blob: c1f87f6e534fa2d24f99422a7864ae0f0eb3f752 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package impl
import (
// computePath builds the desired path for the debug perms.
func computePath(path string) string {
return filepath.Join(path, "debugacls")
// setPermsForDebugging constructs a Permissions file for use by applications
// that permits principals with a Debug right on an application instance to
// access names in the app's __debug space.
func setPermsForDebugging(blessings []string, perms access.Permissions, instancePath string, permsStore *pathperms.PathStore) error {
path := computePath(instancePath)
newPerms := make(access.Permissions)
// Add blessings for the DM so that it can access the app too.
set := func(bl security.BlessingPattern) {
for _, tag := range []access.Tag{access.Resolve, access.Debug} {
newPerms.Add(bl, string(tag))
for _, b := range blessings {
// add Resolve for every blessing that has debug
for _, v := range perms["Debug"].In {
return permsStore.SetShareable(path, newPerms, "", true)