blob: db7b7a3c45072cdcd0cb5d3f2be0d7787e085b15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdlgen
// TODO(toddw): Add tests
import (
// TypedConst returns the explicitly-typed vdl const corresponding to v, in the
// given pkgPath, with the given imports.
func TypedConst(v *vdl.Value, pkgPath string, imports codegen.Imports) string {
if v == nil {
return "nil"
k, t := v.Kind(), v.Type()
typestr := Type(t, pkgPath, imports)
if k == vdl.Optional {
// TODO(toddw): This only works if the optional elem is a composite literal.
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
return typestr + UntypedConst(elem, pkgPath, imports)
return typestr + "(nil)"
valstr := UntypedConst(v, pkgPath, imports)
if k == vdl.TypeObject || t == vdl.BoolType || t == vdl.StringType {
// TypeObject already includes the type in its value.
// Built-in bool and string are implicitly convertible from literals.
return valstr
switch k {
case vdl.Array, vdl.List, vdl.Set, vdl.Map, vdl.Struct, vdl.Union:
// { } are used instead of ( ) for composites, except for []byte and [N]byte
if !t.IsBytes() {
return typestr + valstr
case vdl.Enum:
if t.Name() != "" {
return typestr + "." + valstr
return valstr
return typestr + "(" + valstr + ")"
// UntypedConst returns the untyped vdl const corresponding to v, in the given
// pkgPath, with the given imports.
func UntypedConst(v *vdl.Value, pkgPath string, imports codegen.Imports) string {
k, t := v.Kind(), v.Type()
if t.IsBytes() {
return strconv.Quote(string(v.Bytes()))
switch k {
case vdl.Any:
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
return TypedConst(elem, pkgPath, imports)
return "nil"
case vdl.Optional:
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
return UntypedConst(elem, pkgPath, imports)
return "nil"
case vdl.Bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(v.Bool())
case vdl.Byte, vdl.Uint16, vdl.Uint32, vdl.Uint64:
return strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10)
case vdl.Int8, vdl.Int16, vdl.Int32, vdl.Int64:
return strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10)
case vdl.Float32, vdl.Float64:
return formatFloat(v.Float(), k)
case vdl.String:
return strconv.Quote(v.RawString())
case vdl.Enum:
return v.EnumLabel()
case vdl.TypeObject:
return "typeobject(" + Type(v.TypeObject(), pkgPath, imports) + ")"
case vdl.Array, vdl.List:
if v.IsZero() {
return "{}"
s := "{"
for ix := 0; ix < v.Len(); ix++ {
if ix > 0 {
s += ", "
s += UntypedConst(v.Index(ix), pkgPath, imports)
return s + "}"
case vdl.Set, vdl.Map:
s := "{"
for ix, key := range vdl.SortValuesAsString(v.Keys()) {
if ix > 0 {
s += ", "
s += UntypedConst(key, pkgPath, imports)
if k == vdl.Map {
s += ": " + UntypedConst(v.MapIndex(key), pkgPath, imports)
return s + "}"
case vdl.Struct:
s := "{"
hasFields := false
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
vf := v.StructField(ix)
if vf.IsZero() {
if hasFields {
s += ", "
s += t.Field(ix).Name + ": " + UntypedConst(vf, pkgPath, imports)
hasFields = true
return s + "}"
case vdl.Union:
index, value := v.UnionField()
return "{" + t.Field(index).Name + ": " + UntypedConst(value, pkgPath, imports) + "}"
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdlgen.Const unhandled type: %v %v", k, t))
func formatFloat(x float64, kind vdl.Kind) string {
var bitSize int
switch kind {
case vdl.Float32:
bitSize = 32
case vdl.Float64:
bitSize = 64
panic(fmt.Errorf("formatFloat unhandled kind: %v", kind))
return strconv.FormatFloat(x, 'g', -1, bitSize)