blob: ed23e5c8f1e540ce1595e07e946a48376ba23937 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rpc
import (
inaming ""
var (
// These errors are intended to be used as arguments to higher
// level errors and hence {1}{2} is omitted from their format
// strings to avoid repeating these n-times in the final error
// message visible to the user.
errResponseEncoding = reg(".errResponseEncoding", "failed to encode RPC response {3} <-> {4}{:5}")
errResultEncoding = reg(".errResultEncoding", "failed to encode result #{3} [{4}]{:5}")
errFailedToResolveToEndpoint = reg(".errFailedToResolveToEndpoint", "failed to resolve {3} to an endpoint")
errFailedToResolveProxy = reg(".errFailedToResolveProxy", "failed to resolve proxy {3}{:4}")
errFailedToListenForProxy = reg(".errFailedToListenForProxy", "failed to listen on {3}{:4}")
errInternalTypeConversion = reg(".errInternalTypeConversion", "failed to convert {3} to")
errFailedToParseIP = reg(".errFailedToParseIP", "failed to parse {3} as an IP host")
errUnexpectedSuffix = reg(".errUnexpectedSuffix", "suffix {3} was not expected because either server has the option IsLeaf set to true or it served an object and not a dispatcher")
errNoListeners = reg(".errNoListeners", "failed to ceate any listeners{:3}")
errBlessingsNotBound = reg(".errBlessingNotBound", "blessing granted not bound to this server({3} vs {4})")
type DeprecatedServer interface {
// Listen creates a listening network endpoint for the Server
// as specified by its ListenSpec parameter. If any of the listen
// addresses passed in the ListenSpec are 'unspecified' (e.g. don't
// include a fixed address such as in ":0") and the ListenSpec includes
// a Publisher, then 'roaming' support will be enabled. In this mode
// the server will listen for changes in the network configuration
// using a Stream created on the supplied Publisher and change the
// set of Endpoints it publishes to the mount table accordingly.
// The set of expected Settings received over the Stream is defined
// by the New<setting>Functions above. The Publisher is ignored if
// all of the addresses are specified.
// Listen may be called multiple times, but it must be called before
// Serve or ServeDispatcher.
// Listen returns the set of endpoints that can be used to reach
// this server. A single listen address in the ListenSpec can lead
// to multiple such endpoints (e.g. :0 on a device with multiple interfaces
// or that is being proxied). In the case where multiple listen addresses
// are used it is not possible to tell which listen address supports which
// Endpoint. If there is need to associate endpoints with specific
// listen addresses then Listen should be called separately for each one.
// Any non-nil value of error can be converted to a verror.E. If
// error is nil and at least one address was supplied in the ListenSpec
// then ListenEndpoints will include at least one Endpoint.
Listen(spec rpc.ListenSpec) ([]naming.Endpoint, error)
// Serve associates object with name by publishing the address of this
// server with the mount table under the supplied name and using
// authorizer to authorize access to it. RPCs invoked on the supplied
// name will be delivered to methods implemented by the supplied object.
// Reflection is used to match requests to the object's method set. As
// a special-case, if the object implements the Invoker interface, the
// Invoker is used to invoke methods directly, without reflection.
// If name is an empty string, no attempt will made to publish that
// name to a mount table.
// It is an error to call Serve if ServeDispatcher has already been
// called. It is also an error to call Serve multiple times.
// It is considered an error to call Listen after Serve.
Serve(name string, object interface{}, auth security.Authorizer) error
// ServeDispatcher associates dispatcher with the portion of the mount
// table's name space for which name is a prefix, by publishing the
// address of this dispatcher with the mount table under the supplied
// name.
// If name is an empty string, no attempt will made to publish that name
// to a mount table.
// RPCs invoked on the supplied name will be delivered to the supplied
// Dispatcher's Lookup method which will in turn return the object
// and security.Authorizer used to serve the actual RPC call.
// If name is an empty string, no attempt will made to publish that
// name to a mount table.
// It is an error to call ServeDispatcher if Serve has already been
// called. It is also an error to call ServeDispatcher multiple times.
// It is considered an error to call Listen after ServeDispatcher.
ServeDispatcher(name string, disp rpc.Dispatcher) error
// state for each requested listen address
type listenState struct {
protocol, address string
ln stream.Listener
lep naming.Endpoint
lnerr, eperr error
roaming bool
// We keep track of all of the endpoints, the port and a copy of
// the original listen endpoint for use with roaming network changes.
ieps []*inaming.Endpoint // list of currently active eps
port string // port to use for creating new eps
protoIEP inaming.Endpoint // endpoint to use as template for new eps (includes rid, versions etc)
// state for each requested proxy
type proxyState struct {
endpoint naming.Endpoint
err error
type dhcpState struct {
name string
publisher *pubsub.Publisher
stream *pubsub.Stream
ch chan pubsub.Setting // channel to receive dhcp settings over
err error // error status.
watchers map[chan<- rpc.NetworkChange]struct{}
type server struct {
// context used by the server to make internal RPCs, error messages etc.
ctx *context.T
cancel context.CancelFunc // function to cancel the above context.
state serverState // track state of the server.
streamMgr stream.Manager // stream manager to listen for new flows.
publisher publisher.Publisher // publisher to publish mounttable mounts.
dc vc.DischargeClient // fetches discharges of blessings
listenerOpts []stream.ListenerOpt // listener opts for Listen.
settingsPublisher *pubsub.Publisher // pubsub publisher for dhcp
settingsName string // pubwsub stream name for dhcp
dhcpState *dhcpState // dhcpState, nil if not using dhcp
principal security.Principal
blessings security.Blessings
// maps that contain state on listeners.
listenState map[*listenState]struct{}
listeners map[stream.Listener]struct{}
// state of proxies keyed by the name of the proxy
proxies map[string]proxyState
disp rpc.Dispatcher // dispatcher to serve RPCs
dispReserved rpc.Dispatcher // dispatcher for reserved methods
active sync.WaitGroup // active goroutines we've spawned.
stoppedChan chan struct{} // closed when the server has been stopped.
preferredProtocols []string // protocols to use when resolving proxy name to endpoint.
// We cache the IP networks on the device since it is not that cheap to read
// network interfaces through os syscall.
// TODO(jhahn): Add monitoring the network interface changes.
ns namespace.T
servesMountTable bool
isLeaf bool
// TODO(cnicolaou): add roaming stats to rpcStats
stats *rpcStats // stats for this server.
type serverState int
const (
initialized serverState = iota
// Simple state machine for the server implementation.
type next map[serverState]bool
type transitions map[serverState]next
var (
states = transitions{
initialized: next{listening: true, stopping: true},
listening: next{listening: true, serving: true, stopping: true},
serving: next{publishing: true, stopping: true},
publishing: next{publishing: true, stopping: true},
stopping: next{},
stopped: next{},
externalStates = map[serverState]rpc.ServerState{
initialized: rpc.ServerActive,
listening: rpc.ServerActive,
serving: rpc.ServerActive,
publishing: rpc.ServerActive,
stopping: rpc.ServerStopping,
stopped: rpc.ServerStopped,
func (s *server) allowed(next serverState, method string) error {
if states[s.state][next] {
s.state = next
return nil
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadState, s.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s called out of order or more than once", method))
func (s *server) isStopState() bool {
return s.state == stopping || s.state == stopped
var _ DeprecatedServer = (*server)(nil)
func DeprecatedNewServer(
ctx *context.T,
streamMgr stream.Manager,
ns namespace.T,
settingsPublisher *pubsub.Publisher,
settingsName string,
client rpc.Client,
opts ...rpc.ServerOpt) (DeprecatedServer, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithRootCancel(ctx)
ctx, _ = vtrace.WithNewSpan(ctx, "NewServer")
statsPrefix := naming.Join("rpc", "server", "routing-id", streamMgr.RoutingID().String())
s := &server{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
streamMgr: streamMgr,
publisher: publisher.New(ctx, ns, publishPeriod),
listenState: make(map[*listenState]struct{}),
listeners: make(map[stream.Listener]struct{}),
proxies: make(map[string]proxyState),
stoppedChan: make(chan struct{}),
ns: ns,
stats: newRPCStats(statsPrefix),
settingsPublisher: settingsPublisher,
settingsName: settingsName,
var (
dischargeExpiryBuffer = vc.DefaultServerDischargeExpiryBuffer
securityLevel options.SecurityLevel
for _, opt := range opts {
switch opt := opt.(type) {
case stream.ListenerOpt:
// Collect all ServerOpts that are also ListenerOpts.
s.listenerOpts = append(s.listenerOpts, opt)
switch opt := opt.(type) {
case vc.DischargeExpiryBuffer:
dischargeExpiryBuffer = time.Duration(opt)
case options.ServerBlessings:
s.blessings = opt.Blessings
case options.ServesMountTable:
s.servesMountTable = bool(opt)
case options.IsLeaf:
s.isLeaf = bool(opt)
case ReservedNameDispatcher:
s.dispReserved = opt.Dispatcher
case PreferredServerResolveProtocols:
s.preferredProtocols = []string(opt)
case options.SecurityLevel:
securityLevel = opt
authenticateVC := true
if securityLevel == options.SecurityNone {
authenticateVC = false
s.blessings = security.Blessings{}
s.dispReserved = nil
if authenticateVC {
s.principal = v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
if s.blessings.IsZero() && s.principal != nil {
s.blessings = s.principal.BlessingStore().Default()
// Make dischargeExpiryBuffer shorter than the VC discharge buffer to ensure we have fetched
// the discharges by the time the VC asks for them.
s.dc = InternalNewDischargeClient(ctx, client, dischargeExpiryBuffer-(5*time.Second))
s.listenerOpts = append(s.listenerOpts, s.dc)
s.listenerOpts = append(s.listenerOpts, stream.AuthenticatedVC(authenticateVC))
blessingsStatsName := naming.Join(statsPrefix, "security", "blessings")
// TODO(caprita): revist printing the blessings with %s, and
// instead expose them as a list.
stats.NewString(blessingsStatsName).Set(fmt.Sprintf("%s", s.blessings))
if s.principal != nil {
stats.NewStringFunc(blessingsStatsName, func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (default)", s.principal.BlessingStore().Default())
return s, nil
func (s *server) Status() rpc.ServerStatus {
defer apilog.LogCall(nil)(nil) // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
status := rpc.ServerStatus{}
defer s.Unlock()
status.State = externalStates[s.state]
status.ServesMountTable = s.servesMountTable
status.Mounts = s.publisher.Status()
status.Endpoints = []naming.Endpoint{}
for ls, _ := range s.listenState {
if ls.eperr != nil {
status.Errors = append(status.Errors, ls.eperr)
if ls.lnerr != nil {
status.Errors = append(status.Errors, ls.lnerr)
for _, iep := range ls.ieps {
status.Endpoints = append(status.Endpoints, iep)
status.Proxies = make([]rpc.ProxyStatus, 0, len(s.proxies))
for k, v := range s.proxies {
status.Proxies = append(status.Proxies, rpc.ProxyStatus{
Proxy: k,
Endpoint: v.endpoint,
Error: v.err,
return status
func (s *server) WatchNetwork(ch chan<- rpc.NetworkChange) {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "ch=")(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
defer s.Unlock()
if s.dhcpState != nil {
s.dhcpState.watchers[ch] = struct{}{}
func (s *server) UnwatchNetwork(ch chan<- rpc.NetworkChange) {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "ch=")(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
defer s.Unlock()
if s.dhcpState != nil {
delete(s.dhcpState.watchers, ch)
// resolveToEndpoint resolves an object name or address to an endpoint.
func (s *server) resolveToEndpoint(address string) (string, error) {
var resolved *naming.MountEntry
var err error
if s.ns != nil {
if resolved, err = s.ns.Resolve(s.ctx, address); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
// Fake a namespace resolution
resolved = &naming.MountEntry{Servers: []naming.MountedServer{
{Server: address},
// An empty set of protocols means all protocols...
if resolved.Servers, err = filterAndOrderServers(resolved.Servers, s.preferredProtocols); err != nil {
return "", err
for _, n := range resolved.Names() {
address, suffix := naming.SplitAddressName(n)
if suffix != "" {
if ep, err := inaming.NewEndpoint(address); err == nil {
return ep.String(), nil
return "", verror.New(errFailedToResolveToEndpoint, s.ctx, address)
// createEndpoints creates appropriate inaming.Endpoint instances for
// all of the externally accessible network addresses that can be used
// to reach this server.
func (s *server) createEndpoints(lep naming.Endpoint, chooser netstate.AddressChooser) ([]*inaming.Endpoint, string, bool, error) {
iep, ok := lep.(*inaming.Endpoint)
if !ok {
return nil, "", false, verror.New(errInternalTypeConversion, nil, fmt.Sprintf("%T", lep))
if !strings.HasPrefix(iep.Protocol, "tcp") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(iep.Protocol, "ws") {
// If not tcp, ws, or wsh, just return the endpoint we were given.
return []*inaming.Endpoint{iep}, "", false, nil
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(iep.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", false, err
addrs, unspecified, err := netstate.PossibleAddresses(iep.Protocol, host, chooser)
if err != nil {
return nil, port, false, err
ieps := make([]*inaming.Endpoint, 0, len(addrs))
for _, addr := range addrs {
n, err := inaming.NewEndpoint(lep.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, port, false, err
n.IsMountTable = s.servesMountTable
n.Address = net.JoinHostPort(addr.String(), port)
ieps = append(ieps, n)
return ieps, port, unspecified, nil
func (s *server) Listen(listenSpec rpc.ListenSpec) ([]naming.Endpoint, error) {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "listenSpec=")(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
useProxy := len(listenSpec.Proxy) > 0
if !useProxy && len(listenSpec.Addrs) == 0 {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, s.ctx, "ListenSpec contains no proxy or addresses to listen on")
defer s.Unlock()
if err := s.allowed(listening, "Listen"); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Start the proxy as early as possible, ignore duplicate requests
// for the same proxy.
if _, inuse := s.proxies[listenSpec.Proxy]; useProxy && !inuse {
// Pre-emptively fetch discharges on the blessings (they will be cached
// within s.dc for future calls).
// This shouldn't be required, but is a hack to reduce flakiness in
// JavaScript browser integration tests.
// See
s.dc.PrepareDischarges(s.ctx, s.blessings.ThirdPartyCaveats(), security.DischargeImpetus{})
// We have a goroutine for listening on proxy connections.
go func() {
roaming := false
lnState := make([]*listenState, 0, len(listenSpec.Addrs))
for _, addr := range listenSpec.Addrs {
if len(addr.Address) > 0 {
// Listen if we have a local address to listen on.
ls := &listenState{
protocol: addr.Protocol,
address: addr.Address,
ls.ln, ls.lep, ls.lnerr = s.streamMgr.Listen(s.ctx, addr.Protocol, addr.Address, s.blessings, s.listenerOpts...)
lnState = append(lnState, ls)
if ls.lnerr != nil {
s.ctx.VI(2).Infof("Listen(%q, %q, ...) failed: %v", addr.Protocol, addr.Address, ls.lnerr)
ls.ieps, ls.port, ls.roaming, ls.eperr = s.createEndpoints(ls.lep, listenSpec.AddressChooser)
if ls.roaming && ls.eperr == nil {
ls.protoIEP = *ls.lep.(*inaming.Endpoint)
roaming = true
found := false
var lastErr error
for _, ls := range lnState {
if ls.ln != nil {
found = true
if ls.lnerr != nil {
lastErr = ls.lnerr
if !found && !useProxy {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, s.ctx, verror.New(errNoListeners, s.ctx, lastErr))
if roaming && s.dhcpState == nil && s.settingsPublisher != nil {
// Create a dhcp listener if we haven't already done so.
dhcp := &dhcpState{
name: s.settingsName,
publisher: s.settingsPublisher,
watchers: make(map[chan<- rpc.NetworkChange]struct{}),
s.dhcpState = dhcp = make(chan pubsub.Setting, 10), dhcp.err = dhcp.publisher.ForkStream(,
if dhcp.err == nil {
// We have a goroutine to listen for dhcp changes.
go func() {
eps := make([]naming.Endpoint, 0, 10)
for _, ls := range lnState {
s.listenState[ls] = struct{}{}
if ls.ln != nil {
// We have a goroutine per listener to accept new flows.
// Each flow is served from its own goroutine.
go func(ln stream.Listener, ep naming.Endpoint) {
s.listenLoop(ln, ep)
}(ls.ln, ls.lep)
for _, iep := range ls.ieps {
eps = append(eps, iep)
return eps, nil
func (s *server) reconnectAndPublishProxy(proxy string) (*inaming.Endpoint, stream.Listener, error) {
resolved, err := s.resolveToEndpoint(proxy)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errFailedToResolveProxy, s.ctx, proxy, err)
opts := append([]stream.ListenerOpt{proxyAuth{s}}, s.listenerOpts...)
ln, ep, err := s.streamMgr.Listen(s.ctx, inaming.Network, resolved, s.blessings, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errFailedToListenForProxy, s.ctx, resolved, err)
iep, ok := ep.(*inaming.Endpoint)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errInternalTypeConversion, s.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%T", ep))
s.proxies[proxy] = proxyState{iep, nil}
iep.IsMountTable = s.servesMountTable
iep.IsLeaf = s.isLeaf
return iep, ln, nil
func (s *server) proxyListenLoop(proxy string) {
const (
min = 5 * time.Millisecond
max = 5 * time.Minute
iep, ln, err := s.reconnectAndPublishProxy(proxy)
if err != nil {
s.ctx.Errorf("Failed to connect to proxy: %s", err)
// the initial connection maybe have failed, but we enter the retry
// loop anyway so that we will continue to try and connect to the
// proxy.
if s.isStopState() {
for {
if ln != nil && iep != nil {
err := s.listenLoop(ln, iep)
// The listener is done, so:
// (1) Unpublish its name
if err != nil {
s.proxies[proxy] = proxyState{iep, verror.New(verror.ErrNoServers, s.ctx, err)}
} else {
// err will be nil if we're stopping.
s.proxies[proxy] = proxyState{iep, nil}
if s.isStopState() {
// (2) Reconnect to the proxy unless the server has been stopped
backoff := min
ln = nil
for {
select {
case <-time.After(backoff):
if backoff = backoff * 2; backoff > max {
backoff = max
case <-s.stoppedChan:
// (3) reconnect, publish new address
if iep, ln, err = s.reconnectAndPublishProxy(proxy); err != nil {
s.ctx.Errorf("Failed to reconnect to proxy %q: %s", proxy, err)
} else {
s.ctx.VI(1).Infof("Reconnected to proxy %q, %s", proxy, iep)
// addListener adds the supplied listener taking care to
// check to see if we're already stopping. It returns true
// if the listener was added.
func (s *server) addListener(ln stream.Listener) bool {
defer s.Unlock()
if s.isStopState() {
return false
s.listeners[ln] = struct{}{}
return true
// rmListener removes the supplied listener taking care to
// check if we're already stopping. It returns true if the
// listener was removed.
func (s *server) rmListener(ln stream.Listener) bool {
defer s.Unlock()
if s.isStopState() {
return false
delete(s.listeners, ln)
return true
func (s *server) listenLoop(ln stream.Listener, ep naming.Endpoint) error {
defer s.ctx.VI(1).Infof("rpc: Stopped listening on %s", ep)
var calls sync.WaitGroup
if !s.addListener(ln) {
// We're stopping.
return nil
defer func() {
for {
flow, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
s.ctx.VI(10).Infof("rpc: Accept on %v failed: %v", ep, err)
return err
go func(flow stream.Flow) {
defer calls.Done()
fs, err := newFlowServer(flow, s)
if err != nil {
s.ctx.VI(1).Infof("newFlowServer on %v failed: %v", ep, err)
if err := fs.serve(); err != nil {
// TODO(caprita): Logging errors here is too spammy. For example, "not
// authorized" errors shouldn't be logged as server errors.
// TODO(cnicolaou): revisit this when verror2 transition is
// done.
if err != io.EOF {
s.ctx.VI(2).Infof("Flow.serve on %v failed: %v", ep, err)
func (s *server) dhcpLoop(ch chan pubsub.Setting) {
defer s.ctx.VI(1).Infof("rpc: Stopped listen for dhcp changes")
s.ctx.VI(2).Infof("rpc: dhcp loop")
for setting := range ch {
if setting == nil {
switch v := setting.Value().(type) {
case []net.Addr:
if s.isStopState() {
change := rpc.NetworkChange{
Time: time.Now(),
State: externalStates[s.state],
switch setting.Name() {
case NewAddrsSetting:
change.Changed = s.addAddresses(v)
change.AddedAddrs = v
case RmAddrsSetting:
change.Changed, change.Error = s.removeAddresses(v)
change.RemovedAddrs = v
s.ctx.VI(2).Infof("rpc: dhcp: change %v", change)
for ch, _ := range s.dhcpState.watchers {
select {
case ch <- change:
s.ctx.Errorf("rpc: dhcpLoop: unhandled setting type %T", v)
func getHost(address net.Addr) string {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(address.String())
if err == nil {
return host
return address.String()
// Remove all endpoints that have the same host address as the supplied
// address parameter.
func (s *server) removeAddresses(addrs []net.Addr) ([]naming.Endpoint, error) {
var removed []naming.Endpoint
for _, address := range addrs {
host := getHost(address)
for ls, _ := range s.listenState {
if ls != nil && ls.roaming && len(ls.ieps) > 0 {
remaining := make([]*inaming.Endpoint, 0, len(ls.ieps))
for _, iep := range ls.ieps {
lnHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(iep.Address)
if err != nil {
lnHost = iep.Address
if lnHost == host {
s.ctx.VI(2).Infof("rpc: dhcp removing: %s", iep)
removed = append(removed, iep)
remaining = append(remaining, iep)
ls.ieps = remaining
return removed, nil
// Add new endpoints for the new address. There is no way to know with
// 100% confidence which new endpoints to publish without shutting down
// all network connections and reinitializing everything from scratch.
// Instead, we find all roaming listeners with at least one endpoint
// and create a new endpoint with the same port as the existing ones
// but with the new address supplied to us to by the dhcp code. As
// an additional safeguard we reject the new address if it is not
// externally accessible.
// This places the onus on the dhcp/roaming code that sends us addresses
// to ensure that those addresses are externally reachable.
func (s *server) addAddresses(addrs []net.Addr) []naming.Endpoint {
var added []naming.Endpoint
for _, address := range netstate.ConvertToAddresses(addrs) {
if !netstate.IsAccessibleIP(address) {
return added
host := getHost(address)
for ls, _ := range s.listenState {
if ls != nil && ls.roaming {
niep := ls.protoIEP
niep.Address = net.JoinHostPort(host, ls.port)
niep.IsMountTable = s.servesMountTable
niep.IsLeaf = s.isLeaf
ls.ieps = append(ls.ieps, &niep)
s.ctx.VI(2).Infof("rpc: dhcp adding: %s", niep)
added = append(added, &niep)
return added
type leafDispatcher struct {
invoker rpc.Invoker
auth security.Authorizer
func (d leafDispatcher) Lookup(ctx *context.T, suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error) {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "suffix=%.10s...", suffix)(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
if suffix != "" {
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrUnknownSuffix, nil, suffix)
return d.invoker, d.auth, nil
func (s *server) Serve(name string, obj interface{}, authorizer security.Authorizer) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "name=%.10s...,obj=,authorizer=", name)(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
if obj == nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, s.ctx, "nil object")
invoker, err := objectToInvoker(obj)
if err != nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, s.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("bad object: %v", err))
return s.ServeDispatcher(name, &leafDispatcher{invoker, authorizer})
func (s *server) setLeaf(value bool) {
defer s.Unlock()
s.isLeaf = value
for ls, _ := range s.listenState {
for i := range ls.ieps {
ls.ieps[i].IsLeaf = s.isLeaf
func (s *server) ServeDispatcher(name string, disp rpc.Dispatcher) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "name=%.10s...,disp=", name)(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
if disp == nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, s.ctx, "nil dispatcher")
defer s.Unlock()
if err := s.allowed(serving, "Serve or ServeDispatcher"); err != nil {
return err
vtrace.GetSpan(s.ctx).Annotate("Serving under name: " + name)
s.disp = disp
if len(name) > 0 {
for ls, _ := range s.listenState {
for _, iep := range ls.ieps {
s.publisher.AddName(name, s.servesMountTable, s.isLeaf)
return nil
func (s *server) AddName(name string) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "name=%.10s...", name)(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
if len(name) == 0 {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, s.ctx, "name is empty")
defer s.Unlock()
if err := s.allowed(publishing, "AddName"); err != nil {
return err
vtrace.GetSpan(s.ctx).Annotate("Serving under name: " + name)
s.publisher.AddName(name, s.servesMountTable, s.isLeaf)
return nil
func (s *server) RemoveName(name string) {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "name=%.10s...", name)(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
defer s.Unlock()
if err := s.allowed(publishing, "RemoveName"); err != nil {
vtrace.GetSpan(s.ctx).Annotate("Removed name: " + name)
func (s *server) Stop() error {
defer apilog.LogCall(nil)(nil) // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
serverDebug := fmt.Sprintf("Dispatcher: %T, Status:[%v]", s.disp, s.Status())
s.ctx.VI(1).Infof("Stop: %s", serverDebug)
defer s.ctx.VI(1).Infof("Stop done: %s", serverDebug)
if s.isStopState() {
return nil
s.state = stopping
// Delete the stats object.
// Note, It's safe to Stop/WaitForStop on the publisher outside of the
// server lock, since publisher is safe for concurrent access.
// Stop the publisher, which triggers unmounting of published names.
// Wait for the publisher to be done unmounting before we can proceed to
// close the listeners (to minimize the number of mounted names pointing
// to endpoint that are no longer serving).
// TODO(caprita): See if make sense to fail fast on rejecting
// connections once listeners are closed, and parallelize the publisher
// and listener shutdown.
// Close all listeners. No new flows will be accepted, while in-flight
// flows will continue until they terminate naturally.
nListeners := len(s.listeners)
errCh := make(chan error, nListeners)
for ln, _ := range s.listeners {
go func(ln stream.Listener) {
errCh <- ln.Close()
drain := func(ch chan pubsub.Setting) {
for {
select {
case v := <-ch:
if v == nil {
if dhcp := s.dhcpState; dhcp != nil {
// TODO(cnicolaou,caprita): investigate not having to close and drain
// the channel here. It's a little awkward right now since we have to
// be careful to not close the channel in two places, i.e. here and
// and from the publisher's Shutdown method.
if err := dhcp.publisher.CloseFork(,; err == nil {
var firstErr error
for i := 0; i < nListeners; i++ {
if err := <-errCh; err != nil && firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
// At this point, we are guaranteed that no new requests are going to be
// accepted.
// Wait for the publisher and active listener + flows to finish.
done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {; done <- struct{}{} }()
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
s.ctx.Errorf("%s: Listener Close Error: %v", serverDebug, firstErr)
s.ctx.Errorf("%s: Timedout waiting for goroutines to stop: listeners: %d (currently: %d)", serverDebug, nListeners, len(s.listeners))
for ln, _ := range s.listeners {
s.ctx.Errorf("%s: Listener: %v", serverDebug, ln)
for ls, _ := range s.listenState {
s.ctx.Errorf("%s: ListenState: %v", serverDebug, ls)
s.ctx.Infof("%s: Done waiting.", serverDebug)
defer s.Unlock()
s.disp = nil
if firstErr != nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, s.ctx, firstErr)
s.state = stopped
return nil
func (s *server) Closed() <-chan struct{} {
return s.ctx.Done()
// flowServer implements the RPC server-side protocol for a single RPC, over a
// flow that's already connected to the client.
type flowServer struct {
ctx *context.T // context associated with the RPC
server *server // rpc.Server that this flow server belongs to
disp rpc.Dispatcher // rpc.Dispatcher that will serve RPCs on this flow
dec *vom.Decoder // to decode requests and args from the client
enc *vom.Encoder // to encode responses and results to the client
flow stream.Flow // underlying flow
// Fields filled in during the server invocation.
clientBlessings security.Blessings
ackBlessings bool
grantedBlessings security.Blessings
method, suffix string
tags []*vdl.Value
discharges map[string]security.Discharge
starttime time.Time
endStreamArgs bool // are the stream args at EOF?
var (
_ rpc.StreamServerCall = (*flowServer)(nil)
_ security.Call = (*flowServer)(nil)
func newFlowServer(flow stream.Flow, server *server) (*flowServer, error) {
disp := server.disp
fs := &flowServer{
ctx: server.ctx,
server: server,
disp: disp,
flow: flow,
discharges: make(map[string]security.Discharge),
typeenc := flow.VCDataCache().Get(vc.TypeEncoderKey{})
if typeenc == nil {
fs.enc = vom.NewEncoder(flow)
fs.dec = vom.NewDecoder(flow)
} else {
fs.enc = vom.NewEncoderWithTypeEncoder(flow, typeenc.(*vom.TypeEncoder))
typedec := flow.VCDataCache().Get(vc.TypeDecoderKey{})
fs.dec = vom.NewDecoderWithTypeDecoder(flow, typedec.(*vom.TypeDecoder))
return fs, nil
// authorizeVtrace works by simulating a call to __debug/vtrace.Trace. That
// rpc is essentially equivalent in power to the data we are attempting to
// attach here.
func (fs *flowServer) authorizeVtrace(ctx *context.T) error {
// Set up a context as though we were calling __debug/vtrace.
params := &security.CallParams{}
params.Method = "Trace"
params.MethodTags = []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Debug)}
params.Suffix = "__debug/vtrace"
var auth security.Authorizer
if fs.server.dispReserved != nil {
_, auth, _ = fs.server.dispReserved.Lookup(ctx, params.Suffix)
return authorize(fs.ctx, security.NewCall(params), auth)
func (fs *flowServer) serve() error {
defer fs.flow.Close()
results, err := fs.processRequest()
var traceResponse vtrace.Response
// Check if the caller is permitted to view vtrace data.
if fs.authorizeVtrace(fs.ctx) == nil {
traceResponse = vtrace.GetResponse(fs.ctx)
// Respond to the client with the response header and positional results.
response := rpc.Response{
Error: err,
EndStreamResults: true,
NumPosResults: uint64(len(results)),
TraceResponse: traceResponse,
AckBlessings: fs.ackBlessings,
if err := fs.enc.Encode(response); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return err
return verror.New(errResponseEncoding, fs.ctx, fs.LocalEndpoint().String(), fs.RemoteEndpoint().String(), err)
if response.Error != nil {
return response.Error
for ix, res := range results {
if err := fs.enc.Encode(res); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return err
return verror.New(errResultEncoding, fs.ctx, ix, fmt.Sprintf("%T=%v", res, res), err)
// TODO(ashankar): Should unread data from the flow be drained?
// Reason to do so:
// The common stream.Flow implementation (
// uses iobuf.Slices backed by an iobuf.Pool. If the stream is not drained, these
// slices will not be returned to the pool leading to possibly increased memory usage.
// Reason to not do so:
// Draining here will conflict with any Reads on the flow in a separate goroutine
// (for example, see TestStreamReadTerminatedByServer in full_test.go).
// For now, go with the reason to not do so as having unread data in the stream
// should be a rare case.
return nil
func (fs *flowServer) readRPCRequest() (*rpc.Request, error) {
// Set a default timeout before reading from the flow. Without this timeout,
// a client that sends no request or a partial request will retain the flow
// indefinitely (and lock up server resources).
initTimer := newTimer(defaultCallTimeout)
defer initTimer.Stop()
// Decode the initial request.
var req rpc.Request
if err := fs.dec.Decode(&req); err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrBadProtocol, fs.ctx, newErrBadRequest(fs.ctx, err))
return &req, nil
func (fs *flowServer) processRequest() ([]interface{}, error) {
fs.starttime = time.Now()
req, err := fs.readRPCRequest()
if err != nil {
// We don't know what the rpc call was supposed to be, but we'll create
// a placeholder span so we can capture annotations.
fs.ctx, _ = vtrace.WithNewSpan(fs.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\".UNKNOWN", fs.suffix))
return nil, err
// We must call fs.drainDecoderArgs for any error that occurs
// after this point, and before we actually decode the arguments.
fs.method = req.Method
fs.suffix = strings.TrimLeft(req.Suffix, "/")
if req.Language != "" {
fs.ctx = i18n.WithLangID(fs.ctx, i18n.LangID(req.Language))
// TODO(mattr): Currently this allows users to trigger trace collection
// on the server even if they will not be allowed to collect the
// results later. This might be considered a DOS vector.
spanName := fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\".%s", fs.suffix, fs.method)
fs.ctx, _ = vtrace.WithContinuedTrace(fs.ctx, spanName, req.TraceRequest)
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if !req.Deadline.IsZero() {
fs.ctx, cancel = context.WithDeadline(fs.ctx, req.Deadline.Time)
} else {
fs.ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(fs.ctx)
go fs.cancelContextOnClose(cancel)
// Initialize security: blessings, discharges, etc.
if err := fs.initSecurity(req); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Lookup the invoker.
invoker, auth, err := fs.lookup(fs.suffix, fs.method)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Note that we strip the reserved prefix when calling the invoker so
// that __Glob will call Glob. Note that we've already assigned a
// special invoker so that we never call the wrong method by mistake.
strippedMethod := naming.StripReserved(fs.method)
// Prepare invoker and decode args.
numArgs := int(req.NumPosArgs)
argptrs, tags, err := invoker.Prepare(fs.ctx, strippedMethod, numArgs)
fs.tags = tags
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if called, want := req.NumPosArgs, uint64(len(argptrs)); called != want {
return nil, newErrBadNumInputArgs(fs.ctx, fs.suffix, fs.method, called, want)
for ix, argptr := range argptrs {
if err := fs.dec.Decode(argptr); err != nil {
return nil, newErrBadInputArg(fs.ctx, fs.suffix, fs.method, uint64(ix), err)
// Check application's authorization policy.
if err := authorize(fs.ctx, fs, auth); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Invoke the method.
results, err := invoker.Invoke(fs.ctx, fs, strippedMethod, argptrs)
fs.server.stats.record(fs.method, time.Since(fs.starttime))
return results, err
// drainDecoderArgs drains the next n arguments encoded onto the flows decoder.
// This is needed to ensure that the client is able to encode all of its args
// before the server closes its flow. This guarantees that the client will
// consistently get the server's error response.
// TODO(suharshs): Figure out a better way to solve this race condition without
// unnecessarily reading all arguments.
func (fs *flowServer) drainDecoderArgs(n int) error {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if err := fs.dec.Ignore(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (fs *flowServer) cancelContextOnClose(cancel context.CancelFunc) {
// Ensure that the context gets cancelled if the flow is closed
// due to a network error, or client cancellation.
select {
case <-fs.flow.Closed():
// Here we remove the contexts channel as a deadline to the flow.
// We do this to ensure clients get a consistent error when they read/write
// after the flow is closed. Since the flow is already closed, it doesn't
// matter that the context is also cancelled.
case <-fs.ctx.Done():
// lookup returns the invoker and authorizer responsible for serving the given
// name and method. The suffix is stripped of any leading slashes. If it begins
// with rpc.DebugKeyword, we use the internal debug dispatcher to look up the
// invoker. Otherwise, and we use the server's dispatcher. The suffix and method
// value may be modified to match the actual suffix and method to use.
func (fs *flowServer) lookup(suffix string, method string) (rpc.Invoker, security.Authorizer, error) {
if naming.IsReserved(method) {
return reservedInvoker(fs.disp, fs.server.dispReserved), security.AllowEveryone(), nil
disp := fs.disp
if naming.IsReserved(suffix) {
disp = fs.server.dispReserved
} else if fs.server.isLeaf && suffix != "" {
innerErr := verror.New(errUnexpectedSuffix, fs.ctx, suffix)
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrUnknownSuffix, fs.ctx, suffix, innerErr)
if disp != nil {
obj, auth, err := disp.Lookup(fs.ctx, suffix)
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, nil, err
case obj != nil:
invoker, err := objectToInvoker(obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, fs.ctx, "invalid received object", err)
return invoker, auth, nil
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrUnknownSuffix, fs.ctx, suffix)
func objectToInvoker(obj interface{}) (rpc.Invoker, error) {
if obj == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil object")
if invoker, ok := obj.(rpc.Invoker); ok {
return invoker, nil
return rpc.ReflectInvoker(obj)
func (fs *flowServer) initSecurity(req *rpc.Request) error {
// LocalPrincipal is nil which means we are operating under
// SecurityNone.
if fs.LocalPrincipal() == nil {
return nil
// If additional credentials are provided, make them available in the context
// Detect unusable blessings now, rather then discovering they are unusable on
// first use.
// TODO(ashankar,ataly): Potential confused deputy attack: The client provides
// the server's identity as the blessing. Figure out what we want to do about
// this - should servers be able to assume that a blessing is something that
// does not have the authorizations that the server's own identity has?
if got, want := req.GrantedBlessings.PublicKey(), fs.LocalPrincipal().PublicKey(); got != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return verror.New(verror.ErrNoAccess, fs.ctx, verror.New(errBlessingsNotBound, fs.ctx, got, want))
fs.grantedBlessings = req.GrantedBlessings
var err error
if fs.clientBlessings, err = serverDecodeBlessings(fs.flow.VCDataCache(), req.Blessings, fs.server.stats); err != nil {
// When the server can't access the blessings cache, the client is not following
// protocol, so the server closes the VCs corresponding to the client endpoint.
// TODO(suharshs,toddw): Figure out a way to only shutdown the current VC, instead
// of all VCs connected to the RemoteEndpoint.
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadProtocol, fs.ctx, newErrBadBlessingsCache(fs.ctx, err))
// Verify that the blessings sent by the client in the request have the same public
// key as those sent by the client during VC establishment.
if got, want := fs.clientBlessings.PublicKey(), fs.flow.RemoteBlessings().PublicKey(); got != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return verror.New(verror.ErrNoAccess, fs.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("blessings sent with the request are bound to a different public key (%v) from the blessing used during VC establishment (%v)", got, want))
fs.ackBlessings = true
for _, d := range req.Discharges {
fs.discharges[d.ID()] = d
return nil
func authorize(ctx *context.T, call security.Call, auth security.Authorizer) error {
if call.LocalPrincipal() == nil {
// LocalPrincipal is nil means that the server wanted to avoid
// authentication, and thus wanted to skip authorization as well.
return nil
if auth == nil {
auth = security.DefaultAuthorizer()
if err := auth.Authorize(ctx, call); err != nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrNoAccess, ctx, newErrBadAuth(ctx, call.Suffix(), call.Method(), err))
return nil
// Send implements the rpc.Stream method.
func (fs *flowServer) Send(item interface{}) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "item=")(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
// The empty response header indicates what follows is a streaming result.
if err := fs.enc.Encode(rpc.Response{}); err != nil {
return err
return fs.enc.Encode(item)
// Recv implements the rpc.Stream method.
func (fs *flowServer) Recv(itemptr interface{}) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "itemptr=")(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
var req rpc.Request
if err := fs.dec.Decode(&req); err != nil {
return err
if req.EndStreamArgs {
fs.endStreamArgs = true
return io.EOF
return fs.dec.Decode(itemptr)
// Implementations of rpc.ServerCall and security.Call methods.
func (fs *flowServer) Security() security.Call {
return fs
func (fs *flowServer) LocalDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge {
return fs.flow.LocalDischarges()
func (fs *flowServer) RemoteDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge {
return fs.discharges
func (fs *flowServer) Server() rpc.Server {
return fs.server
func (fs *flowServer) Timestamp() time.Time {
return fs.starttime
func (fs *flowServer) Method() string {
return fs.method
func (fs *flowServer) MethodTags() []*vdl.Value {
return fs.tags
func (fs *flowServer) Suffix() string {
return fs.suffix
func (fs *flowServer) LocalPrincipal() security.Principal {
return fs.flow.LocalPrincipal()
func (fs *flowServer) LocalBlessings() security.Blessings {
return fs.flow.LocalBlessings()
func (fs *flowServer) RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings {
if !fs.clientBlessings.IsZero() {
return fs.clientBlessings
return fs.flow.RemoteBlessings()
func (fs *flowServer) GrantedBlessings() security.Blessings {
return fs.grantedBlessings
func (fs *flowServer) LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint {
return fs.flow.LocalEndpoint()
func (fs *flowServer) RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint {
return fs.flow.RemoteEndpoint()
type proxyAuth struct {
s *server
func (a proxyAuth) RPCStreamListenerOpt() {}
func (a proxyAuth) Login(proxy stream.Flow) (security.Blessings, []security.Discharge, error) {
var (
principal = a.s.principal
dc = a.s.dc
ctx = a.s.ctx
if principal == nil {
return security.Blessings{}, nil, nil
proxyNames, _ := security.RemoteBlessingNames(ctx, security.NewCall(&security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: principal,
RemoteBlessings: proxy.RemoteBlessings(),
RemoteDischarges: proxy.RemoteDischarges(),
RemoteEndpoint: proxy.RemoteEndpoint(),
LocalEndpoint: proxy.LocalEndpoint(),
blessings := principal.BlessingStore().ForPeer(proxyNames...)
tpc := blessings.ThirdPartyCaveats()
if len(tpc) == 0 {
return blessings, nil, nil
// Set DischargeImpetus.Server = proxyNames.
// See
discharges := dc.PrepareDischarges(ctx, tpc, security.DischargeImpetus{})
return blessings, discharges, nil
var _ manager.ProxyAuthenticator = proxyAuth{}