blob: dbb474d1d970de0f77207b08aa983deb0faf3d12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package message
import (
inaming ""
var (
// These errors are intended to be used as arguments to higher
// level errors and hence {1}{2} is omitted from their format
// strings to avoid repeating these n-times in the final error
// message visible to the user.
errUnrecognizedVCControlMessageCommand = reg(".errUnrecognizedVCControlMessageCommand",
"unrecognized VC control message command({3})")
errUnrecognizedVCControlMessageType = reg(".errUnrecognizedVCControlMessageType",
"unrecognized VC control message type({3})")
errFailedToDeserializedVCControlMessage = reg(".errFailedToDeserializedVCControlMessage", "failed to deserialize control message {3}({4}): {5}")
errFailedToWriteHeader = reg(".errFailedToWriteHeader", "failed to write header. Wrote {3} bytes instead of {4}{:5}")
// Control is the interface implemented by all control messages.
type Control interface {
readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) error
writeTo(w io.Writer) error
// SetupVC is a Control implementation containing information to setup a new
// virtual circuit.
type SetupVC struct {
LocalEndpoint naming.Endpoint // Endpoint of the sender (as seen by the sender), can be nil.
RemoteEndpoint naming.Endpoint // Endpoint of the receiver (as seen by the sender), can be nil.
Counters Counters
Setup Setup // Negotiate versioning and encryption.
// CloseVC is a Control implementation notifying the closure of an established
// virtual circuit, or failure to establish a virtual circuit.
// The Error string will be empty in case the close was the result of an
// explicit close by the application (and not an error).
type CloseVC struct {
Error string
// AddReceiveBuffers is a Control implementation used by the sender of the
// message to inform the other end of a virtual circuit that it is ready to
// receive more bytes of data (specified per flow).
type AddReceiveBuffers struct {
Counters Counters
// OpenFlow is a Control implementation notifying the senders intent to create
// a new Flow. It also include the number of bytes the sender of this message
// is willing to read.
type OpenFlow struct {
Flow id.Flow
InitialCounters uint32
// Setup is a control message used to negotiate VIF/VC options.
type Setup struct {
Versions version.Range
Options []SetupOption
// SetupStream is a byte stream used to negotiate VIF setup. During VIF setup,
// each party sends a Setup message to the other party containing their version
// and options. If the version requires further negotiation (such as for
// authentication), the SetupStream is used for the negotiation.
// The protocol used on the stream is version-specific, it is not specified here.
// See vif/auth.go for an example.
type SetupStream struct {
Data []byte
// HealthCheckRequest is used to periodically check to see if the remote end
// is still available.
type HealthCheckRequest struct {
// HealthCheckResponse is sent in response to a health check request.
type HealthCheckResponse struct {
// Command enum.
type command uint8
const (
closeVCCommand command = 1
addReceiveBuffersCommand command = 2
openFlowCommand command = 3
setupCommand command = 4
setupStreamCommand command = 5
setupVCCommand command = 6
healthCheckReqCommand command = 7
healthCheckRespCommand command = 8
// SetupOption is the base interface for optional Setup options.
type SetupOption interface {
// code is the identifier for the option.
code() setupOptionCode
// size returns the number of bytes needed to represent the option.
size() uint16
// write the option to the writer.
write(w io.Writer) error
// read the option from the reader.
read(r io.Reader) error
// Setup option codes.
type setupOptionCode uint16
const (
naclBoxOptionCode setupOptionCode = 0
peerEndpointOptionCode setupOptionCode = 1
useVIFAuthenticationOptionCode setupOptionCode = 2
// NaclBox is a SetupOption that specifies the public key for the NaclBox
// encryption protocol.
type NaclBox struct {
PublicKey crypto.BoxKey
// PeerEndpoint is a SetupOption that exchanges the endpoints between peers.
type PeerEndpoint struct {
LocalEndpoint naming.Endpoint // Endpoint of the sender (as seen by the sender).
// UseVIFAuthentication is a SetupOption that notifies the server to use
// the VIF authentication for the new virtual circuit.
type UseVIFAuthentication struct {
// Signature for binding a principal to a channel to make sure that the peer
// who requests to use VIF authentication is the same peer of the VIF.
Signature []byte
func writeControl(w io.Writer, m Control) error {
var command command
switch m.(type) {
case *CloseVC:
command = closeVCCommand
case *AddReceiveBuffers:
command = addReceiveBuffersCommand
case *OpenFlow:
command = openFlowCommand
case *Setup:
command = setupCommand
case *SetupStream:
command = setupStreamCommand
case *SetupVC:
command = setupVCCommand
case *HealthCheckRequest:
command = healthCheckReqCommand
case *HealthCheckResponse:
command = healthCheckRespCommand
return verror.New(errUnrecognizedVCControlMessageType, nil, fmt.Sprintf("%T", m))
var header [1]byte
header[0] = byte(command)
if n, err := w.Write(header[:]); n != len(header) || err != nil {
return verror.New(errFailedToWriteHeader, nil, n, len(header), err)
if err := m.writeTo(w); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func readControl(r *bytes.Buffer) (Control, error) {
var header byte
var err error
if header, err = r.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return nil, err
command := command(header)
var m Control
switch command {
case closeVCCommand:
m = new(CloseVC)
case addReceiveBuffersCommand:
m = new(AddReceiveBuffers)
case openFlowCommand:
m = new(OpenFlow)
case setupCommand:
m = new(Setup)
case setupStreamCommand:
m = new(SetupStream)
case setupVCCommand:
m = new(SetupVC)
case healthCheckReqCommand:
m = new(HealthCheckRequest)
case healthCheckRespCommand:
m = new(HealthCheckResponse)
return nil, verror.New(errUnrecognizedVCControlMessageCommand, nil, command)
if err := m.readFrom(r); err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(errFailedToDeserializedVCControlMessage, nil, command, fmt.Sprintf("%T", m), err)
return m, nil
func (m *CloseVC) writeTo(w io.Writer) (err error) {
if err = writeInt(w, m.VCI); err != nil {
err = writeString(w, m.Error)
func (m *CloseVC) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
if err = readInt(r, &m.VCI); err != nil {
m.Error, err = readString(r)
func (m *HealthCheckRequest) writeTo(w io.Writer) (err error) {
return writeInt(w, m.VCI)
func (m *HealthCheckRequest) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
return readInt(r, &m.VCI)
func (m *HealthCheckResponse) writeTo(w io.Writer) (err error) {
return writeInt(w, m.VCI)
func (m *HealthCheckResponse) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
return readInt(r, &m.VCI)
func (m *SetupVC) writeTo(w io.Writer) (err error) {
if err = writeInt(w, m.VCI); err != nil {
var ep string
if m.LocalEndpoint != nil {
ep = m.LocalEndpoint.String()
if err = writeString(w, ep); err != nil {
if m.RemoteEndpoint != nil {
ep = m.RemoteEndpoint.String()
if err = writeString(w, ep); err != nil {
if err = writeCounters(w, m.Counters); err != nil {
err = m.Setup.writeTo(w)
func (m *SetupVC) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
if err = readInt(r, &m.VCI); err != nil {
var ep string
if ep, err = readString(r); err != nil {
if len(ep) > 0 {
if m.LocalEndpoint, err = inaming.NewEndpoint(ep); err != nil {
if ep, err = readString(r); err != nil {
if len(ep) > 0 {
if m.RemoteEndpoint, err = inaming.NewEndpoint(ep); err != nil {
if m.Counters, err = readCounters(r); err != nil {
err = m.Setup.readFrom(r)
func (m *AddReceiveBuffers) writeTo(w io.Writer) error {
return writeCounters(w, m.Counters)
func (m *AddReceiveBuffers) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
m.Counters, err = readCounters(r)
func (m *OpenFlow) writeTo(w io.Writer) (err error) {
if err = writeInt(w, m.VCI); err != nil {
if err = writeInt(w, m.Flow); err != nil {
err = writeInt(w, m.InitialCounters)
func (m *OpenFlow) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
if err = readInt(r, &m.VCI); err != nil {
if err = readInt(r, &m.Flow); err != nil {
err = readInt(r, &m.InitialCounters)
func (m *Setup) writeTo(w io.Writer) (err error) {
if err = writeInt(w, m.Versions.Min); err != nil {
if err = writeInt(w, m.Versions.Max); err != nil {
err = writeSetupOptions(w, m.Options)
func (m *Setup) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
if err = readInt(r, &m.Versions.Min); err != nil {
if err = readInt(r, &m.Versions.Max); err != nil {
m.Options, err = readSetupOptions(r)
func (m *SetupStream) writeTo(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := w.Write(m.Data)
return err
func (m *SetupStream) readFrom(r *bytes.Buffer) error {
m.Data = r.Bytes()
return nil
// NaclBox returns the first NaclBox option, or nil if there is none.
func (m *Setup) NaclBox() *NaclBox {
for _, opt := range m.Options {
if o, ok := opt.(*NaclBox); ok {
return o
return nil
func (*NaclBox) code() setupOptionCode {
return naclBoxOptionCode
func (m *NaclBox) size() uint16 {
return uint16(len(m.PublicKey))
func (m *NaclBox) write(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := w.Write(m.PublicKey[:])
return err
func (m *NaclBox) read(r io.Reader) error {
_, err := io.ReadFull(r, m.PublicKey[:])
return err
// PeerEndpoint returns the naming.Endpoint in the first PeerEndpoint
// option, or nil if there is none.
func (m *Setup) PeerEndpoint() naming.Endpoint {
for _, opt := range m.Options {
if o, ok := opt.(*PeerEndpoint); ok {
return o.LocalEndpoint
return nil
func (*PeerEndpoint) code() setupOptionCode {
return peerEndpointOptionCode
func (m *PeerEndpoint) size() uint16 {
var ep string
if m.LocalEndpoint != nil {
ep = m.LocalEndpoint.String()
return uint16(sizeOfSizeT + len(ep))
func (m *PeerEndpoint) write(w io.Writer) error {
var ep string
if m.LocalEndpoint != nil {
ep = m.LocalEndpoint.String()
return writeString(w, ep)
func (m *PeerEndpoint) read(r io.Reader) (err error) {
var ep string
if ep, err = readString(r); err != nil {
if len(ep) > 0 {
m.LocalEndpoint, err = inaming.NewEndpoint(ep)
// UseVIFAuthentication returns the signature of the first UseVIFAuthentication
// option, or nil if there is none.
func (m *Setup) UseVIFAuthentication() []byte {
for _, opt := range m.Options {
if o, ok := opt.(*UseVIFAuthentication); ok {
return o.Signature
return nil
func (*UseVIFAuthentication) code() setupOptionCode {
return useVIFAuthenticationOptionCode
func (m *UseVIFAuthentication) size() uint16 {
return uint16(sizeOfSizeT + len(m.Signature))
func (m *UseVIFAuthentication) write(w io.Writer) error {
return writeBytes(w, m.Signature)
func (m *UseVIFAuthentication) read(r io.Reader) (err error) {
m.Signature, err = readBytes(r)