blob: 38773a1b92cfff9c7a61c7e33a1ca4c4cf89de07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package build_test
import (
func init() {
// Uncomment this to enable verbose logs for debugging.
// The cwd is set to the directory containing this file. Currently we have the
// following directory structure:
// .../release/go/src/
// We want to end up with the following:
// VDLROOT = .../release/go/src/
// VDLPATH = .../release/go
// TODO(toddw): Put a full VDLPATH tree under ../testdata and only use that.
const (
defaultVDLRoot = "../../../../../v23/vdlroot"
defaultVDLPath = "../../../../../.."
func setEnvironment(t *testing.T, vdlroot, vdlpath string) bool {
errRoot := os.Setenv("VDLROOT", vdlroot)
errPath := os.Setenv("VDLPATH", vdlpath)
if errRoot != nil {
t.Errorf("Setenv(VDLROOT, %q) failed: %v", vdlroot, errRoot)
if errPath != nil {
t.Errorf("Setenv(VDLPATH, %q) failed: %v", vdlpath, errPath)
return errRoot == nil && errPath == nil
func setVanadiumRoot(t *testing.T, root string) bool {
if err := os.Setenv("V23_ROOT", root); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Setenv(V23_ROOT, %q) failed: %v", root, err)
return false
return true
// Tests the VDLROOT part of SrcDirs().
func TestSrcDirsVdlRoot(t *testing.T) {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Getwd() failed: %v", err)
abs := func(relative string) string {
return filepath.Join(cwd, relative)
tests := []struct {
VDLRoot string
VanadiumRoot string
Want []string
ErrRE string
{"", "", nil, "Either VDLROOT or V23_ROOT must be set"},
{"/a", "", []string{"/a"}, ""},
{"/a/b/c", "", []string{"/a/b/c"}, ""},
{"", "/v23", []string{"/v23/release/go/src/"}, ""},
{"", "/a/b/c", []string{"/a/b/c/release/go/src/"}, ""},
// If both VDLROOT and V23_ROOT are specified, VDLROOT takes precedence.
{"/a", "/v23", []string{"/a"}, ""},
{"/a/b/c", "/x/y/z", []string{"/a/b/c"}, ""},
for _, test := range tests {
if !setEnvironment(t, test.VDLRoot, defaultVDLPath) || !setVanadiumRoot(t, test.VanadiumRoot) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", test)
errs := vdlutil.NewErrors(-1)
got := build.SrcDirs(errs)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, errs, name, test.ErrRE)
// Every result will have our valid VDLPATH srcdir.
vdlpath := abs(defaultVDLPath)
want := append(test.Want, vdlpath)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("SrcDirs(%s) got %v, want %v", name, got, want)
// Tests the VDLPATH part of SrcDirs().
func TestSrcDirsVdlPath(t *testing.T) {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Getwd() failed: %v", err)
abs := func(relative string) string {
return filepath.Join(cwd, relative)
tests := []struct {
VDLPath string
Want []string
{"", nil},
// Test absolute paths.
{"/a", []string{"/a"}},
{"/a/b", []string{"/a/b"}},
{"/a:/b", []string{"/a", "/b"}},
{"/a/1:/b/2", []string{"/a/1", "/b/2"}},
{"/a/1:/b/2:/c/3", []string{"/a/1", "/b/2", "/c/3"}},
{":::/a/1::::/b/2::::/c/3:::", []string{"/a/1", "/b/2", "/c/3"}},
// Test relative paths.
{"a", []string{abs("a")}},
{"a/b", []string{abs("a/b")}},
{"a:b", []string{abs("a"), abs("b")}},
{"a/1:b/2", []string{abs("a/1"), abs("b/2")}},
{"a/1:b/2:c/3", []string{abs("a/1"), abs("b/2"), abs("c/3")}},
{":::a/1::::b/2::::c/3:::", []string{abs("a/1"), abs("b/2"), abs("c/3")}},
// Test mixed absolute / relative paths.
{"a:/b", []string{abs("a"), "/b"}},
{"/a/1:b/2", []string{"/a/1", abs("b/2")}},
{"/a/1:b/2:/c/3", []string{"/a/1", abs("b/2"), "/c/3"}},
{":::/a/1::::b/2::::/c/3:::", []string{"/a/1", abs("b/2"), "/c/3"}},
for _, test := range tests {
if !setEnvironment(t, defaultVDLRoot, test.VDLPath) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("SrcDirs(%q)", test.VDLPath)
errs := vdlutil.NewErrors(-1)
got := build.SrcDirs(errs)
var errRE string
if test.Want == nil {
errRE = "No src dirs; set VDLPATH to a valid value"
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, errs, name, errRE)
// Every result will have our valid VDLROOT srcdir.
want := append([]string{abs(defaultVDLRoot)}, test.Want...)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s got %v, want %v", name, got, want)
// Tests Is{Dir,Import}Path.
func TestIsDirImportPath(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Path string
IsDir bool
// Import paths.
{"", false},
{"...", false},
{".../", false},
{"all", false},
{"foo", false},
{"foo/", false},
{"foo...", false},
{"foo/...", false},
{"a/b/c", false},
{"a/b/c/", false},
{"a/b/c...", false},
{"a/b/c/...", false},
{"...a/b/c...", false},
{"...a/b/c/...", false},
{".../a/b/c/...", false},
{".../a/b/c...", false},
// Dir paths.
{".", true},
{"..", true},
{"./", true},
{"../", true},
{"./...", true},
{"../...", true},
{".././.././...", true},
{"/", true},
{"/.", true},
{"/..", true},
{"/...", true},
{"/./...", true},
{"/foo", true},
{"/foo/", true},
{"/foo...", true},
{"/foo/...", true},
{"/a/b/c", true},
{"/a/b/c/", true},
{"/a/b/c...", true},
{"/a/b/c/...", true},
{"/a/b/c/../../...", true},
for _, test := range tests {
if got, want := build.IsDirPath(test.Path), test.IsDir; got != want {
t.Errorf("IsDirPath(%q) want %v", test.Path, want)
if got, want := build.IsImportPath(test.Path), !test.IsDir; got != want {
t.Errorf("IsImportPath(%q) want %v", test.Path, want)
var allModes = []build.UnknownPathMode{
// Tests TransitivePackages success cases.
func TestTransitivePackages(t *testing.T) {
if !setEnvironment(t, defaultVDLRoot, defaultVDLPath) {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't setEnvironment")
tests := []struct {
InPaths []string // Input paths to TransitivePackages call
OutPaths []string // Wanted paths from build.Package.Path.
GenPaths []string // Wanted paths from build.Package.GenPath, same as OutPaths if nil.
{nil, nil, nil},
{[]string{}, nil, nil},
// Single-package, both import and dir path.
// Single-package with wildcard, both import and dir path.
// Redundant specification as both import and dir path.
[]string{"", "../testdata/base"},
[]string{"", "../testdata/arith"},
// Wildcards as both import and dir path.
// Multi-Wildcards as both import and dir path.
// Multi-Wildcards as both import and dir path.
// Standard vdl package, as both import and dir path.
for _, test := range tests {
// All modes should result in the same successful output.
for _, mode := range allModes {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", mode, test.InPaths)
errs := vdlutil.NewErrors(-1)
pkgs := build.TransitivePackages(test.InPaths, mode, build.Opts{}, errs)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, errs, name, "")
var paths []string
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
paths = append(paths, pkg.Path)
if got, want := paths, test.OutPaths; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%v got path %v, want %v", name, got, want)
wantGen := test.GenPaths
if wantGen == nil {
wantGen = test.OutPaths
paths = nil
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
paths = append(paths, pkg.GenPath)
if got, want := paths, wantGen; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%v got gen path %v, want %v", name, got, want)
// Tests TransitivePackages error cases.
func TestTransitivePackagesUnknownPathError(t *testing.T) {
if !setEnvironment(t, defaultVDLRoot, defaultVDLPath) {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't setEnvironment")
tests := []struct {
InPaths []string
ErrRE string
// Non-existent as both import and dir path.
`can't resolve "noexist" to any packages`,
`can't resolve "./noexist" to any packages`,
// Invalid package path, as both import and dir path.
`import path ".foo" is invalid`,
`import path "foo/.bar" is invalid`,
`import path "_foo" is invalid`,
`import path "foo/_bar" is invalid`,
`package path ".foo" is invalid`,
`package path "foo/.bar" is invalid`,
`package path "_foo" is invalid`,
`package path "foo/_bar" is invalid`,
// Special-case error for packages under vdlroot, which can't be imported
// using the vdlroot prefix.
`packages under vdlroot must be specified without the vdlroot prefix`,
`can't resolve "" to any packages`,
for _, test := range tests {
for _, mode := range allModes {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", mode, test.InPaths)
errs := vdlutil.NewErrors(-1)
pkgs := build.TransitivePackages(test.InPaths, mode, build.Opts{}, errs)
errRE := test.ErrRE
if mode == build.UnknownPathIsIgnored {
// Ignore mode returns success, while error mode returns error.
errRE = ""
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, errs, name, errRE)
if pkgs != nil {
t.Errorf("%v got unexpected packages %v", name, pkgs)
// Tests vdl.config file support.
func TestPackageConfig(t *testing.T) {
if !setEnvironment(t, defaultVDLRoot, defaultVDLPath) {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't setEnvironment")
tests := []struct {
Path string
Config vdltool.Config
{"", vdltool.Config{}},
GenLanguages: map[vdltool.GenLanguage]struct{}{vdltool.GenLanguageGo: struct{}{}},
for _, test := range tests {
name := path.Base(test.Path)
env := compile.NewEnv(-1)
deps := build.TransitivePackages([]string{test.Path}, build.UnknownPathIsError, build.Opts{}, env.Errors)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, env.Errors, name, "")
if len(deps) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("TransitivePackages(%q) got %v, want 1 dep", name, deps)
if got, want := deps[0].Name, name; got != want {
t.Errorf("TransitivePackages(%q) got Name %q, want %q", name, got, want)
if got, want := deps[0].Path, test.Path; got != want {
t.Errorf("TransitivePackages(%q) got Path %q, want %q", name, got, want)
if got, want := deps[0].Config, test.Config; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("TransitivePackages(%q) got Config %+v, want %+v", name, got, want)
// Tests BuildConfig, BuildConfigValue and TransitivePackagesForConfig.
func TestBuildConfig(t *testing.T) {
if !setEnvironment(t, defaultVDLRoot, defaultVDLPath) {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't setEnvironment")
tests := []struct {
Src string
Value interface{}
`config = x;import "";const x = base.NamedBool(true)`,
`config = x;import "";const x = base.NamedString("abc")`,
`config = x;import "";const x = base.Args{1, 2}`,
base.Args{1, 2},
for _, test := range tests {
// Build import package dependencies.
env := compile.NewEnv(-1)
deps := build.TransitivePackagesForConfig("file", strings.NewReader(test.Src), build.Opts{}, env.Errors)
for _, dep := range deps {
build.BuildPackage(dep, env)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, env.Errors, test.Src, "")
// Test BuildConfig
wantV := vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.TypeOf(test.Value))
if err := vdl.Convert(wantV, test.Value); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Convert(%v) got error %v, want nil", test.Value, err)
gotV := build.BuildConfig("file", strings.NewReader(test.Src), nil, nil, env)
if !vdl.EqualValue(gotV, wantV) {
t.Errorf("BuildConfig(%v) got %v, want %v", test.Src, gotV, wantV)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, env.Errors, test.Src, "")
// TestBuildConfigValue
gotRV := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(test.Value))
build.BuildConfigValue("file", strings.NewReader(test.Src), nil, env, gotRV.Interface())
if got, want := gotRV.Elem().Interface(), test.Value; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("BuildConfigValue(%v) got %v, want %v", test.Src, got, want)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, env.Errors, test.Src, "")
type ts []*vdl.Type
type vs []*vdl.Value
func TestBuildExprs(t *testing.T) {
ttArray := vdl.ArrayType(2, vdl.Int32Type)
ttStruct := vdl.StructType(
Name: "A",
Type: vdl.Int32Type,
}, vdl.Field{
Name: "B",
Type: vdl.StringType,
vvArray := vdl.ZeroValue(ttArray)
vvStruct := vdl.ZeroValue(ttStruct)
tests := []struct {
Data string
Types ts
Want vs
Err string
{``, nil, nil, "syntax error"},
{`true`, nil, vs{vdl.BoolValue(true)}, ""},
{`false`, nil, vs{vdl.BoolValue(false)}, ""},
{`"abc"`, nil, vs{vdl.StringValue("abc")}, ""},
{`1`, nil, vs{nil}, "1 must be assigned a type"},
{`1`, ts{vdl.Int64Type}, vs{vdl.Int64Value(1)}, ""},
{`1.0`, ts{vdl.Int64Type}, vs{vdl.Int64Value(1)}, ""},
{`1.5`, ts{vdl.Int64Type}, vs{nil}, "loses precision"},
{`1.0`, ts{vdl.Float64Type}, vs{vdl.Float64Value(1.0)}, ""},
{`1.5`, ts{vdl.Float64Type}, vs{vdl.Float64Value(1.5)}, ""},
{`1+2`, ts{vdl.Int64Type}, vs{vdl.Int64Value(3)}, ""},
{`1+2,"abc"`, ts{vdl.Int64Type, nil}, vs{vdl.Int64Value(3), vdl.StringValue("abc")}, ""},
{`1,2,3`, ts{vdl.Int64Type}, vs{vdl.Int64Value(1), vdl.Int64Value(2), vdl.Int64Value(3)}, ""},
{`{1,-2}`, ts{ttArray}, vs{vvArray}, ""},
{`{0+1,1-3}`, ts{ttArray}, vs{vvArray}, ""},
{`{1,"abc"}`, ts{ttStruct}, vs{vvStruct}, ""},
{`{A:1,B:"abc"}`, ts{ttStruct}, vs{vvStruct}, ""},
{`{B:"abc",A:1}`, ts{ttStruct}, vs{vvStruct}, ""},
{`{B:"a"+"bc",A:1*1}`, ts{ttStruct}, vs{vvStruct}, ""},
for _, test := range tests {
env := compile.NewEnv(-1)
values := build.BuildExprs(test.Data, test.Types, env)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, env.Errors, test.Data, test.Err)
if got, want := len(values), len(test.Want); got != want {
t.Errorf("%s got len %d, want %d", test.Data, got, want)
for ix, want := range test.Want {
var got *vdl.Value
if ix < len(values) {
got = values[ix]
if !vdl.EqualValue(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s got value #%d %v, want %v", test.Data, ix, got, want)