blob: eddbfa966cbd79f37d7371685286f93522a5f4d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was auto-generated by the veyron vdl tool.
// Source: service.vdl
// package benchmark provides simple tools to measure the performance of the
// IPC system.
package benchmarks
import (
// The non-user imports are prefixed with "_gen_" to prevent collisions.
_gen_io "io"
_gen_veyron2 "veyron2"
_gen_context "veyron2/context"
_gen_ipc "veyron2/ipc"
_gen_naming "veyron2/naming"
_gen_rt "veyron2/rt"
_gen_vdlutil "veyron2/vdl/vdlutil"
_gen_wiretype "veyron2/wiretype"
// TODO(bprosnitz) Remove this line once signatures are updated to use typevals.
// It corrects a bug where _gen_wiretype is unused in VDL pacakges where only bootstrap types are used on interfaces.
const _ = _gen_wiretype.TypeIDInvalid
// Benchmark is the interface the client binds and uses.
// Benchmark_ExcludingUniversal is the interface without internal framework-added methods
// to enable embedding without method collisions. Not to be used directly by clients.
type Benchmark_ExcludingUniversal interface {
// Echo returns the payload that it receives.
Echo(ctx _gen_context.T, Payload []byte, opts ..._gen_ipc.CallOpt) (reply []byte, err error)
// EchoStream returns the payload that it receives via the stream.
EchoStream(ctx _gen_context.T, opts ..._gen_ipc.CallOpt) (reply BenchmarkEchoStreamStream, err error)
type Benchmark interface {
// BenchmarkService is the interface the server implements.
type BenchmarkService interface {
// Echo returns the payload that it receives.
Echo(context _gen_ipc.ServerContext, Payload []byte) (reply []byte, err error)
// EchoStream returns the payload that it receives via the stream.
EchoStream(context _gen_ipc.ServerContext, stream BenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream) (err error)
// BenchmarkEchoStreamStream is the interface for streaming responses of the method
// EchoStream in the service interface Benchmark.
type BenchmarkEchoStreamStream interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream, blocking if there is no
// buffer space available. Calls to Send after having called CloseSend
// or Cancel will fail. Any blocked Send calls will be unblocked upon
// calling Cancel.
Send(item []byte) error
// CloseSend indicates to the server that no more items will be sent;
// server Recv calls will receive io.EOF after all sent items. This is
// an optional call - it's used by streaming clients that need the
// server to receive the io.EOF terminator before the client calls
// Finish (for example, if the client needs to continue receiving items
// from the server after having finished sending).
// Calls to CloseSend after having called Cancel will fail.
// Like Send, CloseSend blocks when there's no buffer space available.
CloseSend() error
// Advance stages an element so the client can retrieve it
// with Value. Advance returns true iff there is an
// element to retrieve. The client must call Advance before
// calling Value. The client must call Cancel if it does
// not iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance
// returns false). Advance may block if an element is not
// immediately available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the element that was staged by Advance.
// Value may panic if Advance returned false or was not
// called at all. Value does not block.
Value() []byte
// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered
// any errors. Err does not block.
Err() error
// Finish performs the equivalent of CloseSend, then blocks until the server
// is done, and returns the positional return values for call.
// If Cancel has been called, Finish will return immediately; the output of
// Finish could either be an error signalling cancelation, or the correct
// positional return values from the server depending on the timing of the
// call.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless Cancel
// has been called or any of the other methods return a non-EOF error.
// Finish should be called at most once.
Finish() (err error)
// Cancel cancels the RPC, notifying the server to stop processing. It
// is safe to call Cancel concurrently with any of the other stream methods.
// Calling Cancel after Finish has returned is a no-op.
// Implementation of the BenchmarkEchoStreamStream interface that is not exported.
type implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream struct {
clientCall _gen_ipc.Call
val []byte
err error
func (c *implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream) Send(item []byte) error {
return c.clientCall.Send(item)
func (c *implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream) CloseSend() error {
return c.clientCall.CloseSend()
func (c *implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream) Advance() bool {
c.err = c.clientCall.Recv(&c.val)
return c.err == nil
func (c *implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream) Value() []byte {
return c.val
func (c *implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream) Err() error {
if c.err == _gen_io.EOF {
return nil
return c.err
func (c *implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream) Finish() (err error) {
if ierr := c.clientCall.Finish(&err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
func (c *implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream) Cancel() {
// BenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream is the interface for streaming responses of the method
// EchoStream in the service interface Benchmark.
type BenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream, blocking if there is no buffer
// space available. If the client has canceled, an error is returned.
Send(item []byte) error
// Advance stages an element so the client can retrieve it
// with Value. Advance returns true iff there is an
// element to retrieve. The client must call Advance before
// calling Value. The client must call Cancel if it does
// not iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance
// returns false). Advance may block if an element is not
// immediately available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the element that was staged by Advance.
// Value may panic if Advance returned false or was not
// called at all. Value does not block.
// In general, Value is undefined if the underlying collection
// of elements changes while iteration is in progress. If
// <DataProvider> supports concurrent modification, it should
// document its behavior.
Value() []byte
// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered
// any errors. Err does not block.
Err() error
// Implementation of the BenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream interface that is not exported.
type implBenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream struct {
serverCall _gen_ipc.ServerCall
val []byte
err error
func (s *implBenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream) Send(item []byte) error {
return s.serverCall.Send(item)
func (s *implBenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream) Advance() bool {
s.err = s.serverCall.Recv(&s.val)
return s.err == nil
func (s *implBenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream) Value() []byte {
return s.val
func (s *implBenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream) Err() error {
if s.err == _gen_io.EOF {
return nil
return s.err
// BindBenchmark returns the client stub implementing the Benchmark
// interface.
// If no _gen_ipc.Client is specified, the default _gen_ipc.Client in the
// global Runtime is used.
func BindBenchmark(name string, opts ..._gen_ipc.BindOpt) (Benchmark, error) {
var client _gen_ipc.Client
switch len(opts) {
case 0:
client = _gen_rt.R().Client()
case 1:
switch o := opts[0].(type) {
case _gen_veyron2.Runtime:
client = o.Client()
case _gen_ipc.Client:
client = o
return nil, _gen_vdlutil.ErrUnrecognizedOption
return nil, _gen_vdlutil.ErrTooManyOptionsToBind
stub := &clientStubBenchmark{client: client, name: name}
return stub, nil
// NewServerBenchmark creates a new server stub.
// It takes a regular server implementing the BenchmarkService
// interface, and returns a new server stub.
func NewServerBenchmark(server BenchmarkService) interface{} {
return &ServerStubBenchmark{
service: server,
// clientStubBenchmark implements Benchmark.
type clientStubBenchmark struct {
client _gen_ipc.Client
name string
func (__gen_c *clientStubBenchmark) Echo(ctx _gen_context.T, Payload []byte, opts ..._gen_ipc.CallOpt) (reply []byte, err error) {
var call _gen_ipc.Call
if call, err = __gen_c.client.StartCall(ctx,, "Echo", []interface{}{Payload}, opts...); err != nil {
if ierr := call.Finish(&reply, &err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
func (__gen_c *clientStubBenchmark) EchoStream(ctx _gen_context.T, opts ..._gen_ipc.CallOpt) (reply BenchmarkEchoStreamStream, err error) {
var call _gen_ipc.Call
if call, err = __gen_c.client.StartCall(ctx,, "EchoStream", nil, opts...); err != nil {
reply = &implBenchmarkEchoStreamStream{clientCall: call}
func (__gen_c *clientStubBenchmark) UnresolveStep(ctx _gen_context.T, opts ..._gen_ipc.CallOpt) (reply []string, err error) {
var call _gen_ipc.Call
if call, err = __gen_c.client.StartCall(ctx,, "UnresolveStep", nil, opts...); err != nil {
if ierr := call.Finish(&reply, &err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
func (__gen_c *clientStubBenchmark) Signature(ctx _gen_context.T, opts ..._gen_ipc.CallOpt) (reply _gen_ipc.ServiceSignature, err error) {
var call _gen_ipc.Call
if call, err = __gen_c.client.StartCall(ctx,, "Signature", nil, opts...); err != nil {
if ierr := call.Finish(&reply, &err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
func (__gen_c *clientStubBenchmark) GetMethodTags(ctx _gen_context.T, method string, opts ..._gen_ipc.CallOpt) (reply []interface{}, err error) {
var call _gen_ipc.Call
if call, err = __gen_c.client.StartCall(ctx,, "GetMethodTags", []interface{}{method}, opts...); err != nil {
if ierr := call.Finish(&reply, &err); ierr != nil {
err = ierr
// ServerStubBenchmark wraps a server that implements
// BenchmarkService and provides an object that satisfies
// the requirements of veyron2/ipc.ReflectInvoker.
type ServerStubBenchmark struct {
service BenchmarkService
func (__gen_s *ServerStubBenchmark) GetMethodTags(call _gen_ipc.ServerCall, method string) ([]interface{}, error) {
// TODO(bprosnitz) GetMethodTags() will be replaces with Signature().
// Note: This exhibits some weird behavior like returning a nil error if the method isn't found.
// This will change when it is replaced with Signature().
switch method {
case "Echo":
return []interface{}{}, nil
case "EchoStream":
return []interface{}{}, nil
return nil, nil
func (__gen_s *ServerStubBenchmark) Signature(call _gen_ipc.ServerCall) (_gen_ipc.ServiceSignature, error) {
result := _gen_ipc.ServiceSignature{Methods: make(map[string]_gen_ipc.MethodSignature)}
result.Methods["Echo"] = _gen_ipc.MethodSignature{
InArgs: []_gen_ipc.MethodArgument{
{Name: "Payload", Type: 66},
OutArgs: []_gen_ipc.MethodArgument{
{Name: "", Type: 66},
{Name: "", Type: 67},
result.Methods["EchoStream"] = _gen_ipc.MethodSignature{
InArgs: []_gen_ipc.MethodArgument{},
OutArgs: []_gen_ipc.MethodArgument{
{Name: "", Type: 67},
InStream: 66,
OutStream: 66,
result.TypeDefs = []_gen_vdlutil.Any{
_gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x32, Name: "byte", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.SliceType{Elem: 0x41, Name: "", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x1, Name: "error", Tags: []string(nil)}}
return result, nil
func (__gen_s *ServerStubBenchmark) UnresolveStep(call _gen_ipc.ServerCall) (reply []string, err error) {
if unresolver, ok := __gen_s.service.(_gen_ipc.Unresolver); ok {
return unresolver.UnresolveStep(call)
if call.Server() == nil {
var published []string
if published, err = call.Server().Published(); err != nil || published == nil {
reply = make([]string, len(published))
for i, p := range published {
reply[i] = _gen_naming.Join(p, call.Name())
func (__gen_s *ServerStubBenchmark) Echo(call _gen_ipc.ServerCall, Payload []byte) (reply []byte, err error) {
reply, err = __gen_s.service.Echo(call, Payload)
func (__gen_s *ServerStubBenchmark) EchoStream(call _gen_ipc.ServerCall) (err error) {
stream := &implBenchmarkServiceEchoStreamStream{serverCall: call}
err = __gen_s.service.EchoStream(call, stream)