The client has not yet sent its public data. Construct it and send it.
pvt, pub, err := makeSetup(versions)
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(stream.ErrSecurity, nil, err)
if err := message.WriteTo(writer, &pub, nullCipher); err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(stream.ErrNetwork, nil, err)
// Read the server's public data.
pmsg, err := message.ReadFrom(reader, nullCipher)
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(stream.ErrNetwork, nil, err)
ppub, ok := pmsg.(*message.Setup)
if !ok {
return nil, verror.New(stream.ErrSecurity, nil, verror.New(errVersionNegotiationFailed, nil))
// Choose the max version in the intersection.
vrange, err := pub.Versions.Intersect(&ppub.Versions)
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(stream.ErrNetwork, nil, err)
v := vrange.Max
if v < rpcversion.RPCVersion6 {
return nullCipher, nil
// Perform the authentication.
return authenticateAsClient(writer, reader, params, auth, &pvt, &pub, ppub, v)
func authenticateAsClient(writer io.Writer, reader *iobuf.Reader, params security.CallParams, auth *vc.ServerAuthorizer,
pvt *privateData, pub, ppub *message.Setup, version rpcversion.RPCVersion) (crypto.ControlCipher, error) {
if version < rpcversion.RPCVersion6 {
return nil, verror.New(errUnsupportedEncryptVersion, nil, version, rpcversion.RPCVersion6)
pbox := ppub.NaclBox()
if pbox == nil {
return nil, verror.New(errNaclBoxVersionNegotiationFailed, nil)
c := crypto.NewControlCipherRPC6(&pbox.PublicKey, &pvt.naclBoxPrivateKey, false)
sconn := newSetupConn(writer, reader, c)
// TODO(jyh): act upon the authentication results.
_, _, _, err := vc.AuthenticateAsClient(sconn, crypto.NewNullCrypter(), params, auth, version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
// AuthenticateAsServer handles a Setup message, choosing authentication
// based on the max common version.
// See AuthenticateAsClient for a description of the negotiation.
func AuthenticateAsServer(writer io.Writer, reader *iobuf.Reader, versions *version.Range, principal security.Principal, lBlessings security.Blessings,
dc vc.DischargeClient, ppub *message.Setup) (crypto.ControlCipher, error) {
var err error
if versions == nil {
versions = version.SupportedRange
if principal == nil {
// If we're not encrypting the connection we can just send them
// our version information.
pub := &message.Setup{
Versions: *versions,
if err := message.WriteTo(writer, &pub, nullCipher); err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err := versions.Intersect(&ppub.Versions)
return nullCipher, err
// Create our public data and send it to the client.
pvt, pub, err := makeSetup(versions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := message.WriteTo(writer, &pub, nullCipher); err != nil {
return nil, err
vrange, err := versions.Intersect(&ppub.Versions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v := vrange.Max
if v < rpcversion.RPCVersion6 {
return nullCipher, nil
// Perform authentication.
return authenticateAsServerRPC6(writer, reader, principal, lBlessings, dc, &pvt, &pub, ppub, v)
func authenticateAsServerRPC6(writer io.Writer, reader *iobuf.Reader, principal security.Principal, lBlessings security.Blessings, dc vc.DischargeClient,
pvt *privateData, pub, ppub *message.Setup, version rpcversion.RPCVersion) (crypto.ControlCipher, error) {
if version < rpcversion.RPCVersion6 {
return nil, verror.New(errUnsupportedEncryptVersion, nil, version, rpcversion.RPCVersion6)
box := ppub.NaclBox()
if box == nil {
return nil, verror.New(errNaclBoxVersionNegotiationFailed, nil)
c := crypto.NewControlCipherRPC6(&box.PublicKey, &pvt.naclBoxPrivateKey, true)
sconn := newSetupConn(writer, reader, c)
// TODO(jyh): act upon authentication results.
_, _, err := vc.AuthenticateAsServer(sconn, principal, lBlessings, dc, crypto.NewNullCrypter(), version)
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(errAuthFailed, nil, err)
return c, nil
// getDischargeClient returns the dischargeClient needed to fetch server discharges for this call.
// TODO(suharshs): Perhaps we should pass dischargeClient explicitly?
func getDischargeClient(lopts []stream.ListenerOpt) vc.DischargeClient {
for _, o := range lopts {
switch v := o.(type) {
case vc.DischargeClient:
return v
return nil
// makeSetup constructs the options that this process can support.
func makeSetup(versions *version.Range) (pvt privateData, pub message.Setup, err error) {
pub.Versions = *versions
var pubKey, pvtKey *[32]byte
pubKey, pvtKey, err = box.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
pub.Options = append(pub.Options, &message.NaclBox{PublicKey: *pubKey})
pvt.naclBoxPrivateKey = *pvtKey