blob: 7efaf2848d34569d91f244f31e11eba3ffd4c372 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bcrypter
import (
func newRoot(name string) *Root {
master, err := ibe.SetupBB1()
if err != nil {
return NewRoot(name, master)
func newPlaintext() []byte {
return []byte("AThirtyTwoBytePieceOfTextThisIs!")
func TextExtract(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := context.RootContext()
defer shutdown()
googleYoutube := newRoot("google/youtube")
// googleYoutube shoud not be able to extract a key for the blessing "google".
if _, err := googleYoutube.Extract(ctx, "google"); err == nil {
t.Fatal("extraction for google unexpectedly succeeded")
// googleYoutube should be able to extract keys for the following blessings.
blessings := []string{"google/youtube", "google/youtube/alice", "google/youtube/bob", "google/youtube/alice/phone"}
for _, b := range blessings {
key, err := googleYoutube.Extract(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
if got := key.Blessing(); got != b {
t.Fatalf("extracted key is for blessing %v, want key for blessing %v", got, b)
if got, want := key.Params, googleYoutube.Params(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("extract key is for params %v, want key for params %v", got, want)
// Every key should be unique.
key1, _ := googleYoutube.Extract(ctx, "google/youtube/alice")
key2, _ := googleYoutube.Extract(ctx, "google/youtube/alice")
if reflect.DeepEqual(key1, key2) {
t.Fatal("Two Extract operations yielded the same PrivateKey")
func TestEncrypt(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := context.RootContext()
defer shutdown()
var (
googleYoutube = newRoot("google/youtube")
google = newRoot("google")
encrypter = NewCrypter()
ptxt = newPlaintext()
// empty encrypter should not be able to encrypt for any pattern.
if _, err := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, "google/youtube/alice", ptxt); verror.ErrorID(err) != ErrNoParams.ID {
t.Fatalf("Got error %v, wanted error with ID %v", err, ErrNoParams.ID)
// add googleYoutube's params to the encrypter.
if err := encrypter.AddParams(ctx, googleYoutube.Params()); err != nil {
// encrypting for "google/youtube/alice" should now succeed.
if _, err := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, "google/youtube/alice", ptxt); err != nil {
// encrypting for pattern "google" should still fail as the encrypter
// does not have params that are authoritative on all blessings matching
// the pattern "google" (the googleYoutube params are authoritative on
// blessings matching "google/youtube").
if _, err := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, "google", ptxt); verror.ErrorID(err) != ErrNoParams.ID {
t.Fatalf("Got error %v, wanted error with ID %v", err, ErrNoParams.ID)
// add google's params to the encrypter.
if err := encrypter.AddParams(ctx, google.Params()); err != nil {
// encrypting for "google" should now succeed.
if _, err := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, "google", ptxt); err != nil {
// Encryption should succeed for all of the following patterns
patterns := []security.BlessingPattern{"google", "google/$", "google/alice", "google/bob", "google/bob/phone"}
for _, p := range patterns {
if _, err := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, p, ptxt); err != nil {
// Every ciphertext should be unique.
ctxt1, _ := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, "google", ptxt)
ctxt2, _ := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, "google", ptxt)
if reflect.DeepEqual(ctxt1, ctxt2) {
t.Fatal("Two Encrypt operations yielded the same Ciphertext")
func TestDecrypt(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := context.RootContext()
defer shutdown()
addParams := func(c *Crypter, params Params) {
if err := c.AddParams(ctx, params); err != nil {
extract := func(r *Root, b string) *PrivateKey {
key, err := r.Extract(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
return key
var (
// Create two roots for the name "google".
google1 = newRoot("google")
google2 = newRoot("google")
encrypter = NewCrypter()
ptxt = newPlaintext()
googleAlice1 = extract(google1, "google/alice/phone")
googleAlice2 = extract(google2, "google/alice/tablet/app")
// Add roots google1 and google2 to the encrypter.
addParams(encrypter, google1.Params())
addParams(encrypter, google2.Params())
// encrypt for the pattern "google/alice"
ctxt, err := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, "google/alice", ptxt)
if err != nil {
// A decrypter without any private key should not be able
// to decrypt this ciphertext.
decrypter := NewCrypter()
if _, err := decrypter.Decrypt(ctx, ctxt); verror.ErrorID(err) != ErrPrivateKeyNotFound.ID {
t.Fatalf("Got error %v, wanted error with ID %v", err, ErrPrivateKeyNotFound.ID)
// Add key googleAlice1 to the decrypter.
if err := decrypter.AddKey(ctx, googleAlice1); err != nil {
// Decryption should now succeed.
if got, err := decrypter.Decrypt(ctx, ctxt); err != nil {
} else if !bytes.Equal(got, ptxt) {
t.Fatalf("Got plaintext %v, want %v", got, ptxt)
// Decryption should have succeeded had the decrypter only contained
// googleAlice2.
decrypter = NewCrypter()
if err := decrypter.AddKey(ctx, googleAlice2); err != nil {
if got, err := decrypter.Decrypt(ctx, ctxt); err != nil {
} else if !bytes.Equal(got, ptxt) {
t.Fatalf("Got plaintext %v, want %v", got, ptxt)
// Decryption should fail for ciphertexts encrypted for the following
// patterns (At this point the decrypter only has a key for the blessing
// "google/alice/tablet/app" from the root google2).
patterns := []security.BlessingPattern{"google/alice/$", "google/bob", "google/alice/tablet/$", "google/bob/tablet"}
for _, p := range patterns {
ctxt, err := encrypter.Encrypt(ctx, p, ptxt)
if err != nil {
if _, err := decrypter.Decrypt(ctx, ctxt); verror.ErrorID(err) != ErrPrivateKeyNotFound.ID {
t.Fatalf("Got error %v, wanted error with ID %v", err, ErrPrivateKeyNotFound.ID)
// Adding the private key googleAlice2 should have also added
// google's public params. Thus encrypting for the following
// patterns should succeed.
patterns = []security.BlessingPattern{"google", "google/$", "google/alice", "google/bob", "google/bob/phone"}
for _, p := range patterns {
if _, err := decrypter.Encrypt(ctx, p, ptxt); err != nil {
// But encrypting for the following patterns should fail.
patterns = []security.BlessingPattern{"youtube", "youtube/$", "youtube/alice"}
for _, p := range patterns {
if _, err := decrypter.Encrypt(ctx, p, ptxt); verror.ErrorID(err) != ErrNoParams.ID {
t.Fatalf("Got error %v, wanted error with ID %v", err, ErrNoParams.ID)
func TestWireCiphertext(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := context.RootContext()
defer shutdown()
ptxt := newPlaintext()
encrypt := func(params Params, pattern security.BlessingPattern) *Ciphertext {
enc := NewCrypter()
if err := enc.AddParams(ctx, params); err != nil {
ctxt, err := enc.Encrypt(ctx, pattern, ptxt)
if err != nil {
return ctxt
decryptAndVerify := func(ctxt *Ciphertext, key *PrivateKey) error {
dec := NewCrypter()
if err := dec.AddKey(ctx, key); err != nil {
return err
if got, err := dec.Decrypt(ctx, ctxt); err != nil {
return err
} else if !bytes.Equal(got, ptxt) {
return fmt.Errorf("got plaintext %v, want %v", got, ptxt)
return nil
var (
google = newRoot("google")
params = google.Params()
key, _ = google.Extract(ctx, "google")
ctxt = encrypt(params, "google/$")
// Verify that the ciphertext 'ctxt' can be decrypted using
// private key 'key' into the desired plaintext.
if err := decryptAndVerify(ctxt, key); err != nil {
// Marshal and Unmarshal ciphertext 'ctxt' and verify that decryption
// with private key 'key' still succeeds.
var (
newCtxt Ciphertext
wireCtxt WireCiphertext
if err := decryptAndVerify(&newCtxt, key); err != nil {
// Marshal and Unmarshal the private key 'key' and verify that decryption
// of 'ctxt' still succeeds.
var (
newKey PrivateKey
wireKey WirePrivateKey
if err := key.ToWire(&wireKey); err != nil {
} else if err = newKey.FromWire(wireKey); err != nil {
if err := decryptAndVerify(ctxt, &newKey); err != nil {
// Marshal and Unmarshal the root params and verify that encryption
// still results in a ciphertext that can be decrypted with the private
// key 'key'.
var (
newParams Params
wireParams WireParams
if err := params.ToWire(&wireParams); err != nil {
} else if err = newParams.FromWire(wireParams); err != nil {
ctxt = encrypt(newParams, "google/$")
if err := decryptAndVerify(ctxt, key); err != nil {